Why Can’t I Login to Penn Foster

When we try to login to Penn Foster and then we find that we cannot login, there may be something wrong. But, do not be worried and don’t think that it is the end of the world because we have some tips that you can do when you are in this situation.

The Reasons Cannot Login to Penn Foster

There are a number of reasons why you are not able to login to Penn Foster. One of the reasons is because you put the wrong username or password. So, when you enter your username and password, you have to make sure that you enter them correctly. Enter your username and password slowly so that you do not miss any letter or number.

Why Can't I Login to Penn Foster

Another reason why you cannot login may be because there is a technical issue which is only technician who can understand it so that you are able to contact the student services to fix it. Below, we will give you the contact of Penn Foster that you can use to get help.

How to Fix Login Problem at Penn Foster

The methods to fix the login problem depends on the reason why you cannot login to Penn Foster. If you cannot login to Penn Foster because you forgot your username, then you have to recreate your username by using Forgot Username link. Then, you have to follow the steps there to create a new username and password. If we recreate a new username and password, does it affect our student record information which has already been stored on the Penn Foster website? No, at all. It will not affect your student record information so that you do not have to be worried.

If you cannot login because you forgot your password, the thing that you can do is to use the Forgot Password link and then you have to follow the steps to be able to reset your password.

If the reason why you cannot login to Penn Foster is because you do not know your username and password, first you have to make sure that you have already created your username and password at Penn Foster. Username and password at Penn Foster are created by the student itself. So, if this is your first time to visit the student services website, you have to create your username and password by using Create a Login link and then you have to follow the steps to create your username and password.

Penn Foster Contacts to Get Help

If you want to get help, get more information or to enroll in a program at Penn Foster, there are contacts that you are able to use as we explain below.

  • Student Services

Are you an enrolled student and have questions about your program? It is common to have questions related to your program as a new student. You are able to contact Student Services at 1-888-427-1000. You are also able to email Student Services by logging in and then click on the Help & Support Section of your Student Portal.

  • Requesting Transcript

As a student, you may need an official copy of your Penn Foster transcript. If so, you are able to access Penn Foster website and access Transcript section or in the Contact Us page, you can click on Click Here link on the Transcript Request. After you click on the link, then you have to fill out the form so that the system will locate your student record. In the forms, the things that you have to fill out include Country, Student Number, First Name, Last Name, Address, City, State and Phone Number. If you find it difficult to locate your student record, you can try different entries. Let’s say that you have lived in multiple places or changed phone numbers, so you can try to enter in former addresses or phone numbers. But, if you have tried this method and you still cannot find your student record, you are able to send an email at stuserv@pennfoster.edu. After you locate your student record, then you will be transferred to a third party provider to request your official Penn Foster transcript.

  • Requesting Duplicate Diploma or Certificate Requests

If you are looking for a duplicate copy of your Penn Foster certificate or diploma, the procedure is the same as when you request your transcript above.

  • Penn Foster Career School

Are you not a student of Penn Foster Career School and you have a question related to it? You are able to get the information by calling 1-800-275-4410 or you can email an Admissions Specialist. If you want to send fax, here is the number 1-570-961-4030.

Penn Foster Career School Student Services Center is located at 925 Oak Street, Scranton, PA 18515 USA.

  • Penn Foster High School

If you are not a student of Penn Foster High School and you have a question, call at 1-888-427-6200 or you can email an Admissions Specialist. The fax and the address of the student services center is the same as Penn Foster Career School above.

  • Penn Foster College

With the Student Services Center in Scranton, Pennsylvania, Penn Foster College has contracted to offer registration processing and certain student services. But, Penn Foster College itself is located in Scottsdale, Arizona. If you need help, you are able to contact the college or speak with an instructor to 1-888-427-0600. The instructors who are on duty will answer questions from 7 am to 4 pm, Mountain Time (9 am to 6 pm, Eastern Time) from Monday to Friday. If you want to contact them out of this business time, you can leave a message or you can return to call on the next business day. If you are not a student of Penn Foster College, you are able to call 1-800-471-3232 or you can email an Admissions Specialist. The fax is 1-570-961-4030.

The administrative office of Penn Foster College address is at 14300 N. Northsight Blvd., Suite 125, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 USA.

  • If you are outside the USA, the address of the Student Services Center of Penn Foster Career School that you can use is P.O. Box 1900, Scranton, PA 18501 USA. The phone number is 570-961-4033, the USA country code is 1. The fax is 570-702-8380 and the email address is infoims@pennfoster.com.
  • If you are outside the USA, you can ask your question about Penn Foster College to the Student Service Center to P.O. Box 1900, Scranton, PA 18501 USA. The phone number is 480-947-3994, note that the USA Country Code is 1. The fax is 480-947-2680. The address of administrative office of Penn Foster College is at 14300 N. Northsight Blvd., Suite 125, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 USA. Phone number is 480-947-6644 with the USA country code 1.

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