Which Tactic Did Charles Townshend Use to Increase British Control of the American Colonies?

There is a question related to which Tactic did Charles Townshend use to increase British Control of the American Colonies. Some options for that questions are:

  1. A) He built new trade measures and prohibitions.
  2. B) He made a new peace deal with American Indian tribes.
  3. C) He threw a new boundary between English and French colonies.
  4. D) He made new taxes on the American colonists to increase revenue.

Based on the research, the true answer of that question is ‘D’, he made new taxes on the American colonists to increase revenue.

You may want to know some other questions and answers of the colonial leaders. In the text below, we are going to share some of them. Here are they:

  1. What did King George III wish during his reign?

The answer: to improve his personal influence over Britain and its American colonies.

  1. William Pitt the Elder thought that the British government

The answer: was taxing the colonies too harshly.

  1. Who became prime minister of Britain after the French and Indian War even though he lacked leadership skills?

The answer: George Grenville

  1. Which the best compares the backgrounds of Samuel Adams and Patrick Henry?

The answer: Samuel Adams and Patrick Henry were both the leaders who aggressively spoke out against the British government.

  1. How did Mercy Otis Warren participate in the colonial politics during the 1760s and 1770s?

The answer: She wrote the poems and stories to promote Revolutionary causes.

  1. Which colonial leader became the second president of the United States?

The answer: John Adams

  1. What was one method that American colonial women fought British taxation?

The answer: They created clothes for their families.

  1. Which of the following led to George Grenville’s removal from office in 1765s?

The answer: his heavy taxation of the American colonies.

  1. What was one method that colonial women often contributed to political protests during the Revolutionary Era?

The answer is by participating in anti-British mob activity

Well, the text above is a list of questions and answers of the colonial leaders. To make you more understand about that, you need to search more information on other sources. Also, you need to try to test your knowledge related to the colonial leaders. In addition, here we are also going to talk about some information about Charles Townshend. As we explained above that Charles Townshend made new taxes on the American colonists to increase revenue. Lastly, we also talk a little bit information regarding American colonists.


We get information that Charles Townshend was born on August 27, 1725. He died on September 4, 1767 in London, England. Charles Townshend was British chancellor of the Exchequer whose measures for the taxation of the British American colonies intensified the hostilities that ultimately led to the American Revolution. The second son of the third Viscount Townshend, he was educated at Cambridge and Leyden. In 1747s he was elected to Parliament. As a part of the Board of Trade from 1749 – 1754, he revealed an interest to increase British powers of taxation and control over the American colonies. Later, in 1754 – 1755, he worked on the Board of Admiralty. He was a secretary at war in 1761 – 1762 and the paymaster general from May 1765 to July 1766, once he became chancellor of the Exchequer in the ministry of William Pitt the Elder. Soon Pitt fell seriously ill, and Charles Townshend took the control of administration effectively.

Charles Townshend attested to be financially brilliant and determined, but without sound political considerations. Charles Townshend is best known as the orator whose House of Commons addresses are remembered for their wit and recklessness, notably the “Champagne Speech” of May 8, 1767. In his last official act before his death, he got passage (June-July 1767) of the four resolutions which became known as Townshend. Acts that threatened America’s tradition of colonial self-government and enforced revenue duties on a number of the items necessary for the colony.

The determination that customs revenue would be used to pay officials caused attention among the colonists as it lowered the official’s dependence on the colonial assemblies. Charles Townshend estimated that the acts would result in the insignificant sum of £40,000 for the British Treasury. The astute observer correctly predicted that they would lead to the loss of the colonies.


Based on the research, American colonies, also known as thirteen colonies/colonial America, the 13 British colonies that were found during the 17th and early 18th centuries in a place which is now a part of the eastern United States. The colonies grew geographically along the Atlantic coast and westward and became numerically to 13 from the time of their founding to the American Revolution (1775 – 1781). Their settlements had spread far beyond the Appalachians and extended from Maine in the North to the Altamaha River in Georgia once the Revolution started, and now there were approximately 2.5 million American colonists.

The colonists were very productive. Economic opportunities, particularly in the form of available land, encourage early marriage and extended families. Bachelors and unmarried women cannot live comfortably and were relatively few in number. While the widows and widowers required partners to keep the home and raise the children and thus quickly remarry. Therefore, most adults are married, have lots of many children, and families of ten or more.

Even though suffering heavy losses from disease and hardships, but the colonists multiplied. Also, their numbers increased rapidly with continued immigration from Great Britain and from Europe west of the Elbe River. In Britain and continental Europe, the colonies were viewed as promised lands. Lots of people and colonies encouraged immigration, promising enticements for those who dared venture beyond the ocean. The colonies particularly welcomed foreign Protestants. Additionally, lots of people were sent to America against their will – African convicts, political prisoners, and enslaved Africans. America’s population is doubling every generation.

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