What Value Would Be Returned Based on the Formula in Cell D49 Indeed

‘What Value Would Be Returned Based on the Formula in Cell D49’ is one of the questions that is available in Indeed Excel Quiz. People who are trying to complete this excel quiz may find it hard to answer this quiz, as there’s only a few sources that provide the answer keys and even should be subscribed.

No worries! This post will show you the answer to the question ‘What Value Would Be Returned Based on the Formula in Cell D49’ that we got from Scribd.com. To know the answer for this question, let’s see our post below!

What Value Would Be Returned Based on the Formula in Cell D49?

This question is available on Indeed Excel Quiz listed on number 11. Here’s the question in detail!

42 Room Location Staff ID
43 D East 19106
44 C North 19122
45 A South 19107
46 E South 19104
47 B South 19147
48 =COUNTIFS(C30:C34,”South”,D30:D34,”19104″)
  1. What value would be returned based on the formula in Cell D49?

a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. 3

Answer: b. 1

So, the answer to the question ‘What value would be returned based on the formula in Cell D49’ is 1.

Other Questions and Answers on Indeed Excel Quiz

As we’ve mentioned, the Indeed Excel Quiz consists of 12 questions and the question that we have shown above is available in number 11. Certainly, you may need other questions and answers to complete this excel quiz.

We got this entire Indeed Excel Quiz from Scrib.com that was uploaded by Aziz Hasimmi that you can access here. So, here’s a list of Indeed Excel Quizzes!

What’s the correct sorting function to list Colors in alphabetical order (A to Z)

Color Number
Blue 120 A to Z = ASCENDING
Green 85 Z to A = DESCENDING
Orange 112 EQUAL to A to Z
Red 100
Yellow 90
  1. What does clicking the + sign below do?

a. Adds a new Worksheet
b. Adds a new Row
c. Adds a new Chart
d. Adds a new Function
e. Adds a new Column

The answer is a. Adds a new Worksheet

  1. What is the correct keyboard shortcut to cut a cell value?

a. CTRL + P
b. CTRL + X
c. CTRL + B
d. CTRL + C
e. CTRL + V

The answer is b. CTRL + X

  1. In a new worksheet, what’s the correct formula to reference Cell A1 from the ALPHA worksheet?

a. =ALPHA?A1
b. =A1
c. =ALPHA!A1
d. =”ALPHA”A1
e. =’ALPHA’A1

The answer is c. =ALPHA!A1

  1. Based on the values in Cells B77:B81, what function can automatically return the value in Cell C77?
8 Sales
9 $794 $1,020 =MAX(A9:A13)’
10 $721
11 $854
12 $912
13 $1,020

a. =Top()
b. =Max()
c. =Ceiling()
d. =Biggest()
e. =Highest()

The answer is b. =Max()

  1. What does clicking and dragging the fill handle indicated by the cursor do?
Sales Tax
$794 $64
$721 $58

a. Move this formula to a new cell
b. Copy this number to other cells
c. Move this cell to another location
d. Fill this cell with a color
e. Copy the formula to another cell

The answer is e. Copy the formula to another cell

  1. What value would be returned based on the formula in Cell A49?
43 npab
44 npce
45 npfo
46 npbb
47 norp

a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. 3
e. 4

The answer is e. 4

  1. Which tools would you use to make header 1 look like Header 2? Select all that apply.
First Name Last Name RSVP
First Name Last Name RSVP
  1. Based on the values in Cells B77:B81, which function can automatically return the value in Cell C77?
2 Sales
3 $794 $721 =MIN(A2:A6)
4 $721
5 $854
6 $912
7 $1,020

a. =Min()
b. =Bottom()
c. =Smallest()
d. =Lowest()
e. =Floor()

The answer is a. =Min()

  1. Which tools would you use to make Chart 1 look like Chart 2? Select all that apply.
        Chart 1 Chart 2
1 Sales Growth Sales Growth
2 0.19 19%
3 0.25 25%
4 0.49 49%
5 0.29 29%
6 0.34 34%
7 0.22 22%
8 0.12 12%
  1. What formula would produce the value in Cell C25?
22 Item Type Result
23 Door F Door F =CONCATENATE(B23,” “,C23)
24 Table C
25 Chair C
26 Desk F

a. ‘=RIGHT(B23,C26)
c. ‘=LEFT(B23,C23)
e. ‘=CONCATENATE(B23,” “,C23)

The answer is e. ‘=CONCATENATE(B23,” “,C23)

  1. What value would be returned based on the formula in Cell D49?
42 Room Location Staff ID
43 D East 19106
44 C North 19122
45 A South 19107
46 E South 19104
47 B South 19147
48 =COUNTIFS(C30:C34,”South”,D30:D34,”19104″)

a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. 3

The Answer: b. 1

  1. Which tools would you use to make Chart 1 look like Chart2

Which tools would you use to make Chart 1 look like Chart2

  1. You need to divide the number of cars by the number of people to calculate cars per person on Day 1.Which formula can you type in Cell D92 to do this?
91 Day Cars People Cars per Person
92 1 10 3 3.33
93 2 20 4 5.00
94 3 30 5 6.00
95 4 40 6 6.67

a. =3*1
b. =B93/C92
c. =A92/B92
d. =10*3
e. =B92/C92

The answer is e. =B29/C92

  1. Based on the values in Cells A51:A55, what formula can you copy and paste into Cells B51:B55 to return the values shown?
51 Red Yes
52 Red Yes
53 Red Yes
54 Blue No
55 Red Yes

a. =IFNA(A51=”Red”,”Yes”,”No”)
b. =SHOWIF(A51=”Red”,”Yes”,”No”)
c. =COUNTIF(A51=”Red”,”Yes”,”No”)
d. =SUMIF(A51=”Red”,”Yes”,”No”)
e. =IF(A51=”Red”,”Yes”,”No”)

The answer is e. =IF(A51=”Red”,”Yes”,”No”)

  1. If the formula in Cell D49 is copied to Cells E49:F49, what sequence of values would be generated in Cells D49:F49?
42 Conference Room Location Staff ID
43 D East 19106
44 C North 19122
45 A South 19107
46 E South 19104
47 B South 19147
49 =$D$44 C C

a. C, North, 19122
b. C, South, South
c. C, A, E
d. C, South, 19104
e. C, C, C

The answer is e. C, C, C

Okay, those are all questions and answers  available on Indeed Excel Quiz. So, it’s a great time to start completing this Indeed Excel Quiz.

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