What are the Educational Implications of Maslow’s Theory of the Hierarchy of Needs

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When you come to this page, you may want to find out information about the Educational Implications of Maslow’s theory. If so, we ask you to read this entire article. Here we are going to explain about the educational Implications of Maslow’s theory.

Educational Implications of Maslow’s Theory

Humanistic psychology includes human beings as well as their capacities, characteristics and potentialities. Abraham Maslow has described the extentialistic psychology which indicates that the lacunae and short-comings of an individual succeed in maintaining his existence. Abraham Maslow named these lacunae “needs.” He listed the types of needs on the fulfillment of which the individual exists.

Here are the main implications of the humanistic approach to the process of learning:

  • Place the child in teaching-learning process
    This approach believes in child-centered-education. Thus, it will emphasize on reach, touch and teach the child according to nature, aptitudes, interests etc. The teachers have to assess a student’s aptitude, attitude, abilities, potentialities, level of aspiration, his social, intellectual, emotional, physical, mental health and aesthetic development. Also, the teachers have to plan their teaching activities accordingly.
  • Emphasis on Individuality
    Based on this approach, a human being is a great creation. He has own individuality that must be respected and developed via education. Individual differences have to be respected and also internal virtues of individuals be developed.
  • Understanding the child
    Based on the humanistic approach, we have to know our students; their interests, capabilities, personality, and background environment. Also, we have to use teaching methods and content accordingly. The crucial humanistic principle of education given by this approach is to understand the child, then teach him.
  • Methods of teaching
    In this approach, the methods of teaching are developed depending on the psychological principles. Remember that active learning is more emphasized. Learner’s readiness, motivation, and mental set are considered as basis to decide the method of teaching to be utilized.
  • Discipline
    This approach will emphasize self-discipline and self-control.
  • Place and role of the teacher
    The humanistic approach knows the teacher as a guide, friend or helper of the students in their own learning. The teachers are considered as the milestone in the journey of development of the child.
  • Curriculum
    Abraham Maslow’s theory is a unifying concept. It holds that healthy individuals who have lower order needs for safety, physical health, love and esteem needs are reasonably satisfied and strive continually for self-actualization. With a suitable curriculum, the children’s potential desire to learn and to create, spurs them on towards reaching their own potential.

What are the Educational Implications of Maslow's Theory of the Hierarchy of Needs

Keep in mind that the humanistic approach is a democratic approach that recognizes children and also advocates the provoking of a rich environment with a view to have all-round development.

Aside from that, there are several stronger points in favour of this approach to learning.

  • The teachers have to understand their subject-matter and make wise use of the research demonstrating principles of motivational learning. They have to understand themselves as a crucial teaching aid.
  • The teachers have to note that the students bring their total selves to class. They have to bring values that help them to filter what they see and hear.
  • The teachers have to help the students to decide for themselves who they are and what they want. The students are able to decide for themselves. They have a conscious mind which enables them to make options. Through their own capacity to make options they are able to have at least an opportunity at developing the sense of self-necessary pf productive lives.
  • The teachers have to understand their student’s point of view. The effort is to see the world as the student sees, accept it as truth for him and not to force him to change.

Lots of teachers adopted this theory to identify the ungratified needs of their students that may impede their urge to gratify the growth needs, thereby causing their own personal or discipline issues. Human Behaviour is dynamic. It is impelled by particular energy and forces. What the students do, it is able to be understood but in terms of needs and motivates. Apparently, the variety of motives in human behaviour is brought about by learning. Thus, the function of education is to stimulate the development of new, more mature, more productive motives, interests and purposes.

Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Here are five needs in Maslow’s hierarchy:

  • Physiological needs
    Physiological needs will include water, air, food, shelter and clothing. We are able to say that the physiological needs are the needs for basic amenities of life.
  • Safety needs
    Safety needs will include physical, emotional, environmental safety and protection like family security, financial security, health security, Job security, protection from animals, etc.
  • Social needs
    Social needs will include the need for affection, belongingness, love, care, and friendship.
  • Esteem needs
    There are two types of esteem needs. The first type is internal esteem needs, and the second type external esteem needs. You have to know that internal esteem needs are confidence, achievement, self-respect, competence, and freedom. The external esteem needs are status, attention, power, recognition, and admiration.
  • Self-actualization need
    This will include the desire to become what you can or what you have the potential to become. This will include the need for growth and self-contentment. Also, this includes a desire to get more knowledge, social-service, creativity, and being aesthetic. Based on the research, this self- actualization needs are never fully satiable. When an individual grows psychologically, the chances keep cropping up to continue growing.

Maslow explained that the individuals are motivated by unsatisfied needs. Each of those needs is satisfied significantly. It will drive and force the next need to appear. Also, Maslow grouped those five needs into two categories. Those two categories are higher-order needs and lower-order needs. For your information, the physiological needs and the safety needs are the lower-order needs. Those lower-order needs are satisfied externally. While the social needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs are the higher-order needs. Those higher-order needs are satisfied internally, within an individual.

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