UTSA Rate My Professor

To evaluate the performance of a Professor on campus, the Rate My Professor site comes to make it easy for people. Sure, the students can give an assessment to the professor who teaches in the class either positive comments and even negative comments.

Rate My Professors is the largest online site for giving ratings for professors. Moreover, this online rating program has provided more than 1.7 million professors from over 7,000 schools. It has produced over 19 million ratings to rate the professors.

Well, the University of Texas at San Antonio professors are also available on Rate My Professor. Every UTSA student can give any assessments for them. Sure, all professors who teach at UTSA can be rated through Rate My Professor.

How Does Rate My Professor Work?

The Rate My Professor site is only giving access to allow people rate their professors. This site provides a list of professors in each school, making the student easily rate them. Rate My Professors has been the highest trafficked site for researching and rating professors, thanks to user-generated content.

Aside from that, Rate My Professor can also rate the colleges and the universities across the United States, the United Kingdom and also Canada. It was reported that over 4 million college students are using Rate My Professors each month.

Rate My Professors is constructed for college students. Why? With the availability of professor ratings from a school that the student wants to attend, it’s such an easy way for them to determine which campus they will attend.

In this case, selecting the reputable college and best professors is such a ritual for each student. Sure, Rate My Professors has been a main way for millions of students to connect with peers on the site.

Rate My Professors will perform what students have been doing forever, connecting with their friends, their classmates, their brothers, their sisters to find out who is the best professor and who’s one you may need to avoid. The point is, Rate My Professors works to help students find reliable and great professors for them.

How to Rate Your UTSA Professors?

With Rate My Professors, the students are able to comment on and also rate their school. They should visit the Rate My Professors page to give an assessment for their professors or college. If you are a UTSA student and want to rate your professor, you just simply visit the Rate My Professors site. So, here’s how to rate your UTSA Professors!

  • Go to Rate My Professors Page https://www.ratemyprofessors.com/
  • Once you’re at Rate My Professors site, you will see a search bar to enter your school to get started rating your professor or also college. Aside from that, you can also search for your school through the ‘Find a School’ menu.

Go to Rate My Professors Page

  • Then, you need to type ‘University of Texas at San Antonio’ and click on the ‘Search’ button. It will be taken into UTSA Ratings.

tap University of Texas at San Antonio

  • After you’re at University of Texas at San Antonio ratings, you will see a list of Top UTSA professors. You can also click on the ‘View All Professors’ to see a list of all UTSA Professors.

you will see a list of Top UTSA professors

  • By clicking on the ‘View All Professors’ button, it will show you all professors who teach at UTSA on different subjects.
  • You can search for a professor or more that you want to rate.
  • After you find a professor to rate, you can click on the professor name.
  • You can start rating a professor by clicking on the ‘Rate  Professor’ button.
  • You will be taken into the rating page. Here, you can rate your professor by grading your professors based on the assessment criteria which has been available on ‘Rate My Professors’ site.

Here are what you need to rate your professors:

  • Course Code: You need to fill the course code accurately.
  • Rate Your Professors: You can shift the available button to assess where your professor is. The rate is starting from 1-5 which represents 1 means Profs get F’s too, 2 means  mediocre at best, 3 means Fine, 4 means solid choice, and 5 means a real gem (best).
  • Level of Difficulty: These criteria define how hard you need to work for this class. To assess your level of difficulty, you can also shift the button to grade it. The level of difficulty starts from 1-5 which represents 1 for show up & pass, 2 for Easy A, 3 for the usual, 4 for making your work for it and 5 for the hardest thing you have ever done.
  • Would you take this proof again?: You can choose either Yeah or Um, No.
  • Was this class taken for credit: You can choose either Yeah or Um, No.
  • Textbook use: You can also choose either Yeah or Um, No.
  • Attendance: You can choose either Mandatory or Non Mandatory
  • Grade Received: You can select the grade: A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, F, Drop/Withdrawal, Incomplete, Not sure yet, Rather not say, Audit/ No Grade.
  • Select at least 3 tags that best describe your professors: There are a number of tags that you can choose, including  Gives good feedback, Respected, Lots of homework, Accessible outside class, Get ready to read, Participation matters, Skip class? You won’t pass, Inspirational, Graded by few things, Test heavy, Group projects, Clear grading criteria, Hilarious, Beware of pop quizzes, Amazing lectures, Lecture heavy, Caring, Extra credit, So many papers and Tough grader.
  • Comments space: Give your comments to be more specific on available bar

After you fill all assessment criterias, you need to submit your assessment by giving your personal information.

  • Here, you need to fill your personal information including your email, confirm email, password, and tick the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
  • Then, tick on ‘I’m Human’ or I’m not Robot verification.
  • Last, you need to click on the ‘Submit’ button.

That’s it! You successfully rate your UTSA professors for grading.

Top 3 Professors at UTSA on Rate My Professors

There are three professors who are named as top professors at UTSA, they are:

  1. Campbell, Favor with 5.0 rates and 78 reviews
  2. Kainer, John with 5.0 rates and 29 reviews
  3. Juhnke, Gerald with 5.0 rates and 20 reviews

Find more UTSA professors rating on Rate My Professors.

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