UTSA Library Database

Knowing the databases of UTSA library is important. You may want to know what things that you are able to find in the library. So, let’s find out how you can find the UTSA library database.

If you want to check the UTSA library databases, you are able to access the Databases page of UTSA library website. Here is the link https://libguides.utsa.edu/az.php. On this page, you are able to find sources by title or by discipline.

If you want to find sources by title, you can click on one of the letters which ranges from left to right on that page. Let’s say that you click on the A, then you will be taken to another page where there are 65 databases for A. Some of them are listed below.

  • ABI/ Inform Collection

It provides access to three electronic resources which can be searched simultaneously and those are ABI/Inform Dateline, ABI/ Inform Global and ABI/ Inform Trade & Industry.

  • Abstracts in Anthropology
  • It indexes and abstracts books, articles, and conference papers in anthropology and social sciences. There are also subdisciplines includings cultural anthropology, archaeology, linguistics and physical anthropology.
  • Academic Search Complete

More than 9,300 journals with full-text content for more than 5,300 are indexed and abstracted here. It also indexes/ abstracts over 10,000 monographs, reports and conference proceedings. Since it is very multidisciplinary, this resource comprises art and literature, humanities, social sciences, engineering, computer science, language and linguistics, ethnic studies and medical sciences.

  • Academic Video Online Premium (Alexander Street Press)

There are a large multidisciplinary streaming video collection in subjects such as history, art & architecture, theater, ethnography, dance, theater, music, criminal justice, counseling and therapy, education, business, science, political science and more. Here, there is also the ability to save playlists and to make video clips for presentations.

  • Acceda Noticias

There are news resources in Spanish and those are published in the original language from U.S., Brazil, China, Colombia, Chile, Argentina, Ecuador, Peru, Mexico and Spain.

  • Access World News

There are chosen news articles from thousands of Asian, African, US, Australian and European newspapers, blogs and newswires. Most sources which are available are in English but there are also some Spanish-language sources from the Americas. It does not include paid advertising, images or photographs.

  • Accessible Archives – Texas County Histories

County histories are important main sources for historical and genealogical research. There is detailed coverage of local history which includes information about families, individuals and communities.

  • ACLS Humanities E-Book Project

It has access to almost 5,500 major works in the humanities from over 250 publishers and it is full-text. Annually, there are around 500 new books which are added.

  • ACM Digital Library

Here, you are provided with full-text access to computer science and information technology literature in all ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) journals and magazines, conference proceedings, transactions, and SIG newsletters.

  • ACS Publications

You can get full-text access to all journals which are published by the American Chemical Society.

  • Advanced Technologies Database with Aerospace

It is indexed and abstracted over 1,000 journals, conference proceedings, books, technical reports, patents, and theses in astronautics, aeronautics, computer and information technology, communications, electronics, solid state materials and devices, and space sciences. It includes four subfiles including Aerospace and High Technology Database, Electronics and Communications Abstracts, Computer and Information Systems Abstracts, and Solid State Superconductivity Abstracts.

  • African American Communities

The resources focus predominantly on Chicago, Atlanta, New York and towns and cities in North Carolina. The resource presents a lot of aspects of the African American community through pamphlets, newspapers and periodicals, official records, correspondence, reports and in-depth oral histories, discrimination and integration, revealing the prevalent challenges of racism and a unique African American culture and identity.

  • And many more.

You are also able to find resources here by Discipline such as Accounting, Anthropology, Architecture, Biology, Education, Engineering, Linguistics, Literature, Marketing, Management Science, Mathematics, Art & Art History, English, Copyright, History, Science, Reference, Computer Science, Social Work, Geography and many more. Let’s say that you search about Education, so you can click on the Education on that Databases page. Then, you will be taken to a page which shows you 36 databases related to Education. Here are some of them.

  • Children’s Literature Comprehensive Database (CLCD)

According to the website of UTSA website that CLCD is the premier academic research and teaching tool. It is for courses needing quality information for discovering Children’s and Young Adult books and other media. Over 2.6 million fiction/ non-fiction records with 650,000+ national and international awards and also more than 540,000 quality, professional reviews and many more are available here.


ERIC is the Educational Resource Information Center where it has access to education literature and resources. The database has unlimited access to more than 1.3 million bibliographic records of journal articles and other education-related materials and there are hundreds of new records which are added twice weekly.

  • Handbook of Child Psychology and Development Science

It is the essential reference for human development theory, updated and re-conceptualized. The Handbook of Child Psychology and Developmental Science is a four volume reference and it is the field-defining work to which all others are compared. Firstly, it was published in 1946 and now it is in its Seventh Edition.

  • Professional Development Collection

It has a highly specialized collection of electronic information particularly for professional educators, professional librarians and education researchers. It provides information about everything from children’s health and development to cutting-edge pedagogical theory and practice.

  • PsycINFO (ProQuest)

It encompasses professional and academic literature in psychology and related disciplines. You are able to find over 2 million citations and summaries of articles from journals, book chapters, dissertations, books and technical reports.

  • And many more.

Not only that, you are also able to find resources by format. If you want to search by format, in then right side of the Databases page, there is Find by Format which consists of Basic Research, Video, Audio, E-books, Career Resources, Datasets & Statistics, Dissertation & Theses, Government Information, Images, Maps & GIS, Musical Scores, Newspapers, Primary Sources, Trials and Temporary Access. You just have to click on the format that you are looking for. Let’s say that you click on the Video, then you will be taken to a page where it shows 14 databases for streaming video such as Academic Video Online Premium (Alexander Street Press), Alexander Street Pass, Border and Migration Studies Online, Filmakers Library (Alexander Street Pass) and many more.

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