Traditionalistic political culture defers to _____.

The question about the traditional political culture is part of Pols 2306 Unit 3 quiz. If you find a question about the thing that defers the traditional political culture to, you can use religion tradition and hierarchy as the answer.

Aside from the question related to the thing explained above, there are also some other questions included in the Pols 2306 Unit 3 quiz. Before taking the quiz, it is better for you to check out some sneak peaks so that you can successfully take the quiz. Here are some of the things that usually appear in Pols 2306 Unit 3 quiz. Please read each of them and also please remember each answer to each question.

  1. Is it true that cattle ranching was originally a Spanish and Mexican tradition?

Answer: True

  1. Where is the origin of a few spirits of independence and self-reliance in Texas?

Answer: A death of governmental structure in the new frontier.

  1. Which one is not a legend from the days of the frontier that was mentioned in the lesson?

Answer: Sitting bull

  1. What is the name of the idea that the United States should span from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific?

Answer: Manifest destiny

  1. What should you check out if you are interested in learning more about frontier life in Lubbock, TX?

Answer: Ranching heritage museum.

  1. Which cultures tend to value family and social ties more than the other cultures?

Answer: Traditionalistic

  1. Is it true that the political culture of Montana is Moralistic?

Answer: False

  1. What value does the individualistic state have?

Answer: Personal freedom

  1. What is the thing that the moralistic roots combined with the culture of many western states?

Answer: Frontier spirit

  1. Which culture is best exemplified balancing the value of hierarchy and order with the individual freedom and success?

Answer: Traditional or individualistic

  1. What is the thing that will encourage arguments by the proponents of school choice?

Answer: Competition

  1. What is the right word to describe the Texas political culture?

Answer: Conservative and individualistic

  1. What percent of Texas Republicans support the idea of school vouchers according to the lesson?

Answer: 61%

  1. According to the lesson, where is marijuana legal?

Answer: In many states, but it is illegal at the federal level.

In order to understand the traditional political culture better, here is a brief information about the policy differences using political culture.

Daniel Elazar, a political scientist, identified political culture as one of the reasons that different states assign different policies to deal with some similar issues. In fact, the man identifies three political subcultures that combine to form the American political culture which is differentiated from the German political culture, the Mexican political culture, or the French political culture. These political are divided into some subcultures:


  • Middle ground between moralistic and individualistic.
  • Politicians come from the elite of the society.
  • Politicians have a family obligation to the government.
  • Common citizens are not expected to join in politics or even to vote.
  • Government maintains the existing social and economic hierarchy.
  • Rather than between class-based parties, politics is a race between the rival factions within the elite.
  • People see bureaucracy with suspicion because it interferes with personal relationships.
  • Ambivalent manner toward the marketplace and the common good.
  • People who settled the southern colonies bought the view to the United States.
  • Descendants migrated westward through the southern and southwestern states.
  • Built a plantation-based agricultural system.


  • The marketplace is relied on by the individualistic subculture.
  • The role of the government is limited, mostly to keep the marketplace working.
  • The intentions of the politicians for running for office are based on material self-interests and to move forwards professionally.
  • Because it deters patronage, bureaucracy is seen negatively.
  • Political race is partisan.
  • Elections are used as the tool to gain office and not to deal with the issues.
  • The view that was from Middle Atlantic states settled by both English and German groups.
  • Moved to the lower Midwest, Missouri, and the western states.
  • The government was not supposed to get in the way.


  • Moralistic is the opposite of the individualistic.
  • Upholds the commonwealth.
  • Government focuses on the public interest and is a strong point in the lives of citizens.
  • Politics revolves around the problems.
  • Politicians run for office to issues ahead in the future.
  • Because the service is considered as public service, corruption is not tolerated.
  • Bureaucracy is seen positively as a method to get the public good.
  • It is the duty of the citizen to join in politics.
  • The Puritans who settled in New England brought the view to the United States.
  • Migrated from the upper Great Lakes into the Midwest to the Northwest.
  • Waves of Scandinavian and northern European groups reinforce the values.

According to the political scientist named Daniel Elazar, the political culture of Texas is the mix of the traditional and individualistic aspects. The traditional ones of state politics are exemplified by the long history of a party dominance in the state politics, economic and social conservatism, and the low level of the voter turnout. In the support for private business, faith in individual initiative, and opposition to big government, the individualistic nature of state politics is able to be seen.

Do you think it is possible to change the political culture in Texas? These subcultures were all originally from analyzing settlement and migration patterns that were completed by the beginning of 20th century. Is it possible for the migrations that happened after the 1950s to have affected the political subculture of the states? For instance, what has been the impact of the huge numbers of the northern retirees migrating to a traditionalistic state like Florida? Has the arrival of the ones from northern areas affected Texas politics or do the newcomers adapt to the old political subculture? By studying the politics of an area such as Amarillo or especially the southwest one, people could better understand the impact of population growth on political culture.

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