The Passing Grade in Penn Foster

To be able to study well at Penn Foster, you need to know the passing grade at this institution. Here, we will inform you about it so that you will know the limit of the grade. After knowing it, hopefully you will study hard to get your success during you are at Penn Foster and after graduating.

Grading System at Penn Foster

According to Penn Foster website, here are the grading system at Penn Foster.

  • Grading System at Penn Foster Career School

How is the grading system at Penn Foster Career School? Your examinations and projects here will be graded on the scale as you can see in the table below.

Lesson Grade (%) Letter Equivalent Rating
90 – 100 A Excellent
80 – 89 B Good
70 – 79 C Average
65 – 69 D Passing
Below 65 F Failing

To graduate and get your diploma, an overall program average of 65% or above is needed.

  • Grading System at Penn Foster College

At Penn Foster College, a number-letter system of grading is used. In this system, number grades are set to examinations and letter grades are set to completed courses. The letter grade for each course will be calculated and it is done by calculating the average of the lesson examination grades as two-thirds of the course grade and the proctored examination grade as one-third. Letter grades are changed to quality points because it has the purpose for computing the Quality Point Average (QPA) for each semester and the cumulative Quality Point Average for more than one semester. Quality points are from 4.0 for an A grade to 0.0 for an F grade.

In the Penn Foster College, your examinations and projects will be graded as you can see below.

Lesson Grade (%) Letter Equivalent Rating Quality Point Avg.
90 – 100 A Excellent 4.0
80 – 89 B Good 3.0
70 – 79 C Average 2.0
Below 70 F Failing 0.0

For your information, all courses must be passed and your cumulative Quality Point Average (QPA) must be 2.0 or higher in all studies so that you can graduate and get your associate of bachelor’s degree.

  • Grading System at Penn Foster High School

You will need to take an exam at the end of each lesson. Your exam can be taken online via the website of Penn Foster. If you have passed the exam, you are able to continue to the next lesson. There will be new course material which will follow as you complete your exams. So, you will always have books and learning materials to be able to continue moving forward.

Here is how your examinations and projects are graded in Penn Foster High School.

Lesson Grade (%) Letter Equivalent Rating
90 – 100 A Excellent
80 – 89 B Good
70 – 79 C Average
65 – 69 D Passing
Below 65 F Failing

To be able to earn your High School Diploma, you need to have an overall course grade of 65% or above in each subject and successful completion of 21.5 credits.

  • Grading system at Penn Foster Workforce Development-Custom
Lesson Grade (%) Letter Equivalent Rating
90 – 100 A Excellent
80 – 89 B Good
70 – 79 C Average
Below 70 F Failing

The Things to Do If We Fail Penn Foster Exam

After you see the grading scale of Penn Foster above, now you should have a plan about how, when and where you will study. This plan must be created so that you can get high score and pass the exam.

When you fail your exam, first you have to calm down yourself. Talk to yourself that failure does not have to be a bad word. It is not easy to do this because failure usually make use sad and even hopeless. But, you need to know that failure is a part of being human and it is important part of the learning process.

Through failure, you will learn what not to do and you are able to adjust your process that you have to do for next time. When you deal with failure and then you decide to give up, it means that you do not learn from the experience and you will not move forward. However, if you can think positively and go onward to retake the test you failed, or even you learn from a mistake and you decide to try again, you will get it right and also you will prove that you can do it.

Now, after you give yourself suggestion to have positive mind, what can we do if we fail Penn Foster exam? At Penn Foster, you have the flexibility of a self-paced, online program. So, now the things that you have to do depends on what section you fail.

  • For students who fail in multiple choice exams at high school, career school, or college at Penn Foster, they can retake the test. They are able to do it if they get less than a perfect score. So, they can open their notes again and study guides and then try again. However, there is an expiration date on this retake option in 30 days of the first time you took it. Besides, students are only able to do one retake for each exam. Penn Foster will consider the higher grade to be the official grade on your transcript. So, if you want to retake the test, you have to prepare it well and retake the test soon.
  • If students fail in written assignments & projects at high school, career school and college, for example their submission did not follow the guidelines, these assignments will be returned without grading and with instructor feedback. So, student have to make sure that they understand and obey the guidelines.
  • If students fail in college proctored exams, the rules to retake are different where students have to make sure to check whether they fail or not to their instructor by contacting the Help Center on their Student Portal. For your information, proctored exams are final student exams and these are held at the end of particular courses or at the end of the semester in a college degree program.

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