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The Lady or The Tiger Answers Key
- In this justice system, the innocence or guilt of the suspect is…
A. judged according to the evidence
B. left to chance
C. ruled on by the king
D. decided by a contest
Answer: B - There are 2 doors. Behind one, there’s a lady. Behind the other door is a…
A. tiger
B. another lady
C. a king
D. a criminal
Answer: A - In the story, a princess falls in love with a…
A. commoner
B. criminal
C. married man
D. prince
Answer: A - The princess helps the suspect by…
A. telling him which door conceals the tiger
B. convincing her father to let him go
C. gesturing towards the right door
D. allowing him to marry the lady
Answer: C - The reader of the story…
A. feels sympathy for the princess
B. wants the tiger to kill the commoner
C. doesn’t understand why the princess is jealous
D. doesn’t know the ending of the story
Answer: D - The princess doesn’t want the commoner to be eaten by the tiger, but she also hates the idea of…
A. the commoner marrying the lady
B. pleasing her father, the king
C. saving the commoner’s life
D. giving up her jealous rage
Answer: A - In this kingdom, a commoner is…
A. a criminal
B. a person who works on a farm
C. a person without any royal blood
D. an unintelligent person
Answer: C - The princess is…
A. the lady’s best friend
B. jealous of the lady
C. the same person as the lady
D. certain that the tiger won’t harm the commoner
Answer: B - You can guess that the young man goes to the door on the right because he
A. hopes to find a way out of the arena
B. knows which door hides the tiger
C. loves the lady behind the door
D. trusts the princess
Answer: D - Choose the paraphrase that best explains the main idea of this excerpt. “He understood her nature, and his soul was assured that she would never rest until she had made plain to herself this thing, hidden to all other lookers-on, even to the king.”
A. The king does not understand that his daughter likes to uncover secrets.
B. The princess has chosen which door will reveal the tiger to punish the young man.
C. The young man knows that the princess has found out the secret behind each door.
D. Onlookers misunderstood what was going on between the princess and the young man.
Answer: C - How is the king and his daughter described in the story?
A. Kind
B. Peaceful
C. Semibarbaric
D. Warriors
Answer: C - What is the king’s form of justice?
A. You select your fate by opening a door of your choice.
B. You are fed to a tiger.
C. You are married off to a scary, old lady.
D. He lets the courts decide.
Answer: A - What is the climax/turning point of the story?
A. When the king catches the young man talking to the princess.
B. When the princess discovers who the woman behind the door is.
C. When the princess signals to the young man, he opens a door.
D. When the young man appears in front of the two doors.
Answer: C - What is the resolution of the Lady or the Tiger?
A. The young man marries the princess.
B. There is no resolution to the story given by the author.
C. The young man is mauled by a tiger.
D. The princess forces her father to allow her to marry her young man.
Answer: B - This story takes place in a kingdom in the past.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A - The king rules his land with fairness and kindness.
A. True
B. False
Answer: B - No one speaks out against the king’s system of punishment.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A - 18. One day the king discovers that his daughter is in love with the royal court adviser.
A. True
B. False
Answer: B - When the young man goes to choose his door, the princess tells him to choose the one on the left.
A. True
B. False
Answer: B - What does the king enjoy doing in the arena?
A. watching wild animal’s hunt
B. seeing gladiators fight battles
C. putting accused men through a tribunal
D. holding all the kingdom’s weddings
Answer: C - How does the author use words to show his tone toward events in this excerpt? “It was the duty and the privilege of the person on trial to walk directly to these doors and open one of them.”
A. “Directly” shows a tone of acceptance.
B. “Privilege” shows a sarcastic tone.
C. “One of them” shows a fair tone.
D. “Duty” shows a serious tone.
Answer: B - The king believes that marrying the lady behind the door is
A. the only way to stop criminals
B. a just punishment for anyone
C. the way to reveal a criminal
D. a reward for innocence
Answer: D - Choose the paraphrase that best explains the main idea of this excerpt “… never before had a subject dared to love the daughter of a king. In after-years such things became commonplace enough, but then they were, in no slight degree, novel and startling.”
A. The love between the princess and a common man is interesting to everyone.
B. People look at the relationship as similar to a romance in a novel.
C. The people talked about the princess’s love for the man for many years.
D. People gossiped about the King’s startling response to his daughter’s relationship.
Answer: A - What has the princess made sure to discover?
A. the door behind which the tiger is waiting
B. the reason for the king’s anger at her lover
C. whether the audience wants to see the man die
D. whether the lady behind the door loves the man.
Answer: A - What is Stockton’s tone toward the king’s ideas in this excerpt? “…the accused person was instantly punished if he found himself guilty; and, if innocent, he was rewarded on the spot, whether he liked it or not.”
A. critical of what the king does to the accused
B. amused by the punishment for the guilty
C. glad for the accused person’s chance
D. angry at the king’s ideal of a crime
Answer: A