Skyward AISD Alvin

Just like most independent school districts, Alvin Independent School District or AISD has a platform where the students are able to access the important information. Unlike some other ones who choose to team up with Frontline, AISD Alvin decides to work with Skyward.

In order to log in to Alvin Student Access, the first thing that should be done is to go to the official website of Alvin Independent School District (AISD) at When you are there, click on the A+ located in the upper right hand corner. Another way is to click on Skyward Family Access that is located under district announcements on the left hand side. Feel free to choose the way that you want. After clicking on the Skyward Family Access, you will be able to see the login screen. In this step, please enter your login and password. In case you forgot your login ID or password, you can retrieve it by clicking on the Forgot your Login/Password? button. There will be something popping up when you click on the Forgot your Login/Password? Button. Please check the box that says I’m not a robot. Do not forget to also enter your email or user name before pressing the Submit button. After submitting the request, you will be able to get an email with the login information in it.

Skyward AISD Alvin

Once you are logged in to Skyward AISD Alvin, you will be able to see the Home Tab. This one is the overall view of your options. It is located at the left side of the page. On the same side, there are also Easy Access tabs. Keep in mind that it is possible for the options that are displayed on the tabs to be changed. Everything depends on the time of the school year. Some of the options include Gradebook, Attendance, Schedule, Discipline, Attachments, and Login History.

In the middle of the page, you will be able to see the Message Center. If you are not familiar with this, it refers to the thing where the message sent by the teachers is posted. It is a two-ways communication. It means the teachers are not the only ones who are able to post the messages. You as the student of the Alvin Independent School District (AISD) also have the same privilege. If a teacher sends you a message and you want to reply, you can do it by clicking on Reply found at the end of the message.

At the right side of the page, there is a thing called Upcoming Events which lists all the events that are going to be held. The information includes the name, the date, and the location of the events. If you are the kind of person who always wants to know what is happening, you should check out this corner.

Gradebook is included in the Easy Access tab located on the left side of the screen. Every student is able to print the Class Grade by clicking on the printer icon. It is also possible for the Gradebook to be customized. If you find it interesting, first of all, you can click on the Display Options. Then, you will get a drop down to select View All Grades or Show Current Grades only. Clicking on the grade makes it possible for you to see a grade summary report of the assignments. After opening the grade summary report, you are able to then click on the assignment and get the details of the assignment. If you are a high school student who wants to know the GPA/Class Rank, it can be shown by clicking on GPA/Class Rank. Once you have managed to successfully view the GPA/Class Rank, you have a chance to View Details. You will be able to view the GPA type after clicking View Details.

The third menu included in Easy Access after Home and Gradebook is Attendance. If you want to check how many attendances that you have completed or how many days you were absent and did not attend the class, you can click on the Attendance tab to view the information about your attendance. In the Attendance page, you will be able to view the information about the class by clicking the name of the class. There are Attendance Charts that are possible to be viewed by period or by day. In case you find it annoying and you do not want to see this kind of thing on the screen, the good news is that you can hide it by pressing on High Charts.

Below the Attendance, there is a Schedule tab. If you click on this tab, you will be displayed with the current scheduled classes. You can customize the Schedule by clicking on the Display Options. Feel free to view current terms only or all terms. It is also possible for you to view your schedule by Matrix or weekly by term.

Right after the Schedule is Discipline. Apparently, the information is nowhere to be found until an Assistant Principal assigns a discipline in Skyward.

The next tab is Attachments. It can be accessed if you want to access your report cards. To be able to access your report cards, all that you have to do is to click on a report card link. Just like that you are able to view and if you need, you can also print it.

The last one is Login History. There is the View Areas that will show the date, the time, and the area that has been viewed.

In addition to all the tabs, you will be able to find Account Settings in your account. The feature called My Account is the best one for those who want to view the screens in languages other than English. If you want to do it, you can just click the checkbox located in front of the Show Google Translator in Student Access and then click Save after that. After clicking Save, the Select Language box will be shown. It is time for you to select the language that you prefer. Just like that, you will be able to view the information in any language that you choose.

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