SFA D2L Support

In this page, we are going to share information about SFA D2L support. If you are a student of Stephen F. Austin state university, you will need to learn this information. So, ensure you will read the text below.

SFA Tech Support

For D2L technical support, you are able to contact student support in the Office of Instructional Technology (OIT) at 936-468-1919 or at d2l@sfasu.eduor. If you call after regular business hours or on a weekend, you have to leave a voicemail.

SFA D2L Support

For general computer support (not related to D2L), you are able to contact the Technical Support Center (TSC) at 936-468-HELP (4357) or at helpdesk@sfasu.edu. To learn more about using SFA D2L, simply you are able to visit SFAONLINE, where you are going to find written instructions and video tutorials. Aside from that, there is also a link on the D2L My Home page, under Helpful Links on the right side of the screen is D2L tutorials for the students.

Course Description: The course will focus on the application of theories of learning and instructional development to the education and training of employees in the organizational environment.

Program Learning Outcomes: Program learning outcomes determine the knowledge, skills, and the abilities that students are expected to demonstrate after completion of an academic program. Those learning outcomes are regularly assessed to define student learning and to evaluate overall program effectiveness. You are able to access the program learning outcomes for your major and particular courses.

Student Learning Outcomes: After successful completion of the course, the student must be able to do some things below:

  • The students should be able to demonstrate knowledge of the basic principles of employee training and development.
  • The students should be able to demonstrate knowledge of assessing training needs and the learners.
  • The students should be able to demonstrate how learning theories impact instructional design.
  • The students should be able to explain key steps for designing a training program.
  • The students should be able to explain the appropriate use of various training methods.
  • The students should be able to evaluate training and transfer of learning.
  • The students should be able to develop and deliver training information.

Course Methodologies: The course Methodologies uses readings and related assignments to give an overview about the process of planning, implementing, and evaluating training and development in an organizational setting. This includes some activities such as written analysis of key principles, discussions, critical thinking exercises, and the real world case studies.

The course Methodologies has no quizzes. It has only one exam, the Final Exam. But, almost half of the total points in the course are for the below assignments:

  • Key Readings
  • Discussions
  • Applications

Each week, you have to complete the assignments due at the end of the week. It is very essential to submit these assignments by the weekly deadline because they are an essential part of the course grade. The total points for the course are 500, thus these small assignments add up. Aside from that, they are the building blocks for the development of a training module. No late submissions are going to be accepted.

The Reading: Key Points assignments, based on the weekly assigned readings, are going to be submitted individually in a D2L dropbox. Also, there will be discussions. Some discussions are going to be with the class and others with your assigned team. The Application assignments are also going to need submission to a D2L dropbox. Some of these can be done individually, while others can be done with your team.

Student Device Support

If you need assistance with your computer, printer, Smartphone, etc. you are going to need to bring it to the Help Desk for service. For your information, they are located on the first floor of the Ralph Steen Library in the LINC Computer Lab (102). If you want to check in your portable computer, please be sure to bring your charging cable with you. For further information, you are able to go to http://help.sfasu.edu or call at 936-468-HELP (4357).

Student Online Services – mySFA and E-Mail Support

mySFA Error

If  you are a current student, there are many services you can use on a daily basis in mySFA under various tabs. If you get logged in, but do not see any tabs, it may be that you are a former student and no longer have any roles in mySFA. For note: mySFA is for current students, faculty and staff.

Please request help if you are having a mySFA error or issue. This is able to be an error logging in or an error with content or a tab not displaying after you get logged in.

Student E-Mail Help

If you are having a problem with email, it can be related to your account or your device or browser. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • If you are a new student, the problem may be related to timing. Because your account was made recently, you will probably try to use it before it is licensed and fully provisioned. Waiting an hour will help if this is the problem.
  • If you have used email successfully, but you get an error on some devices, this is often related to browser cache. Once entering a help ticket you are going to be asked about trying to log in from several devices.

Student Support – Reset Your mySFA Password

If you forget your password to mySFA, it will not be able to be recovered. But, there is a process in place that can allow you to reset your password:

  • Firstly, you have to go to the myPassword webpage.
  • After that, click on the “Reset My Password” button.
  • Then, enter your mySFA username, click “Logon”.
  • Please enter the answers to your security challenge questions.
  • After you have answered your security challenge questions, you are able to have a new password assigned to you or enter a new password yourself.

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