Sdhc Edconnect ( login)

Do you want to know about how to login to Sdhc Edconnect? If you are the student of Sdhc, you need to know how to login to Sdhc Edconnect because usually it is an important thing. Let’s find out what we have found about it.

Logging in to Sdhc Edconnect

After we have searched the information about Edhc Edconnect and we tried to access this linkĀ, we cannot access this site. We could not connect to the site, instead it was written that the web page was blocked. So, you are able to try to access this site by yourself. If you still cannot access it, you are able to contact your school for help.

Instead, we have some important information about Edconnect that you can read below.

About Edconnect

Do you know what Edconnect is? According to the official website of Edconnect, it is a complete, integrated solution to run your educational institution. With it, you are able to simplify administrative work, improve information accessibility, facilitate active communication, and provide data visibility for all aspects of school.

The system of Edconnect is made to be used by every school department, from administrators to principals. This is a web-based system and it enables you to be able to access consistent information from home, schools, and anywhere.

Benefits of Using Edconnect

What are the benefits of using Edconnect? For educational foundations, it can be used to monitor multiple schools in real-time and analyze each school’s performance compared to the targeted key performance indicators.

For principals, it can be used to monitor the performance of every department easily, anytime and anywhere. Also, it can solve problems before they escalate. Edconnect is everything the school needs in one platform. With it, inter-departmental information is able to be obtained instantly without having to waste paper and time and minimizing errors in information handling.

For teachers, Edconnect can be used to manage grades, attendance and monitor every student’s performance. For parents, they can monitor their children’s academic development easily such as agendas, attendance, extracurricular activities, payment and direct communications with teachers.

How about the benefits of Edconnect for students? Students can organize their tasks and schedules. They need to log into the system and then they are able to access class agendas, subject planning, teachers, exams and tasks.

How can EdConnect help your school? As explained on the official website of Edconnect that they are able to help you make better predictions for future decision-making. The system which is owned by the Edconnect enables a more structured education and day to day operations, eliminates the need for a traditional paper-based system and simplifies administration work to save time and costs. With Edconnect, people can access information instantly and reporting is also able to be done more easily to monitor ongoing school activities.

The system will analyze a multitude of metrics in every aspect of school operation. So, they can help you identify problems in the school’s processes and provide meaningful data for decision-making.

EdConnect Features

There are a lot of features which are offered by Edconnect and you are able to see them in the list below.

  • Registration and Admission

With Edconnect, you are able to do a number of things such as registration, filling forms, entrance examination scheduling and re-registration.

  • Financing and Tuition

Payments for tuition fees, book fees and all financial transactions will be recorded in the application. Multiple payment gateways are supported by them and those include virtual account transfers, credit cards or direct payment.

  • Purchasing and Inventory

If you buy supplies and school equipment, Edconnect will record it in the system and inventory tracking is able to be done easily.

  • Resources and Salary

With Edconnect, you will be able to manage teachers and school staff in the application easily, calculate taxes automatically and take control of staff salaries and compensation.

  • Medical Unit

Teachers will be informed on students’ existing medical conditions and parents are able to be notified automatically if there is a student who requires medical attention.

  • Announcements

If there are announcements, they can be distributed quickly and easily to all students in the school. It can also track which students have read the announcements and send notifications to remind them of the announcement.

  • Curriculum

The system of Edconnect is made to be flexible and it can support a multitude of national and international curricula.

  • Lesson Planning

You are able to plan lesson contents and processes through edconnect to duplicate and standardize lessons easily.

  • Learning Management System (LMS)

With Edconnect, you will take your school into a digital learning age. Learning materials, discussions, tasks and examinations are able to be done completely online. The system of EdConnect provides a simple and structured platform for all online learning needs.

  • Alumni Management

You are able to follow the development of students after graduation and involve school alumni in events to strengthen the school network.

  • Grading

Edconnect can record student grades directly in the system of Edconnect and the grades are able to be seen directly by parents and students. Grade weighting is able to be done by the system automatically.

  • Activities

You are able to make clubs and extracurricular activities a part of a holistic learning approach. Membership, attendance and activity scheduling is able to be modified directly from the system.

  • Library

You can integrate the school library into the system to provide a comprehensive book list, and track book borrowing and returns easily.

  • Intelligent Computer-Based Testing

For teachers, they are able to create and distribute online quizzes and examinations quickly and easily. Edconnect gives support to almost every type of assessment, including multiple-choice questions, short answers, essays and true/false questions. Answers are able to be graded automatically by the system or graded manually.

  • Attendance

It can record student and teacher attendance directly through the application, fingerprint, RFID, etc. The attendance data will be recorded and analyzed by the system in real time.

  • Automatic Report Book

With Edconnect, printing report cards will not be difficult and time-consuming anymore. It is because the system of Edconnect will calculate grades automatically in student reports according to the school formulation.

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