In this page, we are going to talk about what SCSU D2L is, and also some information related to SCSU D2L. For those who want to know about that information, you have to read the following text until the end.

What is SCSU D2L?

SCSU D2L is a learning management system used by St. Cloud State University. That learning management system is powered and hosted by Brightspace by D2L (Desire2Learn). SCSU D2L is used to deliver the university’s online courses. Also, it supports face-to-face and blended classes classroom instruction.

  • SCSU D2L is user friendly. If you navigate WebPages, complete online forms, and download files from the internet, you will be able to use SCSU D2L.
  • SCSU D2L supports most modern web browsers. Remember that older browsers are not recommended. For this case, we suggest you use Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.
  • SCSU D2L uses popup windows for certain features. Please make sure to disable the browser’s popup blockers or add SCSU D2L as an exception.


How to log in to SCSU D2L?

You have to login to SCSU D2L to access your courses. For note: New student accounts are made 55 days before the semester. So, how to log in to SCSU D2L? Do not worry as it is very easy to do.

To log in to SCSU D2L, you have two ways:

  1. Login by using StarID
  2. Login by using non-StarID

To login to SCSU D2L by using StarID:

  • At the first step, you have to choose the sign on with the StarID button.
  • After that, you are going to the page of Sign on with your StarID.
  • Then, you are able to enter your StarID.
  • Afterwards, you have to enter your own password.
  • The last step you must do is to click at the Sign on button.

To login to SCSU D2L by using StarID

For note: StarID is a username which replaces many login IDs with one ID, one password, everywhere. You only need one StarID: you will be able to use the same StarID across Minnesota State to log into many services like D2L Brightspace, email, and more.

To login to SCSU D2L by using non-StarID:

  • At the first step, you are able to select the sign on with a non-StarID button.
  • After that, you are going to go to the login page.
  • Then, you are able to enter your username.
  • Afterwards, you have to enter your own password.
  • The last step is to click at the login button.

To login to SCSU D2L by using non-StarID

After you log in to SCSU D2L, then you are able to view your courses, explore tools and features, as well customize your eLearning experience.

For those who forget your password, simply you are able to click at the link of forgot your password. Enter your username and click the submit button. After that, they are going to send you a password reset link to the email address associated with your username.

How to log out of SCSU D2L?

After you log in to SCSU D2L and finish all tasks you want to do on SCSU D2L, then you have to log out of SCSU D2L. Keep in mind that it is very important to log out of SCSU D2L especially if you are using a public computer.

To log out of SCSU D2L Brightspace, here are steps to do:

  • On the minibar, you have to click on your username.
  • Then, you have to choose the Log out button.
  • Please make sure that you log out of SCSU D2L successfully.

After you log out of SCSU D2L Brightspace successfully, you will be sure that no one can access your account.

Submit an assignment

The Assignments tool allows you to submit assignments in SCSU D2L Brightspace, eliminating the need to mail, fax, or email your work to instructors. Simply, you are able to upload your submission to the appropriate assignment and submit.

Before that, you have to understand about due dates and end dates. For your information, a due date is the submission deadline of an assignment in your course. This date is only specific to assignments. End dates are attached to assignments. This end date is the final date an assignment is available for you to submit to, regardless of the due date. After the end date of the assignment is past, you are no longer able to submit, no matter what the assignment’s due date is.

Here are steps to submit assignment:

  • From navbar, you have to click the Assignments.
  • On the Assignments page, you are able to click on the assignment you want to submit to.
  • Now, you have to follow the assignment instructions, and do one of the below:
  1. Please type your assignment in the Text Submission field. After you finish your written response, just click Submit.
  2. To browse for the file you want to submit, you have to click Add a File. You will be able to attach files from your local computer/ storage device, a group locker, a personal locker, or Brightspace ePortfolio. Then, enter any comments you want to submit with the file. Please click Submit.
  3. You are able to choose Record Audio to add feedback. Once you finish a recording, click Add. Please enter any comments with the file and click Submit.
  4. Please click Mark as Complete to manually mark an assignment as completed.
  • If your instructor enabled e-rater Grammar feedback, you are able to click the View e-rater grammar feedback link in the Inline Feedback column.
  • If your assignment enables multiple submissions, you are able to incorporate any grammar feedback and resubmit your assignment.

For notes:

  • If assignment is Turnitin enabled, the file you submitted is pre-validated at the time of submission to make sure it is within the Turnitin file type and size requirements.
  • If GradeMark or the OriginalityCheck has been enabled, you are able to view your Submission ID within your Submission History page.
  • Depending on your course settings, you will be able to view any rubrics which are used to evaluate your work directly on the submission page.

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