Respondus LockDown Browser Utk Manual Instructions and Download Link

University of Tennessee, Knoxville has used the Respondus LockDown Browser to add more security for the students when taking an online exam. Just like most universities, UTK also licensed this secure browser to prevent the students from cheating and looking for any sources during an exam.

However, it’s pretty easy to use the Respondus LockDown Browser, as long as you really understand the guide, rules and also navigation. Unfortunately, not all students of University of Tennessee, Knoxville already understand how to use the Respondus LockDown browser.

Well, if you are a UTK student who is looking for a guide for using the Respondus LockDown browser, you’re at the right page now, as we’ll show you a clear guide for manual instruction. Here you go!

Download Link for Manual Instruction

The Respondus LockDown Browser’s manual Instruction for all students of University of Tennessee, Knoxville can be downloaded at this link.

When you are clicking on the link, the manual instruction of the Respondus LockDown Browser will be automatically downloaded. Sure, you can read the content in the manual instruction to ease you using the LockDown Browser.

What Will You Find in Manual Instructions?

Manual instructions commonly provide any information related to how to use the tool  including the definition, the guide and some activities you can perform within.

So as with Respondus LockDown Browser manual instructions, it’s also providing a clear guide of how to use this program. This manual instruction is intended for the students of University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

So, here are some points that you will find in UTK manual Instructions:

  1. Definition

The first point starts with the definition of Respondus LockDown Browser. According to University of Tennessee Knoxville’s manual instructions, Respondus LockDown Browser is a secure, locked browser for taking quizzes in Canvas.

This program prevents the students  from copying, printing, going to another URL, or accessing other apps during an online assessment. Moreover, if a Canvas quiz requires the use of the LockDown Browser, the students definitely cannot take the test with a standard web browser. This secure browser must only be used to take Canvas quizzes. In other words, it shouldn’t be used in other areas of Canvas.

  1. Installation

The manual instruction also provides a guide for installation. Certainly, to use the LockDown Browser, the users should install the app first on their computer (Windows or Mac).

Generally, the University of Tennessee, Knoxville will provide the link to download the LockDown Browser. What you should do is to only follow onscreen instructions for completing the installation.

This post also shows you a download link for Respondus LockDown Browser. You can download the Respondus LockDown Browser HERE .

Once you have downloaded this app, you must only follow the on-screen instructions until the installation is completed. After the app is installed, you’re able to locate the ‘LockDown’ browser icon on your desktop. When you find the icon, you can get started using this browser to take an online assessment.

  1. Taking an Assessment

Of course, it’s not enough if the manual instruction does not provide the UTK students a way to take an assessment. So, here’s step-by-step that you need to follow when you are taking an assessment in UTK Canvas:

  • Firstly, you need to close all programs such as instant messaging and also screen capture.
  • Then, you need to find out the ‘LockDown Browser’ shortcut on your  desktop
  • Double-clicking on it to start launching the program. If you use a Mac computer, you can launch the ‘LockDown Browser’ from the apps folder.)
  • If you are required to close any blocked programs, you need to click on ‘Yes’ before working with LockDown Browser.
  • After any blocked programs are closed, you can then log into Canvas. You will need Net ID and password to log into the Canvas.
  • You can go to the test within the course and choose the ‘Take a Quiz’ option.
  • A few moments later, the quiz will appear.

It’s important to note that after  a test has been started with LockDown Browser, you shouldn’t exit until your test is submitted.

  1. Using a Webcam

Certainly, the Respondus LockDown Browser will allow you to use the Respondus Monitor. This is a webcam feature used to record the students during online exams. Generally, a webcam feature is used by the students when their instructor allows them to use it.

To use a webcam feature, you must have a computer with a webcam and microphone. After that, the instructor will configure the Respondus Monitor first. Certainly, the additional settings will appear in the LockDown Browser Dashboard, if your institution licensed the Respondus Monitor.

In order to work with Respondus Monitor, you need to follow the Startup Sequence. Here are what you should do in Startup Sequence instruction before using the webcam feature:

  • You need to review and agree to the Terms of Use.
  • The Webcam Check will confirm first when a webcam and microphone are working well. The first time the Webcam Check is done on a computer. Then, the Adobe Flash will allow you to choose ‘Allow’ and ‘Remember’.
  • The next steps of the Startup Sequence will depend on the settings selected by your instructor. You will also need to follow the instructions. Aside from that you also need to note your progress along the top of the screen.
  • If you get a problem, you should choose the ‘It’s not working’ link to find out the problem solvings.

Well, your test will begin when the Startup Sequence is completed.  You shouldn’t exit LockDown Browser until your test is submitted for grading.

Well, those are all points available in the manual instruction of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville for Respondus LockDown Browser. So, if you want to run the Respondus LockDown Browser easily, it’s highly recommended for you to read the whole manual instructions by downloading it first through the link that we’ve mentioned above.

Additionally, make sure to follow the guide completely to make it more understanding for you of using the Respondus LockDown Browser. Good Luck!

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