Reading Eggs Placement Test

In order to find the perfect starting level for your child’s ability through the Reading Eggs program, you should take them in the placement test which is designed to place your child on the proper starting lesson.

In the middle of the test, your child will answer a series of multiple choice questions which will assess their reading ability. That means that your child will start working at the most suitable level based on their ability.

Are you one of the parents who is looking for a way to find the perfect level for your children? If so, thankfully, you come to the right page where this post will show you how to find the proper level for your children on the Reading Eggs program. Let’s see the ways from our post below!

Here’s the Guide to Assign the Placement Test!

There are at least two options on how to place your child’s level. Your child can either follow a placement test which will determine the best place for them to get the program or you as parent can manually set their level.

  • Firstly, you need to log into your family dashboard here.
  • Then, choose your child’s tab.
  • After that, click the ‘Redo placement test or adjust level’ link.
  • Here, you will see the options to set your child’s progress for each program.
  • To assign the placement test, you should click the red button under ‘Redo Placement Test’.
  • By clicking the red button, you will be prompted with a pop-up message that asks if you are sure you want to restart your child’s progress.
  • Then, if you click on the ‘OK’, your child’s current progress information will be lost. Fortunately, any rewards or eggs that your child earned will not be lost as well.
  • After you click the ‘OK’ button, you can go back to your family dashboard and click the ‘Start’ button under your child’s tab.
  • Once you enter the program, you will be taken to the Placement Test Screen.
  • In this step, you should try to avoid assisting the questions to ensure they are accurately placed on the right level.
  • After your child is ready to start, you can then click on the green button and you will be ready to go.

That’s it! Finding the perfect level for your child based on their ability is pretty easy, isn’t it? Now, it’s your turn to start taking the placement test for your child. Good Luck!

How If You Want To Reset the Placement Test?

If you want to rest your child’s placement test, you should log into your family dashboard just like when you want to take the placement test. The link to login has been mentioned above. Then, you will have to log out until you reach the family dashboard if your login automatically goes to your child’s account.

  • Once you log into your family dashboard, you have to find the Family Dashboard. From here, you should choose the child whose progress you would like to reset.
  • After that, click on the ‘Redo placement test or adjust level’ link which is located on the right-hand side of the screen under the Mathseeds tab. Well, this link will appear when you have the Reading Eggs, Reading Eggspress or Mathseeds program chosen.

click on the ‘Redo placement test or adjust level’

  • In the following screen, ensure the current program is selected where it will be the program you’re adjusting for.

ensure the current program is selected

  • In this way, you need to choose a lesson from the drop-down menu manually and then click on the ‘Change Current Lesson’ or click on the ‘Reset and Start Over’ option to redo the placement test.

click on the ‘Reset and Start Over’

Congratulations! You successfully reset your child’s placement test easily.

There are a bunch of things that you should note, they are:

  • Next time you get the program, your changes will be reflected.
  • If you reset the placement test, your child’s level progress will be removed too. Fortunately, all golden eggs, house furniture, critters and certificates will still be available.
  • When you use a school-linked account, your child’s levels will be set by their teacher. So, you have to contact your child’s teacher to make level adjustments or reset the placement test.

About Placement Test

About Placement Test

On the Reading Eggs program, the students will be presented with a placement test before the first lesson is ever launched. The students are able to choose to pass the test and begin at lesson 1 in either Reading Eggs or Reading Eggspress or also take the placement test and advance to a lesson which is more instructionally in tune with their current learning abilities.

When they take the placement test. They will encounter a series of questions which incrementally get harder as the test goes on. Additionally, each set of five questions will be aligned to the skills which are covered in each successive map of the program.

When the students miss three questions, well, the test will end and they will be put on the correct map to start working. Apart from utilizing this test at the beginning of each school year, however, you should know some of the other placement capabilities that Reading Eggs offers. Here are for the explanations:

  • Change placement manually

If you see your child or student who is getting bored and seems frustrated by their current lesson, we think that they may be working at the wrong level. It does not matter as Reading Eggs includes simple features to help you customize your student’s placement in the program.

When you login as the teacher, you can change their current lesson manually by going to the Management area from your left navigation, after that Manage Progress. Here, you are able to choose one student or more and then Edit Progress.

  • Reset a placement test

To reset the student’s placement test, you will face similar steps how to change the placement test ,manually. When you are at the Manage Progress area, you can choose your students and Edit Progress. Instead of editing the lesson, here, you need to choose the Placement Test from the appropriate dropdown. Then, when the students log in, they will be required to retake the placement test for more proper placement into the curriculum.

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