Raz-Kids Teacher Login

If you are a new teacher in Raz Kids, you may want to know how to login to Raz Kids. Well, in this page, we are going to share the way to login to Raz Kids as a teacher. Also, we are going to share a way to login to Raz Kids for students and parents. Make sure you keep staying on this page.

Logging into Raz Kids – For Teacher

Here are several steps to login to Raz Kids for teacher:

  • At the first step, you are able to go to the official site of Raz Kids.
  • After you arrive at the Raz Kids home page, click at the Kids login button.

Raz Kids home page, click at the Kids login button.

  • Then, you are able to login as a teacher. Just click on the Teacher button.

click on the Teacher button

  • At the teacher login, you are able to enter your username.
  • Afterwards, you have to enter your password.
  • Lastly, click at the login button.

If you forget your password of Raz kids account, then you are able to get rid of the password by clicking at the Forgot Password link. The next step that you have to do is to enter the email address you provided for your contact information and click the submit button. After that, the Raz Kids team will email you a new password.

Logging into Raz Kids – For Student

Here are steps to login to Raz Kids for student:

  • At the first step, you are able to go to the official site of Raz Kids.
  • After you arrive at the home page of Raz Kids, click at the Kids login button.
  • Then, you have to enter your teacher’s username.

enter your teacher's username1

  • Afterwards, click the Go button.
  • Finally, you will be able to access Raz Kids.

Logging into Raz Kids – For Parent

Here are steps to login to Raz Kids for parent:

  • At the first step, you are able to go to the official site of Raz Kids.
  • Once you arrive at the Raz Kids home page, click at the Kids login button.
  • Then, you are able to login as a parent by clicking the parent button.

login as a parent by clicking the parent button.

  • At the login page, you are able to enter your username.
  • Afterwards, you have to enter your password.
  • Lastly, click at the login button.

If you forget your password for the Raz Kids account, then you are able to get rid of the password by clicking at the Forgot Password link. The next step that you have to do is to enter your email to recover your password.

Raz-Kids Teacher

Raz Kids is a reading site that will guide the students to help them to increase their reading skill. The reading skill is very essential to make the students to train their ability in understanding text effectively. Furthermore, training reading skill will help the students to have better pronunciation, increasing vocabulary, improving knowledge about kinds of the text and the structure of each text type. Many leaders of the Learning A-Z company and their product specialists are former teachers. Thus, Raz Kids also makes the resources by relying on the input and creative talents of active and former teachers.

Raz Kids teacher is going to give a good impact for the students by giving assignments using resources which are prepared by Raz Kids website. Raz Kids believes that the teacher will know the best from their students. If they have good teachers and then they combine them with good resources too, it is going to help the progress of the students easier and producing the best students is not impossible. Raz Kids instruction will help the teachers without limiting the creativity and innovation of the teachers. Learning with Raz Kids, the students do not only learn by themselves by accessing the site, but also they are going to be guided by competent teachers. The teachers will give the students some assignments, track the students’ progress, and also give awards to make the students keep motivated and engaged in learning in Raz Kids.

Raz Kids believes that the teachers who can support the students will be able to produce a great impact in the classroom. Thus, Raz Kids works hard to support all the customers professionally. Professional learning that Raz Kids have will lead to the meaningful and successful implementation of their resources. The professional learning options are continuing, goal-oriented, and personalized to meet the students’ needs. Raz Kids has a reward system that will motivate the students by giving stars for practice, completion, or success online.

Tips for teacher to integrate Raz Kids into classroom

In the site of Raz Kids, the students will discover helpful tips from the teacher to help integrate Raz Kids into the classroom.

Here are some helpful teacher tips for helping the students that are available on Raz Kids site.

  • The students are able to record themselves reading a book from their computer at home. Have them record a story with bells or dings to signal page turning (the Next button) and let younger siblings listen to the read-aloud while following along.
  • Utilize the assignment report to see how much of the current assignment that a student has completed and whether it may be time to assess a student’s reading progress.
  • Allowing the students access to the Reading Room can help to increase listening comprehension, increased awareness of differing text structures, and also expanding vocabulary as students listen to books at higher levels.
  • During class transition, the teachers are able to invite the students to play Raz-Kids songs on an interactive whiteboard, and challenge students to be cleaned up.
  • Students’ reading comprehension may be as strong as their listening comprehension. From time to time, set the students the listening option and quiz for a given book to ensure how strong their listening comprehension is at a given level.

Well, we have explained how to log in for teachers, students and parents. Also, we have explained some information related to Raz Kids for teachers and some helpful teacher tips for helping the students that are available on Raz Kids site. Please contact Raz Kids support if you have any questions.

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