Raz-Kids Level Up

With the Raz-Kids, the kids can access their leveled text via an interactive learning portal which is designed to keep them motivated. Raz-Kids provides a thousand eBooks which allow them to listen, read, and record themselves reading.

In Raz-Kids, the students will get a higher level if they have successfully completed their activities in previous levels including listening, reading and taking the quiz. Well, if you are a parent who wants to know more about Level Up in Raz-Kids, thankfully, you’re at the right page now as we’ll show it for you. Let’s see below!

What Is Level Up in Raz-Kids?

When the students access the Raz-Kids, they will find the ‘Level Up’ section on the Student Portal. Well, Level Up here is one of Raz-Kids sections which contains a collection of books that the students can complete to automatically advance to the next reading level.

In this case, the students will automatically Level Up, after they listen and read all the books, and pass the comprehension quiz with a score of 80% or higher. Here, you can also determine reading levels to students and customize the listen version of books any time in the Classroom Roster.

How to Assess a Student’s Level?

The teachers can assess every student’s reading performance with online running records which make it in saving valuable instructional time. To assess a student’s level, each student should send their recordings to their teacher In Basket in a three-part process, providing the teacher with a more complete picture of their students’ reading abilities and monitor their progress.

What the teachers should do to know the student’s reading ability:

  • Place students at an appropriate reading level to begin with.
  • Determines students’ readiness to advance to the next level after they have completed an assignment.
  • Monitor students’ reading progress over time.

Here are the three-part processes:

Part 1

If you are a teacher, you have to preview the Benchmark Passages & Running Records or Benchmark Books & Running Records (Level aa-J) collections before assigning. Previously, you may need to take more than one running record to determine a student’s instructional level.

After that, assign a Benchmark Passage or Benchmark Book (Levels aa-J) by clicking on the ‘Assign’ button and choosing the students. Last, you need to review Running Records to learn about the details of scoring an online running record.

Part 2

In this part, the students should record a retelling of the text and then send it to your In Basket. Moreover, the retelling recordings here should provide the details to identify strengths and weaknesses, the students may have comprehending fiction or nonfiction texts to assess their comprehension.

Part 3

In the last part, the student has to take a Comprehension Quick Check Quiz and then the Raz-Kids’ software system will score it. In this case, the Skill Reports will help you to identify comprehension skills for additional practice.

Additionally, for part 2 and part 3, there are numerous points that should be noticed, they are:

  • The students are required to tell you about the story or text in as much detail as they can remember.
  • Rubrics will also provide the specific details which are expected from every student, so the teacher can judge each retelling with the same rigor.
  • The multiple-choice quizzes will provide the students with feedback after completion on how well they scored.
  • The teachers can preview and review each quiz question and answer in addition to viewing a student’s score and skills missed.
  • You can use the Skill Reposts in your Kids A-Z management hub to view comprehension strengths and chances for additional instruction for your whole class or look at individual student reports to individualize instruction.

Understand Other Sections in Raz-Kids Student Portal

On the Raz-Kids Student Portal, there are a bunch of sections that the students can access, apart from the Level Up section. Knowing all sections on the Student Portal is totally a must for them. Why? That’s because they will understand which one they should choose when they’re learning with Raz-Kids.

Here are they:

  • My Assignment Section

With the ‘My Assignment’ section, the students can go to complete numerous activities which the teachers have digitally assigned.

  • Reading Room Section

The Reading Room is a Raz-Kids section where the students are able to access reading resources for reading practice and enjoyment. In this case, the Reading Room will make it easy for the students to find level-appropriate books by topic, popularity and category. Moreover, they can save their favorite books for easy access anytime.

You can also customize your students’ Reading Room experience in the Roster under the Raz-Plus tab.

  • Flight Check Section

The Flight Check section will appear when the teachers assign the student a digital assessment such as a digital Running Record using the Books or Benchmark Passages. With the Flight Check section, the teachers can digitally assess a student’s reading level, ability to recognize high-frequency words or ability to name letters.

  • Messages

The students are able to use the dashboard to navigate to messages from their teacher or parents and get the notifications when they earn badges. The teachers can also send the students messages and award them bonus stars from the Roster. For parents, they can also send messages through the Parent Portal.

  • Star Zone

Star Zone will give the students a star after completing their activities. They can also spend their stars by customizing their avatar in the Avatar Builder or Raz  Rocket in the Star Zone. Additionally, the teachers can also turn those incentives on or off in the Classroom Roster under the General Tab.

  • Stats Section

In this section, the students are able to check their reading progress and badges. If the teacher wants to check their student’s progress,  go to the Activity Report.

  • Badges Section

The badges will reward the students for achieving milestones and incentivize them to complete more activities. However, those badges will assist the students to set goals and become more engaged in their learning.

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