Purdue University Income Tax School

Purdue University is going to hold the 53rd annual Purdue Income Tax School and 31st Agricultural Tax Workshop Webinar. Everyone is invited to the event. The university is apparently approved as a sponsor of Continuing Education programs for attorneys, CPAs and public accountants, Enrolled Agents, and CFPs. These programs are made for tax professionals and the aim of the programs is to give up to date training on current tax law regulations.

When is the course going to be held? According to the official website of Purdue University, the Purdue University Income Tax School is going to be held from December 2 to December 3, 2021. On the first day, the participants have to attend the event from 8:15 AM to 4:25 PM. From 4:35 to 5:35 PM, they are free whether they want to join it or not. On the second day, the required one starts from 8:15 AM to 4:35 PM. There will be no optional ethics. In addition, it is stated that there will be a few breaks throughout the day and the lunch time on both days will be from 11:50 AM to 12:50 PM. Keep in mind that the dates and the times are in Eastern Standard Time.

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It is worth noting that everything will be taught virtually and it will be presented in live format. The statement means that the format of the instructions that will be given is the same as the one in the past. The live chat box is there during the event. With it, the participants will be able to submit any questions and want for the instructors to give a response.

For everyone who is going to attend the virtual course, all that you need to get is a good internet connection and sound. There is no need for you to enable both the camera and the microphone on your computer. After registering, you will be informed about more information through email. Not only that, you will also receive a link to the live streaming. The email that will consist of both of them will be sent in November. The meeting is guaranteed to be safe and secure as it will use the Zoom conferencing platform under a purchased license.

What are the materials included in the event? There are a total of two materials that will be included in the two day course. You will get the CCH Master Tax Guide, LGUTEF Workbook (the one with the online access to the book), and a link to access the IDOR booklet.

It is also important for the participants to know a bit about the 2021 National Income Tax Workbook as it will be covered in the event. For a sneak peak, the topics in this workbook include new and expiring legislation; rulings and cases; ethnics; IRS issues; individual issues; retirement, investing, and savings; trusts and estates; agricultural and nature resources; business tax issues; choice of entity; construction industry tax issues; current real estate tax, and payroll and credits.

Apart from these two days’ events, there will be some other events. The first one is called Farmer Tx Webinar. This one is going to be held on December 9th, 2021 from 6:30 to 8:30 PM. This one is a two hour virtual event that will cover the tax issues that focus on production agriculture, including tax planning in a high income year, taxation of income, depreciation issues, and deductions that are usually used by the farms and ranches. While the targets of this event are farmers and ranchers, those who are interested in the field are also welcomed to join in.

In addition to these, there will also be an Ag Tax Webinar event. For those who are not familiar with the Ag Tax Webinar, it will talk about the agricultural and farm income tax issues and supplement material deeper. Everything that will be presented will complete the one that will be given at Purdue Income Tax Schools. Greg Bouchard is the one that will be in charge of teaching. If you have no idea who he is, he is known as an expert on agricultural tax issues. He comes from New York. Aside from being known as an expert of agricultural tax issues, he is also a co-author of the Agricultural Income Tax Issues Workbook, the one that will be handed to everyone who will attend the event. In addition to the topics given by the speaker, each question that is related to the agricultural tax issues will also be uncovered.

This one is going to be held on Monday December 13th, 2021, fourth day after the Farmer Tx Webinar. Just like the previous two, this one will also be held virtually. The event will start at 9:00 AM EST but it is recommended to log in at 8:30 AM. At 1:00 PM, there will be a break. The event will end at 3:30 PM. Take note that the further information about the webinar, including the log in information, will be sent to the participants before the workshop through email.

If the information above is not enough and you need more, you are encouraged to contact the Associate Director and Professor Purdue Department of Agricultural Economics named Michael Langemier by sending an email to mlangeme@purdue.edu to ask about the course and content questions. If you want to ask about the registration, the one that should be contacted is Amanda Johnson, instead of Michael Langemier. Amanda Johnson is the Lead Event Planner Purdue Conferences. If you want to contact her, you can just send an email to john145@purdue.edu.

If you are interested in joining the Purdue Income Tax School and some other ones, the first thing that you need to do is to go to the page of Purdue Income Tax School at here. When you are there, scroll down to the bottom and find the Register Now button. The process of registering includes Terms and Conditions, Registrant Information, Optional Webinars, Registration Summary, and Payment. Please follow everything well.

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