PowerSchool HCPS

PowerSchool HCPS is the kind of thing for the students and families of the students of the schools under Henrico County Public Schools in pre-K through grade 12. With it, they will be able to get access to the class grades, attendance information, student schedules, and some other ones. In addition to that, it also gives a single sign-on access to the other online services, including RYCOS Online Forms and MySchoolBucks. It is really great as there is no need for you to make accounts specifically for these websites.

As stated before, Henrico County Public Schools provides PowerSchool HCPS for both students and parents or guardians of the students. Here is the list of the schools that they manage:

  • Elementary: Adams Elementary School, Arthur R. Ashe, Jr. Elementary School, George F. Baker Elementary School, Ruby F. Carver Elementary School, Chamberlayne Elementary School, Colonial Trail Elementary School, Crestview Elementary School, Jackson Davis Elementary School, Cashell Donahoe Elementary School, Dumbarton Elementary School, Echo Lake Elementary School, Fair Oaks Elementary School, Gayton Elementary School, Glen Allen Elementary School, Glen Lea Elementary School, Greenwood Elementary School, Harvie Elementary School, Highland Springs Elementary School, Elizabeth Holladay Elementary School,Charles M. Johnson Elementary School, David A. Kaechele Elementary School, Laburnum Elementary School, Lakeside Elementary School, R.C. Longan Elementary School, Longdale Elementary School, Maybeury Elementary School, Mehfoud Elementary School, Montrose Elementary School, Nuckols Farm Elementary School, Pemberton Elementary School, Raymond B. Pinchbeck Elementary School, Harold Macon Ratcliffe Elementary School, Ridge Elementary School, Rivers Edge Elementary School, Sandston Elementary School, Seven Pines Elementary School, Shady Grove Elementary School, Short Pump Elementary School, Skipwith Elementary School, Springfield Park Elementary School, Three Chopt Elementary School, Maude Trevvett Elementary School, Tuckahoe Elementary School, Twin Hickory Elementary School, Varina Elementary School, Ward Elementary School,
  • Middle schools: Brookland Middle School, Elko Middle School, Fairfield Middle School, Holman Middle School, Hungary Creek Middle School, George H. Moody Middle School, Pocahontas Middle School, John Rolfe Middle School, Short Pump Middle School, Tuckahoe Middle School, L. Douglas Wilder Middle School
  • High schools: Deep Run High School, Douglas S. Freeman High School, Glen Allen High School, Mills e. Godwin High School, Henrico High School, Hermitage High school, Highland Springs High School, John Randolph Tucker High School, Varina High School

The students will be handed their PowerSchool HCPS accounts automatically. On the other hand, it is different for the parents or guardians as they need to create an account. Creating an account requires the email address, the student number, the date of birth of the student, and the initials of the student (first, middle, last). An email address is only able to be used for one student. For example, if you have two children who are currently enrolled in the school under this school district, then you will have to make two accounts. As for the student number, it should be assigned at the time of registration.

Both students and parents or guardians have to sign in to the portal to access the information included in it. Signing in is really easy and can be done with a blink of eyes. If you are a student or a parent or guardian of the student, below is step by step to sign in to PowerSchool SCPS:

student and parent portal PowerSchool HCPS

  1. The first thing that you will need to do is to go to the PowerSchool HCPS page. Click on the link to take you thereĀ https://sis.henrico.k12.va.us/public/home.html.
  2. When you are on the page, choose a language. There are a total of five languages to choose from: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Vietnamese, and Arabic.
  3. The next thing that you have to do is to enter the username.
  4. The second one that should be entered is the password.
  5. After you are done entering these two, it is time for you to press the Sign In button.

In case you forgot about username or password, you can just click on the Forgot Username or Password link that is found under the Password field. By following the step, you will be directed to the Recover Account Sign In Information page. To be able to recover the password, there are two ways available. The first one is for the parents or guardians. If you are a parent or a guardian of the student, you should enter the username and email address before pressing Enter. As for the student, all that should be done is to contact the school directly. If the username is the only thing that the parents or guardian forget, they will have to provide the email address and then press Enter.

After logging in to PowerSchool HCPS, the students and the parents or the guardians of the students will be able to see a few things, including:

  • Grades and Attendance: This one shows the comprehensive information about the grades and the attendance of the student for the current term.
  • Grade History: This one shows the student quarter and semester grades for the current term.
  • Email Notification: This one gives the parents or guardians whose children are in grades 6 to 12 the ability to manage the account preferences. With it, they can choose the information to receive, and so on.
  • Teacher Comments: This one shows any comment given by the teacher.
  • School Information: This one shows the school information.
  • My Schedule: This one shows the schedules of the students.
  • Account Preferences: This one makes it possible for the parents or guardians to manage the account information.
  • Access Logs: This one shows the number of how many times the user has accessed the portal.
  • Transportation: This one shows the morning and afternoon student bus route information.
  • MySchoolBucks: This one can be used to view meal balances, track purchases, and make payments for school lunches.
  • Access Online Forms: This one makes it possible for the parents or guardians to access online forms portal with just a single sign on.
  • Etc.

For more information about PowerSchool HCPS it is better for you to visit the official website of Henrico County Public Schools atĀ henricoschools.us.

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