PowerSchool BCSD

If you are part of Berkeley County School District, you need to learn about PowerSchool BCSD. Now, you are at the page that will share some information regarding PowerSchool BCSD. So, do not go anywhere. Get crucial information from this page.

What is PowerSchool?

The parents are able to use PowerSchool BCSD to access crucial information about their children accurately and fast. The parents will be able to see the results of the tests and assignments as soon as they are recorded. Besides, PowerSchool will allow the parents to communicate with the teachers and guidance counselors. PowerSchool BCSD is going to assist the parents to help their children reach their potential. Also, PowerSchool is an extensive student information system that enables Berkeley County School District to manage information online easily, be it attendance, grades, transcripts, assessments, or report cards.

PowerSchool BCSD – Student and Parent Sign in

PowerSchool BCSD gives real-time access for the students and parents to see student’s attendance, assignments, grades, and more. In the text below, we are going to share how to access the PowerSchool BCSD:

PowerSchool BCSD - Student and Parent Sign in

  • Once you are on the page of Student and Parent Sign in, simply you are able to enter your username.
  • After that, enter your password.
  • The last step, you have to click the sign in button.

Well, the steps above are a way to sign in PowerSchool BCSD. If you need Technical assistance after logging in, you are able to use the help button in the upper right corner.

PowerSchool BCSD – Forgot password?

If you forget your password and cannot login to PowerSchool BCSD, do not worry. Here we are going to share some steps that you have to do to solve your problem.

  • The first step, go to https://pschool.bcsdschools.net/public/.
  • Once you are on the page of Student and Parent Sign in, you have to click Forgot Username or Password? link. By clicking that link you are able to get rid of your password.

PowerSchool BCSD - Forgot password

  • To recover your password, you should contact the school directly.
  • Please submit the parent username.
  • Then, submit the parent email address.
  • The last step, click the enter button.

PowerSchool BCSD – Forgot username?

If you forget your username and cannot login to PowerSchool BCSD, do not worry. Here we are going to share some steps that you have to do to solve your problem.

  • The first step, go to https://pschool.bcsdschools.net/public/.
  • Once you are on the page of Student and Parent Sign in, you have to click Forgot Username or Password? link. By clicking that link you are able to get rid of your password.

PowerSchool BCSD - Forgot username

  • To recover your username, give the parent email address. Also, you have to contact the school directly.
  • Now, submit the parent email address correctly.
  • Lastly, click the Enter button.

If you are having login issues, you are able to contact your school for assistance. For security reasons, PowerSchool is unable to help with sign in, password, or other accessibility-related issues.

FAQs – PowerSchool Parent Portal

Here are some FAQs related to PowerSchool Parent Portal:

  1. What will PowerSchool Parent Portal allow me to check from home?

PowerSchool Parent Portal gives real-time access to parents for their child’s attendance, grades, assignments, and more. As a parent, you are able to check it from home.

  1. How do I request a login for PowerSchool Parent Portal?

To request a login for PowerSchool Parent Portal, you have to fill out and print the BCSD Parent Portal Request Form. After the form is filled out, you are able to return it to your child’s school. Please be prepared to present a photo ID to verify your identity.

  1. What if I lose or forget my password?

If your password is lost or forgotten you are able to access the “having trouble signing in” link on the login page to have your information emailed to you.  The login information which is e-mailed to you, must be used with 30 minutes of the request, or you have to submit a new request from the link

  1. If I have students at some schools or have some students at the same school, can I use the same login for each?

With PowerSchool, you are able to access all BCSD students with one username and password.

  1. I do not understand the grades which have been entered and I have questions. Who do I contact?

For this case, you have to contact your child’s teacher.

  1. What if I want other members of my family to have access to my child’s grades?

If you want other parts of your family to have access to your child’s grades via PowerSchool, you have to give them the student’s access ID that was provided to you from the school. It is going to be the responsibility of each parent or guardian to distribute or not distribute this student access ID.

Another choice within the Parent Portal would be to set email notifications for some email addresses. Those email notifications send recipients requested information such as current grades, detailed reports of assignments and scores, as well as attendance. To set up email notifications, you are able to see the “Email Notification” section of the Parent Portal User Guide.

For note: When adding some email addresses in the Email Notification section of Parent Portal, you have to ensure that they are separated by a comma and no trailing space.

About Berkeley County School District

Berkeley County School District is a school district within Berkeley County, South Carolina, US. BCSD is based in Moncks Corner, and serves all of Berkeley County including the portion of the City of Charleston on Daniel Island and the Cainhoy Peninsula. In the year of 2017 the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) investigated potential embezzlement. The district fired Brantley Thomas (chief financial officer) on February 7, 2017. In March of that year superintendent Brenda Blackburn resigned, and then Deon Jackson became the interim superintendent.

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