If you are looking for the best Veterinary Programs at Penn Foster, we think that Veterinary Assistant is one of the best choices for you. Why? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Veterinary Assistant jobs are on the rise which can be projected to grow 19% through 2028.
That’s why we assure you to choose a Veterinary Assistant program if you’re interested in animal health and pet care. Aside from that, the national average salary for veterinary assistants in an entry-level position was roughly $27,540 in 2018. Certainly, the salary for a vet assistant will vary depending on education, experience and also state of residence.
Are you still in doubt to choose the Veterinary Assistant Program at Penn Foster? If so, how if we show you some reviews from people who already feel satisfied with this program? To reassure you, take a look at people’s reviews for the Veterinary Assistant program on our post below!
Veterinary Assistant Program Reviews
Thankfully, this post will show you a bunch of real reviews for Veterinary Assistant Program, here are they:
Ashley B. (Veterinary Assistant Graduate)
She said that after being a veterinary receptionist, she became more knowledgeable about the field and different roles and departments. She was eager and hungry to learn more. So, she did her research and decided this is what she truly wants to do. She chose Penn Foster because she knew if she paid out her pocket, she definitely would finish, she also refused to throw her money away.
Amanda Mosman (Reviewed on February 19, 2016)
She really loves Penn Foster who has been enrolled since 2012. She was currently enrolled in the Veterinary Technician program to earn her Associates of Applied Science in Veterinary Technology. This Program is nationally accredited by the AVMA. She and her friends have an amazing pass rate for the VTNE (veterinary technician national exam).
She was living in Oklahoma and the closet brick and motor school was 3 hours away, so she will get the school as quickly as possible. She said that the staff is amazing and always extremely helpful. The student ambassador program has given her even more reasons to be proud of her school.
She also emphasized that Iit has made her a better person and a better student where she always met some of the most amazing students who have become amazing friends from everywhere in the US and overseas.
Jessica Hull (Reviewed on March 25, 2014)
“Just finished my veterinary assistant course! so excited. the online programs are so convenient!”
Cody Seeger (Reviewed on February 19, 2016)
“Distance learning is not for everyone. You have to be self motivated to study and learn things and keep up with it. I think that is why there are some really bad reviews. I am currently in the Veterinary technician program and it’s great. Penn foster works great with my lifestyle because I have to work a lot of hours. Penn Foster is great for someone with a busy lifestyle! The veterinary tech program does require you to find your own practicum location, which for me, was the hard part. But its just like a job, it might take a little while but you will get in. I think most people just expect online school to be easy, but the content is the same and you have to be self motivated”.
Lori Johnson (Reviewed on February 19, 2014)
“I am currently enrolled in the Veterinary Technician program and am finishing my second semester. This online program is ideal for me since I do not live near a college that offers this degree. I appreciate the go-at-your-own-pace courses. The instructors have always been very helpful and I am getting a quality education in my own home and on my own schedule! I highly recommend anyone desiring to further their education to enroll in a Penn Foster program!”
Okay, those are some Veterinary Assistant Program reviews. Now, it’s your turn to decide your programs that you’ll choose at Penn Foster.
Veterinary Assistant Program Cost
If you enroll to be a Veterinary Assistant, you can take the first steps towards a career as a Veterinary Assistant by choosing from one of the payment plans that they offer below!
- Pay In Full
Cost: $799
If you choose this payment plan, you will save $230. Paying the full cost upfront means no monthly payments while you study.
- Monthly Auto Pay
Cost: $999
If you choose this payment plan, you will save $30. This plan will be automatic monthly payments which start for as little as $1. The monthly payments will cost you as low as $50.
- Monthly Mail Pay
Cost: $1029
These monthly mail payments will cost you as low as $50. Then, you should mail your payment using a payment coupon book.
Your payments can be made from your debit card, credit card, bank account or Paypal. Here’s a list of payments methods:
- Visa, Discover, MasterCard or American Express
- PayPal
- Checks
- Money orders
- Authorized automatic withdrawals from checking and savings accounts from U.S. banks
Veterinary Assistant Overview
Penn Foster is one of only three online Veterinary Assistant Programs which has been approved by the National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America. Even though Veterinary Assistants are not required to be a graduate of a NAVTA-approved veterinary assistant school, around 87% of veterinary practices are more likely to hire a graduate of a Navta-approved Veterinary Assistant program based on a recent employer survey.
With the Penn Foster Veterinary Assistant program, you will learn important on-the-job skills like restraint and handling which provides emergency first aid to animals using veterinary terminology and more.
The goal of the Veterinary Assistant Program is to prepare students to work as veterinary assistants under the supervision of veterinarians and veterinary technicians in small or large animal clinics and hospitals. This program will also prepare the students to take the national test to be an Approved Veterinary Assistant.
Aside from that, the Veterinary Assistant program can help you get the skills, knowledge and hands-on experience which will help you take steps towards a certified Veterinary Assistant job.