Penn Foster Address Pennsylvania

Where is Penn Foster School located? For those who want to find out the location of Penn Foster, you have to read this entire article. Here we are going to reveal that information, also other information related to Penn Foster Career School.

Penn Foster School address

Penn Foster School is a United States for-profit, regionally and nationally-accredited distance education school offering career diploma programs and certificate programs. Based on the research, it was founded in 1890 as International Correspondence Schools (ICS). Penn Foster is headquartered in Scranton, Pennsylvania. The address is 925 Oak Street Scranton, Pennsylvania 18515 United States.

Penn Foster Address Pennsylvania

For your information, Scranton is the sixth-biggest city in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. It is the county seat and biggest city of Lackawanna County in Northeastern Pennsylvania’s Wyoming Valley. It hosts a federal court building for the United States District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania. With an estimated population in 2019 of 76,650, it is the biggest city in northeastern Pennsylvania. The city is conventionally divided into 9 districts: North Scranton, Westside, Southside, the Hill Section, East Mountain, Central City, Minooka, Providence, and the Green Ridge.

Contact Penn Foster

Student Services

If you are an enrolled student and you have some questions about your program, so you are able to contact the Student Services Center at 1-888-427-1000.

For note: The students are able to email Student Services by logging in, and then click the Help & Support Section of your Student Portal.

Transcript Requests

If you want to look for an official copy of your Penn Foster transcript, simply click this link:

Duplicate Diploma or Certificate Requests

If you want to look for a duplicate copy of your Penn Foster certificate or diploma, simply click this link:

Penn Foster Career School

If you are not a student and have a question, you are able to call: 1-800-275-4410 or email an Admissions Specialist.

  • Fax: 1-570-961-4030
  • Address: Penn Foster Career School
  • Student Services Center: 925 Oak Street, Scranton, PA 18515 United States

Penn Foster High School

If you are not a student and have a question, you are able to call: 1-888-427-6200 or email an Admissions Specialist.

  • Fax: 1-570-961-4030
  • Address: Penn Foster High School
  • Student Services Center: 925 Oak Street, Scranton, PA 18515 United States

Penn Foster College

The Penn Foster College is located in Scottsdale, Arizona. It is authorized by the Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Education to award the Associate of Science and Bachelor of Science Degrees, Undergraduate Certificates, and Career Diploma programs. The Penn Foster College has contracted with the Student Services Center in Scranton for offering enrollment processing and student services.

The students who want to call the college or speak with an instructor, you are able to call 1-888-427-0600. The instructors are ready to answer your questions from 7 a.m. – 4 p.m., Mountain Time, Monday through Friday. On holidays and weekends, the students may leave a message. Calls are going to be returned the next business day. Remember that you must have your student numbers available.

If you are not a student and have a question, you are able to call: 1-800-471-3232 or email an Admissions Specialist.

  • Fax: 1-570-961-4030
  • Address: Penn Foster College
  • Administrative Office, 14300 N. Northsight Blvd., Suite 125, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 USA

Outside the USA

Penn Foster Career School

  • Address: Student Services Center, P.O. Box 1900, Scranton, PA 18501 USA
  • Phone: (USA Country Code 1) 570-961-4033
  • Fax: 570-702-8380
  • Email:

Penn Foster College

  • Address: Student Services Center, P.O. Box 1900, Scranton, PA 18501 USA
  • Phone: (USA Country Code 1) 480-947-3994
  • Fax: 480-947-2680
  • Address: Administrative Office
  • 14300 N. Northsight Blvd., Suite 125, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 USA
  • Phone: (USA Country Code 1) 480-947-6644
  • Email:

For Employers

Penn Foster is going to post your job openings for free. The employers looking to discover the right help, with specific skills and training, will be able to reach thousands of current students, near graduates, and graduates through job postings at no charge. Just fill out a Job Posting Request, and they are going to contact you when your opening is posted.

Third Party Ordering

If you are an employer, a verification company, a government agency or another school trying to get a transcript on a student’s behalf, simply you are able to click the following link to get started:

Affiliate Partnership

If you want to help potential students learn more about Penn Foster and want to become an affiliate partner, simply you are able to click the following link to learn more:

Please connect with Penn Foster’s affiliate program manager to learn more regarding the exciting opportunities to partner with them in order to help expand their reach.

Penn Foster School history

In the year of 1890, Thomas J. Foster, who was a newspaper editor, built the school to give coal miners with education needed to advance their careers and improve worker safety. The school was known officially as the International Correspondence Schools (ICS) at the turn of the century. And one out of every 27 adults in the United States had taken an ICS course. In the year of 1904, Thomas J. Foster expanded his school to the United Kingdom, now this is a separate distance education school called ICS Learn.

In the year of 2005, ICS was renamed Penn Foster. In 2007, Wicks Group bought the school from Thomson Corporation. Later, in December 2009, Penn Foster Career School was bought by test preparation and educational support company The Princeton Review. In 2012, the Princeton Review brand name and operations were purchased for $33 million by Charlesbank Capital Partners (a private-equity firm). In the year of 2013, Education Holdings 1 filed for bankruptcy, it exited about two months later.

Penn Foster acquired a competency-based learning platform built by University in December 2015. Now. Bain Capital purchased the Penn Foster School in 2018.

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