Pals Precourse Assessment Answer Key

The PALS Precourse Self-Assessment is an online course that works to evaluate a student’s knowledge before the course. This precourse tool is to determine the student’s proficiency and identify any need for additional review and also practice.

Before taking the PALS Course, the students need to complete the Precourse Self-Assessment and ensure to achieve a score of at least 70%. Afterwards, they will be able to print their scoring report and bring it with them to class.

Do you come to this page to find the answer keys of the PALS Precourse assessment? If so, you will get them in our post. Because of our limitation, we cannot show the question of the answer keys that we’ll show below.

PALS Precourse Assessment Quiz Answers

We get the answer keys of the PALS Precourse Assessment from American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM). They show the answer keys on the PDF format with a total of 26 questions.

Here’s a list of PALS Assessment Quiz Answers

1. 20cc/kg for children

2. 10cc/kg for newborns

3. 0.01mg/kg or 0.1cc/kg of the 1:10,000 concentration

4. 0.01mg/kg or 0.1cc/kg of the 1:10,000 concentration-can use high dose epinephrine at 0.1cc/kg of 1:1,1000 but this is being “de-emphasized” in the new PALS guidelines

5. 0.1mg/kg or 0.1cc/kg of the 1:1,000 concentration

6. 0.02mg/kg

7. 0.1mg total minimum dose

8. Adenosine 0.1mg/kg, maximum first dose of 6mg

9. 0.2mg/kg with maximum of 12mg

10. 0.5-1J/kg -double the subsequent dose

11. V. Fib

12. Shock, shock shock- 2J/kg then 4J/kg and followed by another 4J/kg. If no success, intubate, start IV and compressions. Give epinephrine either IV or ET whichever is in first, shock again with 4 J/kg after 30 seconds of compressions to let the drug circulate. Repeat epi every 5 minutes. Can give lidocaine 1 mg/kg followed by another 4J shock. Max dose of lidocaine 3 mg/kg. Amiodarone- 5mg/kg bolus, or Magnesium 25-50 mg/kg for Torsades. .Remember to follow each drug intervention with a 4J/kg shock.

13. Defibrillate

14. Lidocaine, 1mg/kg, amiodarone 5mg/kg over 20-60 minutes or procainamide 15 mg/kg IV over 30-60 minutes

15. Cardioversion, 0.5-1J/kg, double the subsequent dose

16. 5 H’s and 5 T’s- hypovolemia, hyperkalemia, hypothermia, hyper H+( acidosis), hypoxia Tension pneumothorax, cardiac tamponade,toxins, thrombus in heart, thrombus in lung (PE)

17. Epinephrine

18. Respiratory arrest

19. Epinephrine

20. All drugs are given on a kg basis. In order to avoid medication errors it is better to record the initial triage weight in kilograms.

21. 60 BPM-new PALS guidelines (old was 80 BPM)

22. 60 BPM

23. 220 BPM

24. 180 BPM

25. 90 + ( 2 X age in years) this gives the 50th percentile for weight. PALS teaches 70 + ( 2 X age in years) which is only the 5th percentile.

26. 8 years

How to download the PALS Precourse Assessment answer key? Downloading the  PALS Precourse Assessment answer key is pretty easy. You just simply click on this link. After clicking the link, you will see a list of PALS Precourse Assessment answer keys on PDF.

To download the answer key, you can click on the ‘Printer’ icon located on the right side of the screen. Then, click on the ‘Save’ button. Now, you can print the PALS Precourse Assessment answer key by opening its file that you have downloaded.

Some Technical Requirements to Take PALS Precourse Assessment

Here are some technical requirements that you should meet before taking the PALS Precourse Assessment:

Compatible Devices/Operating System

  • Web Browsers: Latest versions of Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Edge,
  • Operating Systems: Windows 10 as minimum or latest, Mac OS 10.7 or latest, iOS and Android (mobile and tablet compatible)
  • Computing Hardware: Intel Core 2 Duo Processor or equivalent
  • Internet Connection: Wireless, DSL, Broadband – Fiber, and cable modem

For accessibility purposes, the PALS course has been tested with NVDA, JAWs, Talkback, Voiceover, and Voiceover for iOS.

Some Examples of PALS Precourse Assessment Questions

We also show you some examples of PALS Precourse Assessment questions that you can use as a reference when you have a plan to take the PALS courses. We get the examples of the PALS Precourse Assessment below from Test Question site that you can access HERE.

So, here are some examples of PALS Precourse Assessment questions:

1. Which of the following is the best indicator of adequate shock resuscitation?

a. Blood pressure
b. Serum bicarbonate
c. Skin capillary refill
d. Urine output

2. Late and ominous signs of respiratory failure include all of the following EXCEPT:

a. Rapid respiratory rate
b. Cyanosis
c. Bradycardia
d. Diminished level of consciousness

3. A patient presents to the emergency department with hives, hypotension, and wheezing. What is the best initial step in management?

a. Administration of nebulized albuterol
b. Administration of cimetidine
c. Administration of intramuscular epinephrine
d. Administration of diphenhydramine

4. When electrical alternans are present, what is the first line imaging modality used to evaluate cardiac function in an unstable patient?

a. No imaging is necessary
b. Portable chest x-ray
c. Cardiac CT
d. Bedside ultrasound

5. High-quality CPR for young children includes:

a. Compress to a depth of at least one third of the child’s chest diameter
b. Compress at a rate between 100 and 120 compressions per minute
c. Minimize interruptions to chest compressions
d. All of the above

6. An infant presents to the emergency department with a mild croup and a barky cough but no distress. Physical examination does not identify stridor. What is the most appropriate next step?

a. Oral dexamethasone
b. Oral antibiotics
c. Nebulized albuterol
d. Nebulized epinephrine

7. Which of the following is true regarding assessment of shock?

a. Monitoring blood pressure closely will allow early diagnosis of shock
b. Patients on beta blockers demonstrate tachycardia
c. Tachycardia, skin perfusion, and respiratory rate are the earliest indicators
d. Pregnant patients demonstrate vital sign changes early in hypovolemic shock

8. For which of the following is overdrive pacing not an effective intervention?

a. Torsade de pointes
b. Atrial fibrillation
c. AV nodal re entry
d. Atrial flutter

9. Clinical signs of respiratory distress may include all of the following EXCEPT:

a. Rapid respiratory rate
b. Grunting respirations
c. Warm, pink skin
d. Diminished level of consciousness

10. A 14-year-old child frequently develops swelling of his buccal mucosa. He now has difficulty with breathing. What disease presents with these findings?

a. C5 deficiency
b. Hereditary angioedema
c. Asthma
d. Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria

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