If you are learning NYS Common Core Mathematics Curriculum Lesson 17 Homework 4.3, now you may be confused to do that. Or, you may have done it and now you need the answer key for the Homework section. Here, I have some explanation about it and also the key answer.
The Questions of NYS Common Core Mathematics Curriculum Lesson 17 Homework 4.3
In the Homework section, you are required to show the division using disks. You have to relate your model to long division. You need to check your quotient and remainder by using multiplication and addition. Here are the questions from number 1 to 6.
- 7: 2
Ones |
quotient =_____
remainder = _____
Check Your Work |
- 73 : 2
Tens | Ones |
quotient = _____
remainder = _____
Check Your Work
- 6:4
Ones |
quotient = _____
remainder = _____
Check Your Work
- 62 : 4
Tens | Ones |
quotient = _____
remainder = _____
Check Your Work
- 8 : 3
Ones |
quotient = _____
remainder = _____
Check Your Work
- 84 : 3
Tens | Ones |
quotient = _____
remainder = _____
Check Your Work
The Answer Key for NYS Common Core Mathematics Curriculum Lesson 17 Homework 4.3
Do you need the answer for NYS Common Core Mathematics Curriculum Lesson 17 Homework 4.3? If so, you are able to access CCSSMathAnswers.com. This is the webpage that you can access for NYS Common Core Mathematics Curriculum Lesson 17 Homework 4.3 answer key tap here.
Alternatively, you are able to watch the video about it on Youtube. There is a video from Jaime McGrath entitled Eureka Math Homework Time Grade 4 Module 3 Lesson 17 which was uploaded on September 23rd, 2018. The length of the video is 22 minutes and 29 seconds and it has been watched more than 28k times.
About NYS Common Core Mathematics Curriculum Lesson 17 Grade 4 Module 3
In the Lesson 17 4.3 (Grade 4 Module 3), the objective is to represent and solve division problems requiring decomposing a remainder in the tens. Here is the suggested lesson structure.
- Fluency practice for 11 minutes.
- Application problem for 5 minutes.
- Concept development for 34 minutes.
- Student debrief for 10 minutes.
So, the total time is 60 minutes.
In the Fluency Practice, there will be a group counting 4.OA.1 for 2 minutes. Then, students must divide mentally 4.NBT.6 for 4 minutes and then divide using the Standard Algorithm 4.NBT.6 for 5 minutes.
When group counting is done by students, it prepares students to divide with remainders during the Concept Development. The students must be directed to count forward and backward, occasionally changing the direction of the count.
- Twos to 20
- Threes to 30
- Fours to 40
- Fives to 50
When the students divide mentally, it reviews Lesson 16’s content. When the students divide using the standard algorithm, it also reviews Lesson 16’s content.
In the application problem, it reviews of ones. In the Problem Set, students must do their personal best to complete it in the alloted 10 minutes.
In the Student Debrief, the intention is to invite reflection and active processing of the total lesson experience. So, students will be invited to review their solutions for the Problem Set. They need to check work by comparing answers with a partner before they go over answers as a class.
If the students have done the Student Debrief, then, the teacher has to instruct students to complete the Exit Ticket. If there is a review of their work, it can help with assessing students’ understanding of the concepts that were presented in today’s lesson and planning more effectively for future lessons.
About Engage NYS Common Core Curriculum
According to the Engage NY site, here is the explanation about the Common Core Curriculum.
To help schools and districts with the application of the Common Core, curricular modules and units in P-12 ELA and math are provided by NYSED that are able to be adopted or adapted for local purposes. On EngageNY, you are now able to find full years of curricular materials for grades Pre Kindergarten through 12th grade in Mathematics and Prekindergarten through 12th grade in English Language Arts (ELA).
Do you have any feedback on the curriculum modules? If so, you can make it by completing the Curriculum Feedback Form. Then, the team will review all feedback then they will continue to make improvements to the materials.
You may wonder who created EngageNY. It was created and now it is maintained by the New York State Education Department (NYSED) to support the implementation of key aspects of the New York State Board of Regents Reform Agenda.
Then, can anyone access EngageNY? Of course, anyone who has access to the internet is able to visit EngageNY and download free materials from the New York State Education Department and it includes all available curriculum materials. For your information, thye New York State Education Department is not positioned to give guidance on the application of EngageNY curriculum in other states and the use of curriculum materials is not restricted to certain users.
You may wonder whether the modules are available in Spanish or other languages. Well, it is important for you to know that the English Language Arts modules are only available in English. However, NYSED is working on an initiative to translate the Mathematics curriculum modules into the top 5 languages spoken in New York State and those include Chinese, Spanish, Bengali, Arabic and Haitian Creole.
The New York State Education Department (NYSED) is developing a blueprint for ELL success where it is done to support teachers in making sure that ELLs meet the high demands of the New York State Common Core Learning Standards. In the blueprint, you can find guiding principles. It will support teachers in handling the academic language and content needs which are required by the Common Core Learning Standards.
It is also important for you to know the browsers which can support on EngageNY. EngageNY supports access and navigation for some browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer (IE) for the most recent versions plus the previous two versions.