NPTEL Swayam Exam Registration

After you have completed all materials based on the course you choose in certain weeks, you may then need to pass the exam. Sure, if you select one or more NPTEL courses on Swayam, you will also have to pass the exam, once completing your courses.

You also have to look for the latest information about the registration date to take the NPTEL Swayam exam. To get this information, you should visit the official site of Swayam. If the registration is still open, you can then register to pass the exam.

Is the NPTEL Swayam Exam Available Now?

Unfortunately, the NPTEL Exam is not currently available on Swayam. It means that the NPTEL courses are still ongoing, so there’s no NPTEL exams available on Swayam. If the NPTEL exam is already available, the exam will then be available on the Swayam Exam Registration Page.

The Swayam Examinations that have been held on 28th and 29th August 2021 are for CEC, IIMB, AICTE, IGNOU and NITTTR courses. Sure, the NPTEL exams have not been available yet on Swayam.

How to Register for the NPTEL Swayam Exam?

If the NPTEL Swayam examination has been available, you can then register for the NPTEL exam on Swayam. So, how to register for the NPTEL Swayam examination? However, registering for the NPTEL exam on Swayam is pretty easy, especially if you have passed the Swayam exams  before.

Here’s how to register for the NPTEL Swayam Exam!

Step 1: Log into Swayam Exam Page

  • First, go to this link
  • After clicking that link, you will see the information about the NPTEL Swayam exam. To continue registration, you can click on the red ‘Register’ button under the Swayam Examination Guide.
    Log into Swayam Exam Page
  • In the next page, you will need to choose the option to login: with your Microsoft account, Google account or also Facebook. You can also use your username and password to login. choose the option to login
  • After you successfully logged in, the Registration form will appear. Here, you need to fill your personal details including Applicant Full Name, Date of Birth, Email address, Gender, Phone number, Alternative Mobile number with STD code.

In the next information, you may need to fill in another information.

For PWD Students:

  • If you are physically challenged. you can choose ‘Yes’ on the radio button
  • You also need to select Type of disability from the drop down menu.
  • In this case, Yes/No for percentage disability radio button. If your disability is more than 40%, you can choose Yes. According to your selection, you will be eligible for a fee waiver of 50%.
  • You also need to upload the valid disability certificate.

For SC/ST/OBC students:

  • If you are categorized into SC/ST/OBC students, you also need to choose ‘Yes’ on the radio button.
  • You also need to choose the Type of category from the drop down menu.
  • According to your selection, you will be eligible for a fee waiver of 50%.
  • You also need to upload the valid SC/ST/OBC certificate.

Step 2: Fill Your Personal Details

In this step, you need to fill the college or organization details including

  • Your Current Role
  • State (College/ Organization Location)
  • City (College/ Organization Location)
  • Name of your College
  • University Name
  • Roll Number
  • Enrollment Number
  • Other Details

Afterwards, you need to select credit transfer, contact sharing preferences and score sharing. If you do not want to share the related information about the college or organization, you should select ‘No’.

  • Then, fill your Address details including House Number, Village/ Town/ Area, Country, State, City/ District, Pincode and your full address.
    ill your Address details including House Number
  • You may also need to upload your photo and signature. While uploading your photo and signature, make sure to be careful, as you cannot change it later once saved. The maximum file size of your photos should be 50 to 150 kb (kilo bytes). upload your photo and signature

Step 3: Add the Courses to Cart for Payment

  • You may also have to add courses to cart for payment. Here, you can add the multiple courses with a total of 4 courses allowed with w per exam date.
  • You can choose the Exam date from the drop down menu.  After that,  choose the course from the drop down menu. choose the Exam date from the drop down menu
  • After choosing the date and the course, the exam session/ slot will get populated. You may also need to choose the exam state and city preferences.
    choosing the date and the course
  • Choose the checkbox beside the text that says “Please check this box to select exam cities. Note that, the 3 cities chosen here will be applied to all courses for which you are writing an exam.” to choose the cities. Here, you need to choose 3 cities for exam location preferences.
  • In the next step, you may need to check the amount and then click on the ‘Add course to Cart’ button.
  • If you want to view selected courses in a cart, you can click on the ‘Preview Cart’ button. Then, to add more courses on cart, you can click on the ‘Add More Courses’ button.
    click on ‘Preview & Checkout’
  • Afterwards, you can check the details of your exams and then click on the ‘Preview & Checkout’ button. check the details of your exams
  • You can check all the details of your exam on the Preview Page. If you want, you can print your exam form by clicking on the ‘Print’ icon. Before you print it, you need to check your course and amount details first.

To note, if you want to change your exam city options before you make a payment, you can perform it by removing the added courses by using the ‘Delete’ button. Then, you can re-add the same courses in the cart and then proceed with the payment.

Step 4: Make the Payment

  • In the next page, you may need to fill the Captcha, Accept Terms & Conditions and then click on the ‘Pay Now’ Button Make the Payment
  • Then, select the preferable payment method. After that, you can click the ‘Make Payment’ button. click the ‘Make Payment
  • Once you made the payment, you will then receive an email with the courses and its payment transaction details.
  • To ensure, you can check your payment receipt under the course details tab. also check payment receipt under course details tab

Some Payments status that may appear:

  • Payment Not started: You haven’t initiated any
  • Payment Failed: Your transaction has failed permanently.
  • Payment Pending: Your transaction may be in pending state waiting for confirmation from the Payment Gateway provider.

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