myPascoConnect Pasco County Schools

myPascoConnect is a portal which is used by Pasco County Schools. This portal can be accessed by students, teachers and parents. Here, parents can access the progress of their child so that everything is transparent here.

About myPascoConnect Pasco County Schools

MyPascoConnect has a function to a one hub Pasco solution to the single problem which has been encountered by teachers, students and parent. In MyPascoConnect, you do not have to remember different passwords for all the kinds of services of official Pasco. Just use one password and you are able to enjoy all of the things in Pasco.

myPascoConnect Pasco County Schools
myPascoConnect can be accessed by students, teachers and parents. After you log in to the account for the first time, you will be given the option to customize the My Pasco Connect account as you want.

myPascoConnect can be accessed through any browser such as Firefox, Chrome and many more. However, if you want to experience all of the features of the website, it is recommended for you to use Class Link extension which is available for Chrome browser.

In myPascoConnect, users can have direct access to learning tools such as Active Directory cloud files, shares and mapped apps. An academy needs to have the MyPascoConnect portal for learners to access the tools online.

How to Register at MyPascoConnect Platform

To be able to access myPascoConnect and use the features there, you have to register first. How to register to this platform? You are able to follow the steps below.

  • The first thing that you have to do is to access Pasco County Schools at
  • When you are on the website of Pasco County Schools, you can choose Parents at the top of the screen.
  • Then, you have to choose Check Grades/ Attendance which is available at the left side of the screen.
  • There will be a login section, but since you have not registered yet, so you have to click on HERE in the ‘Click HERE to register for a new account or to add another student to your account’.
  • You will be directed to the registration page of the portal.
  • You will have a registration form which ask you about the basic information such as name, contact details, address and some more. You have to provide the information correctly.
  • Also, you have to provide a relevant email address.
  • Now, you have to check the details and then click on Send button.
  • Finally, you will see a message which verify the registration.

How to Login to myPascoConnect

Students, parents and teachers are able to login to myPascoConnect. How to login for students, parents and teachers?

  • Firstly, you must access
    After accessing the link above, then you will see that in the screen there are some options including:
  • I’m a Pasco Student
  • I’m a Pasco Staff Member
  • I’m a Parent of a Pasco Student
  • All Other Users
  • Contact Us to Report Login Issue
  • If you are a student, you have to choose “I’m a Pasco Student”. And then, you will be directed to a page where you have to enter your myPascoConnect username and password. Then, click on Sign In button. If you need a help, you are able to ask your teacher, or your parent can retrieve your username and password for you from their myStudent Parent Portal.
  • If you are teachers or staff, you can click on “I’m a Pasco Staff Member”. Then, you will be directed to the same page of the student to enter username and password. After that, do not forget to hit Sign In button. If you do not have any idea of your username or you may not remember your password, you are able to contact the tech help desk 813-794-2859 (42859).
  • If you are parent of the students, you can choose “I’m a Parent of a Posco Student”. Then, you will be directed to a login page where you have to enter username and password.

How to Login to myPascoConnect

The Configuration of Pasco Account

MyPascoConnect permits users to be able to change the avatar image. It can be done, if they have completed the registration and also the verification procedure. As a holder of the Pasco account, you are able to do a lot of other settings. You are able to change the color of the control board and the site according to you selection. There are different types of applicability at the MyPascoConnect login which can be found with My Pasco Connect.

As a user, you are able to assign a password to these entreaties at the Account and Privacy section. This features give the contribution to added security and stability to some unauthorized intermediaries.

MyPascoConnect for Teachers

By using myPascoConnect, teachers at Allied School in Pasco will be able to educate students at the online platform. Besides, they also will be able to inform the students about particular task which helps them to review their achievement and ideas and also interact with parents of students.

Teachers can also inform the presentation of your children on the topic. Views about student behaviour in the classroom itself can also be shared by teachers. If teachers forgot their password, they are able to log in to My Pasco Connect portal and then click on I Forgot My Password section. Then, they will be able to get the password on the registered email.

By the existence of this portal, it will be easier for teachers to help parents to inform them about the progress of their children. So, it is transparent for teachers, students and parents.

At My Pasco Connect, students are able to connect with teachers. Even the parents of students can also connect for a parent-teacher meeting.

MyPascoConnect Technical Assistance

If teacher, parent or student needs additional support to continue, you are able to reach the Pasco technical team. The technical team will be able to help you at any relevant time. However, it is better for you to contact them at regular office time.

Pasco technical team can be contacted at So, do not doubt to contact them if you find technical issues when you are accessing MyPascoConnect.

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