MD Online IEP Student Compass

Maryland’s Online Individualized Education Program can be accessed at Of course, if you are a student of Maryland’s IEP program, the site is very useful to guide you finding much information related to this IEP program.

Especially for the students, there are the special menus that can be accessed informing about anything related to what the students need. Here, you can also find the Student Compass menu to inform you for the Aggregate Level.

  • Student Compass-Aggregate Level

Once logging in, the users will be directed into the Notification page if they are a Teacher or School Administrator with access to less than 200 cases. Then, if they have access to more than 200 cases or they are a Country Level or Data Manager, they will be directed to the Search Page. No matter which page is shown, the user is transacting at the Aggregate Level.

At the Aggregate Level of Student Compass, you can find sub-menus, including Student, Progress, Meetings, Reports and Administration. Starting from Student menu, it will guide the student to get Aggregate level, Student’s Case placement and lookup students. By clicking the student’s name, it will take the user to the appropriate page in the MD Online IEP System.

Continue with Progress menu, it will inform you of the progress at Aggregate Level, View Results for Administrators and using the filters on Progress Monitoring Graph. The progress on IEP Goals is displayed in 2 ways, as a graph and a table.

From Meetings menu, you are allowed to get information about meetings at Aggregate Level. This will show you the schedule of a meeting, access scheduled meetings and view past meeting information.

Reports menu will inform you about the Reports tab, overview of reports, data analytics and progress at Aggregate Level. At least, there are four tabs in the Reports section including IEP Reports, Dashboard, Data Analytic and Disproportionally.

Well, the Administration menu will show you the Administration Tab for a list of all administrative tasks including Add New User, User, Additional Members, Letters, Manage Case Rollover, Manage Email Recipients, SIS System Audit Log Records and Manage Form.

  • Student Compass – Student Level

Of course, there are several ways that you can do in getting the student level of Student Compass. In this way, the users are able to choose a student from the Notification section. Then, if the student is chosen from the Meetings section, of course the IEP team meeting page will be displayed soon.

Meanwhile, if a student is chosen from the Monitoring section, then, the Monitoring page will be displayed. Moreover, after a student’s case has been located through the Cases tab, the notification automatically will be displayed.

Well, at the Student Level menu, there is some information including Notification, Monitoring, Profile, IEP Summary, Meetings and Forms and Logs.

Starting from Notification menu, however, it will show you a list of upcoming events, annual review, meetings, overdue annual review and many more. At the notification menu, the green calendar indicates a meeting, the yellow triangle indicates an upcoming annual review or a reevaluation and red triangle indicates an overdue annual review of reevaluation.

Monitoring menu will inform you about Monitoring IEP Goals, Overview of Monitoring Tabs, Transition Activities Monitoring and Inventions Monitoring. The goal monitoring section will track or record the progress of the student. Then, the goal will be linked to the District in Interventions section. The Transition Activities will display the most recent progress update and Track Progress to easier navigate to the Track Transition Activity Page.

From Profile menu, you will get the information about Profile Overview and to add team members. The profile menu will provide the user access to pertinent case management information which denotes four tabs including Recent Logs and Forms, File Uploads, Case Access History and IEP Team. While, add a team menu informs you how if you want to add members.

Then, the IEP Summary menu provides you a summary of the important elements of the students. You can also find a print button which allows for this to be printed.

Meeting menu at Student Level will allow you to get any information related to the meeting, they will schedule a meeting, view past meeting information and access scheduled meetings. To take you to the student level of meetings, you can click a student’s name. Then, the meeting details will be shown.

Last, Forms and Logs menu will provide you with access to several special education forms which are useful for managing the student’s case. To get the forms, they are listed under the headings of Process Forms and Supplemental Forms.

  • Student Compass IEP Wizards

However, MD Online IEP system provides you with an optional embedded professional development module to assist in completing certain elements of an IEP document. There are some menus that you can find in Student Compass IEP Wizards, they are PLAAFP Wizard, Goal & Objective, Assistive Technology, Supplementary Aids and Service Wizard and Secondary Transition.

You can use PLAAFP Wizard menu to assist in writing strong PLAAFP statements.

Goal Wizard is used to assist in writing high quality standard aligned goals. To get it, you can click the Getting Started button to checklist and overview for developing effective goals. Then, choose Next to through Goal Wizard. In this step, you will be allowed to create goal. Once you create the goal, you can click Finish to save and exit the Goal Wizard.

Then, you can also use the Assistive Technology Wizard to determine if assistive technology services or devices are required to support the student’s access to the curriculum.

The Supplementary Aids and Service Wizard menu will guide you to access and progress in the general education curriculum. You totally can visit this menu for detailed information.

Secondary Transition Wizard can be used to assist in completing the secondary transition component of the Individualized Education Program. The additional tabs of Transition Interview, Transition Outcomes, Transition Documentation and Transition Activities show you the guidance, directions, and support to complete the Secondary Transition component of an IEP during the school year.

Well, if you are looking for the information related to Student Compass at MD Online IEP site, of course visiting this site is really recommended for you.

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