MCPS Resources Performance Matters

Performance Matters is known as a platform for all your student assessment and analytics needs. This one provides you a clearer view of the entire student. It can be used to analyze and compare assessment data for making data-based on instructional decisions.

Performance Matter is such an amazing thing that has been ever made. To support what needs, everyone in Montgomery County Public Schools or MCPS can use this program. Spend your time practicing on making reports to compare some measures of student performance and compare all district performance on assessments. Find the way to use filters so that you can disaggregate student data. Doing so will be able to view results by school, teacher, or class.

What can you get by using Performance Matters?

  • Single, online reporting portal

Performance Matters combine data from a lot of sources, such as attendance, behavior, district-built assessments, third-party assessments, and social emotional learning in a dashboard.

  • Analytics for better student outcomes

The reports can be easily and securely shared by you and your staff so that they can spend more time focusing on the student.

  • Save time to focus on the success of the student

You can easily and quickly get the access to all student, teacher, school, and district analytics that you need so that you can better personalize learning experiences for everyone.

  • Get clearer view of the child

You can identify the students with a risk by using pre-made CASEL SEL surveys.

The platform called Performance Matter has state assessment results and the other data measured carefully selected by your district leaders. All measures provide you with some data points that can be used in guiding instructional decisions in your school or district.

If you want to log in to Performance Matter, first of all, go to To login, click the Customer Login button. On the screen, click the Need new Password? link instead of entering your credentials. On the next screen, the one that should be entered is the email address associated with your Unify account. After that, you will get an email with instructions for setting your password. Once your password is set, back to the login screen and enter the credentials and then hit on the Login button. You will be asked to accept a Terms of Service agreement. Please click the I Agree button if you want to continue to the home page. By doing so, a Profile Unconfirmed message will be displayed located under your name. Upon seeing it, choose [Your Name] > Confirm My Profile. You can review your profile information on the next step. If you want, you can even add an avatar. When you are satisfied with everything, you can click the Save Profile button to confirm and back to the home page.

The method explained above is the method to first login. Aside from the first login, there is also a normal login. After setting your password for the first time, you can log in these steps. First of all, click the Customer Login button. When it is done, enter your login credentials for Unify and then click the Login button.

In case you forget your password, you can click the link Need new Password?. Please enter the email address that you use to log into Unify and then click the Submit button.

If you want to step away from your work, it is better for you to log out of your account. To do so, you can just simply choose [Your Name] > Logout.

If you are inactive for about an hour, you will get a Session Idle warning message along with a countdown to automatic logout and an option to continue. Not clicking Continue means you will be logged out automatically. Logging in again is required if you want to continue working. Do not forget that you will be returned to the home page, not the one where you were last working before the forced logging out. A Logout Alert message will be received, notifying that the user session has ended due to inactivity. Please be aware that the timeout does not automatically refresh the screen as a courtesy. Pressing the Cancel button in the Logged Out alert modal gives you an option to screen capture or note any work saved before the timeout. After pressing Cancel, trying to take any action after that within Unify will cause an error and the changes will not be saved.

There is a demo mode feature that can be used to support your ability to protect student information when using Unify for a demo or presentation. You can use it by simply choosing [Your Name] > Demo Mode from the main navigation menu. While in this mode, when accessing a screen that shows the names and the IDs of the students, the names of the teacher, or the names of the school, you will know that the information will be replaced by hash marks (#). All reports related to the download will be disabled.

There is the data Resource located on the left side of the screen, containing the data measures that your district leaders have selected. The certain folders that you can see will depend on your role, and you will only see the ones that have the data for your assigned students. The Data Resource Pane is divided into some, those include:

  1. State Test Results contains state standardized scores broken down by overall score and achievement level.
  2. State/Local by Strand that contains performance on state standardized tests broken down by sub-claim.
  3. Third-party Data that contains individual folders for the third-party measures the district selects to import something like iReady or STAR assessments.
  4. Grades that contains student grades imported from the district student information system.
  5. Early Warning Indicators that contain data on absences, course failures, behavior incidents, and so on.
  6. RTI/MTSS that contains intervention program data.

For more information about Performance Matters, please visit the official website of Performance Matters at

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