It is common to face a technical issue when we are using a program from the university or college where we study. If you are one of the students of Lonestar College and then you need D2L technical support because you need some help related to technical issues, we have the contacts that you are able to use.
Technical Support of Lonestar D2L
According to Lonestar College website, online students have access to two key resources for technology support.
- VLAC (Virtual Learning Assistance Center)
This is a collection of resources for online students or students with online course components. Students are able to contact it through:
- Call 866.614.5014
- Technical Support
OTS (Office of Technology Serves) provides technology support to students, faculty and staff everyday. They are able to contact it through:
- Call 832.813.6600 (toll-free- 866-614-5014_
- email the Service Desk at
- Live chat with an agent
You just have to choose one of the options above to get help with technical issues. When you contact them, make sure that you prepare the information needed including:
- Class name with section number.
- Browser and version that you are using.
- Note the steps that you took so that the technician will be able to duplicate the problem.
- You have to note any error messages exactly and if it is possible, you can take a screenshot.
- Give your instructor with the incident number.
The technician will document the issue and then provide you with an incident number.
If you want to contact your instructor about your issue, you are able to do that by sending them an email. In an email, you have to explain what happened and when. Make sure that you explain it specifically and in detail. You also need to give an explanation why you contacted the Service Desk and what information that they were able to give you. Don’t forget to include the incident number that you got from the Service Desk.
It is also important for you to know that there are LSC maintenance windows regularly and you need to know the schedule so that if you cannot access it at these times, it may be the schedule of maintenance.
- Weekly maintenance is every Tuesday and Thursday at 10 pm to 11.55 pm.
- Every weekend, maintenance is from Saturday at 11 pm to Sunday at noon.
Some Reasons You Have to Contact The Service Desk
Contacting the Service Desk can be done for various issues as you are able to see from the list below.
- To navigate myLoneStar.
- You cannot access myLoneStar or D2L.
- You are not able to access My email.
- The classes which are listed are not correct.
- You have problems taking online exams. Make sure that you always contact the Service Desk if you face a problem while you are taking a quiz.
- Your name is incorrect in D2L.
- You are not able to upload recordings or other large files to assignments.
- You are not able to view videos.
- How to use a digital signature.
- Where to find the syllabus for My Class.
- You are not able to view content.
Browsers Supported by D2L
If you want to access D2L, you have to make sure that you use a supported browser so that you are able to access the content at D2L optimally. Here are the desktop platforms which can support D2L with the latest browser versions.
- For Apple Mac OS users, you are able to use Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Mozilla Firefox.
- For Microsoft Windows users, you are able to use Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Mozilla Firefox.
How about mobile support? If you use your mobile phone, make sure that the browser that you use can support D2L. Here are the browsers which can support D2L in your mobile phone.
- If you use Apple iOS, specifically iPhone and iPad, you are able to use Apple Safari.
- If you use Android OS such as Android phones or tablets, you are able to use Google Chrome.
Office of Technology Services (OTS) at LoneStar College
As we explained earlier, one of the methods that you are able to use to get help related to technical issues is to access On this page, you will be served the information technology needs of Lone Star College.
When you need help, the OTS Service Desk is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. It means that they are available everyday anytime. They are ready anytime because they want to help you to meet the ongoing needs for students, faculty and staff. LoneStar online LSC Service Center can be visited day or night to look up helpful documentation or submit a ticket. Alternatively, you are able to call them at 832.813.6600 (toll-free 866.614.5014). Resetting your PSC password, having issues in accessing myLoneStar or D2L, having issues in accessing Microsoft 365 and OneDrive, Issues with Webex, D2L or Jabber, having problems getting to files or drives and many more can be solved through the Service Desk.
If you want to get help by accessing the, there you will find some links to help students, faculty and staff. Let’s say that you are a student and you want to reset your LSC password. You are able to do that online by accessing the OTS page at LoneStar website and find Reset Your LSC Password title on that page. Then, you will find the Go To the Password Reset Tool link and click on it. After that, you will have to enter your username or LSC ID number or Lone Star College Email address which then click on the Submit button.
Regarding passwords at Lone Star College, it is important for you to know that all LSC accounts’ passwords are protected. You are able to use a unique password, preferably a sentence and make sure that you do not share it with anyone.
If you need help using myLoneStar, on the OTS page, you can find a link to subscribe to LoneStar College Youtube channel where there you will get the newest videos to help you drive and complete your tasks in myLoneStar and other iStar applications.
Access OTS page at LoneStar website to find more guides.