Life Cycle of a Pumpkin Worksheet Printable for Kindergarten

Have you ever wondered how a pumpkin grows? For your information, pumpkins are a beloved fall crop. Now, you may want to explore the life cycle of a pumpkin with your kids. For this case, you are able to visit a site provides life cycle of a pumpkin worksheet printable for kindergarten.

Getting Life Cycle Of A Pumpkin Worksheet Printable For Kindergarten

Actually, there are many websites offer life cycle of a pumpkin worksheet printable for kindergarten. One of the sites is 123homeschool4me. From that site, you will be able to get life cycle of a pumpkin worksheet printable for kindergarten. Simply, you are able to print life cycle of a pumpkin worksheet to play and learn about how pumpkins grow with your kids. Just visit this link here.

Pumpkin Life Cycle Worksheet

Please learn all about the pumpkin life cycle with these cute and free printable Pumpkin Life Cycle Worksheets. Preschoolers, kindergartners, grade 1, and grade 2 students are going to have fun learning all about pumpkins because they cut and paste life cycles, learn pumpkin vocabulary or scientific terms for the plants, math the term with the nice clipart and more.

You are able to start by scrolling to the bottom of the post, under the terms of use, and then click on the text link which says >> ____  <<. The pdf file is going to open in a new window for you to save the freebie template.

Life Cycle of a Pumpkin Worksheet Printable for Kindergarten

Life cycle of a pumpkin printable

At 23homeschool4me, they have included three different free pumpkin worksheets in the following pack:

  • Pumpkin Life Cycle Matching Worksheet
    this will introduce your kids to the basics of the pumpkin life cycle. On one side of the page your kids are going to see images which represents the pumpkin life cycle. You are able to ask your kids to draw a line to the word associated with the image.
  • Pumpkin Life Cycle Cut and Paste
    Please get out your scissors, paste and cut out the stages of the life cycle of the pumpkin. After that, paste the stages in the correct order.
  • Mini Pumpkin Life Cycle Coloring Book
    Please cut out this mini coloring book and staple at the left edge. Your kids are able to color the images and practice handwriting on each page.

About the Life Cycle of a Pumpkin

Here is an explanation about the Life Cycle of a Pumpkin:

Start from the Seed

The life of a pumpkin begins as a seed. While the pumpkin seeds are bigger than most other seeds, you would never guess that they were able to lead to such big gourds. The pumpkin plants need plenty of space. So, we highly suggest you planting each seed 4 feet apart. Also, the pumpkin plants need full sun and well-draining soil. Planting the seeds in mounds is able to prevent water from pooling around their roots, that they don’t like. The pumpkin plants need slow, deep waterings to keep the soil moist.

Go Green

At the first sign of the green sprouts, you have to add a bit of nitrogen-rich fertilizer to give them a boost to encourage leaf growth. The leaves on a pumpkin plant are an important part of the life cycle of pumpkin. Besides soaking up plenty of rays to create the chlorophyll which feeds the plant, they also give important shade to keep the baby pumpkins from scorching and losing their color. When you are watering the pumpkin plants, ensure to water them at the base. If the leaves stay wet, then they become more prone to powdery mildew that can kill the plant.

Fall Flowers

The flowers are a crucial part of the pumpkin life cycle, as they are responsible for pollination. Several flowers are male, and several are female. Usually, male flowers are going to bud first. Then, female flowers are going to arrive about a week later. Easily you are able to know the female flowers from the male. The female flowers are going to have a swollen round lump below the petals. It will look like a mini pumpkin. Usually, the bees are going to take care of pollination. If there are not any bees in the garden, then the flowers are able to be hand-pollinated. You have to use a clean paintbrush or cotton ball to collect pollen from a male flower and dab it in the center of the female flower gently. After pollination, the flowers are going to wilt and die away. However, that little nub that was under the female flower is going to begin to grow.

Time for Fruit

Now, you are able to monitor how lots of pumpkins are growing on each vine. After a plant has a few pumpkins started, it may be a nice idea to prune it to keep the plant from trying to grow too many fruits at once. As the pumpkin plants start to mature, you are able to cut back on watering. After the fruit is bright orange and the plants look like they are drying out, it is time to crop. Please ensure that the fruit is firm to the touch before you cut it. If they are still soft, they are going to rot within only a few days. To crop the pumpkin plants, you are able to cut the stem several inches above the fruit

Back to Seeds

After you have emptied out the pumpkin for carving, you are able to rinse the pulp off the seeds. Please save the biggest seeds that will have the best opportunity of germinating. When they are clean, you are able to lay them out on a paper towel in a cool place for around a week. When they are completely dry, you have to store them in an envelope over the winter until it is time to plant again. Now that you know the life cycle of the pumpkin plants, so you are able to start planting the pumpkins on your own backyard.

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