LAUSD Employment Verification Phone Number

LAUSD Employment Verification phone number refers to The Work Number or TALX. TALX or The Work Number is the thing known as the automated service, the one that makes it possible for third parties like mortgage leaders, social services agencies, and some other third parties to quickly get verification of employment and income for the current employees.

Each employee gets an advantage from this because they can control the process, since they have access to the information. The thing called The Work Number is not new and in fact, it is popular amongst the mortgage leaders, banks, social service agencies, and apartment complexes. Since this kind of number is available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, feel free to use it anytime and anywhere. For further information, it is better to visit their official website at The Work Number. Not only that, another way is to call at 1 (800) 367 2884.

In addition to that, it might also be the best idea to open the official website of Los Angeles Unified School District or to call the customer support of Los Angeles Unified School District. If you want to talk directly to the representative of Los Angeles Unified School District, the phone number is (213) 241-1000. Feel free to make a call anytime you want since this customer support of the district is available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

Please keep in mind that it is needed for every employee to get a salary key number so that the third party can access the employee information. The salary key number is able to be obtained by calling The Work Number. Aside from that, it is also able to be obtained by going to their website and logging, which can be done by entering a few things, including the LAUSD Company Code 10721, the Social Security Number and PIN number. For those who have no idea about the PIN number, it is a combination of the last four digits of the Social Security Number and the last four digits of the employee number. The number that will be given is the one that will be handed to the third party.

LAUSD Employment Verification Phone Number
About LAUSD Employment Verification

In the Los Angeles Unified School District or LAUSD, there is a thing called employment verification. This one refers to a service that is provided by LAUSD after being requested by both the employees and the third parties with a legitimate interest in the employment history of the employee.

Usually, the employee or the third party requests employment verification so that they can do a few things, including:

  1. Getting financial credit
  2. Being qualified for a lease
  3. Proving the eligibility for social services benefits
  4. Immigration and Naturalization Services
  5. Giving verification of teaching experience for employment with another school district
  6. National Board Certifications (teachers and administrators)
  7. CL 41
  8. Verifying service history and past pension contributions for retirement systems
  9. Student Loan Deferrals
  10. Fellowship Program

Both the current and the former LAUSD employees, as well as the third parties, have a chance to request the employment verification. As stated before, the third parties include the mortgage companies, the prospective landlords, and the agencies extending social services benefits.

Talking about the employment verification, there is some information included in it, including job title, date of hire, and current salary. Remember that the information that concerns the personal attributes such as the character of the employee is not included.

To get the employment verification, one must send a request by submitting the LAUSD Employment Verification Request Form. Do not forget that all the employment verification requests have to be submitted in writing with the signature of the employee.

The Employment Verification Request Form is divided into a total of five sections. In Section 1, the employee will have to provide the employee information, including an Employee Number or last 4 digits of the Social Security Number. In Section 2, the thing that should be given is the third party Information. For this one, take a note that it should only be completed if a third-party is the one to receive the verification. In Section 3, the employee or the third party will have to indicate how they would like to receive the information (Email, Fax, Mail, or Hold for Pick-up). In Section 4, the employee has to give the signature, authorizing the release of his/her information. Bear in mind that there is no way for the request to be accepted if the authorization described above is not provided. Section 5 is the one that is completed by LAUSD, Employee Relations Section. Here is the link to direct to the real form tap here.

After completing the Employment Verification Request Form, it is time to submit the completed and signed request to the Employee Relations Section, which is to:

333 S. Beaudry Ave., 14th Floor

Los Angeles, CA 90017

Fax: (213) 241-8404


In case you have requests about this request, do not hesitate to send an email to the Employee Relations Sections at Once again, remember that the forms should be completed because the incomplete one will not be processed.

Are you curious how long it will take for your request to proceed? According to the official website of Los Angeles Unified School District, Employee Verification Requests are included as the top priority. However, the case might be different if there are a lot of requests for employment verification. It generally takes 4-6 weeks for the requests to process.

It is stated that the previous teaching experience is verified by Los Angeles Unified School District on the computer generated forms, which includes all information that are allowed by the District policy to verify. Compared to the individual forms from the other school districts, the electronic format is the only one that is used. This process is effective to increase the response time to your request.

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