How to Redo an Achieve Article

When you are taking the task of reading articles in Achieve3000, you may get any difficulty to answer the quiz related to the article you just read. Sure, you may want to go back reading the article to find out the correct answer. So, is it possible for you to re-read an article that you already just read previously?

Of course, you can repeat the reading article to find the correct answer even though you’re on the quiz section. Then, how to redo reading the article on Achieve3000? Let’s find out the ways below!

Once you are on the reading Article section that your teacher has assigned, you may get easy to read the articles, may not you? However, you forget how to find some important points, facts, and more details from the content of the article you just read.

When you arrive to answer the quiz with questions that match the article you read, you may find it difficult because you don’t understand or don’t get enough important points from the article. It is at this time that you may want to go back to reading it.

Well, if you cannot answer the questions based on the content of the article that you just read, of course, you are allowed to go back to re-read the article. To re-read the article you just read, you can click on Refer to Article option that you can find under the quiz section. By clicking this, it will take you into the article that you have read before.

To note, when you are reading the article, make sure that you always take note to find out some essential points, details and also facts to ease you answering the quiz in the next section. Sure, you already know that taking the quiz after reading the article is such a way to test your understanding of what you just read.

We think that by re-reading the article you just read, you will have a chance to get 75% or higher for the first time you answer the question.

How to Take for Reading Article Activity?

Sure, if you really have a strong intention to increase your reading ability, you will then do anything related to. Through Achieve3000, your desire will easily come true. Well, this platform is providing any alternatives that you can choose for improving your reading skill.

One of them is by reading the article and taking the quiz which serves the questions based on the content of the article that you just read before. In other words, articles on Achieve3000 can be a great way to measure your reading comprehension skill. It is also such a task for students to understand what is in the article and what the content of the article is. While reading the article, you should also take notes to find some facts, text details and more.

Article can be found on Ready To Do the Impossible section. Before you can read the article, you should click on the Before Reading Pool section to give a reason why you voted the way you did. You can also review vocabulary words which are associated with the article that you’ll read.

Once you agree, you can go to Article section to start reading the article. Yeah… you already take up reading article activity.

As we’ve mentioned above, while reading the article, you have to highlight some important points by using the colors available in the ToolBar. Instead, you can also use the dictionary to find out the words you do not know. Take Notes is a great feature that you can use to note the important points and details.

How to Give Articles for  Learners?

If you are an educator and want to give the articles that the learners should read, what you should do if you do not know yet how to assign the article on Achieve3000. Don’t worry! giving the lesson for the articles on Achieve3000 is pretty easy for you.

Thankfully, this post will guide you how to give the articles. Here’s how!

  • Firstly, you need to log into Achieve3000 here by entering your username and password that you have been registered for.
  • Once you are at the Achieve3000 page, you can then click on the three horizontal lines.
  • Then, you will find My Lessons in the blue bar of the homepage.
  • After that, you should click on Week view  located under the title My Lessons option.It’s an easy interface.
  • In the drop-down menus at the top of the page, you need to check the class selection
  • Then, choose the grade and class you want to work with. If you choose All Classes, your scheduling will appear for all those classes at once.
  • To continue, you can click on Search for More Lessons.
  • You can also use this search option to look for a new article or one you have already chosen.
  • Once you get a proper one, you can then click and drag it onto the calendar.
  • Set the duration of the scheduling by dragging the border as you want

Congratulations! You already give an article lesson for the students on Achieve3000.

How to Change the Date for Article You Already Scheduled?

Because of any reasons, you may want to change the date for the articles that you have scheduled. Sure, to change it, you should take some ways as follow:

  • Find My Lessons section in the blue bar of the homepage.
  • After that, you should click on Week view  located under the title My Lessons option.It’s an easy interface.
  • In the drop-down menus at the top of the page, you need to check the class selection
  • Then, choose the grade and class you want to work with. If you choose All Classes, your scheduling will appear for all those classes at once.
  • After that, click on the article you want to change. A pop-up window will appear to show the article in detail.
  • Once the popup appears, you need to scroll to the bottom and then click on the start date.
  • Here, you can then change the date in the calendar which pops up.
  • Last, click on OK button.

That’s it! Changing the date for the articles that you have scheduled is pretty easy, isn’t it?

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