How to Make Paypal Account for Course Hero

Course Hero refers to the platform that can be used for learning course specific study resources. It is the one that is available online. As an online learning platform, Course Hero offers a number of chances for the tutors. Every tutor who is working on Course Hero is rewarded for providing high quality help to the student community and there is a compensation structure to make it happen.

Apparently, the payout value for successfully answering the questions thrown by the students is able to be found under each posted question. For the exact, it is on the question details page.

How to Make Paypal Account for Course Hero

After submitting an answer and explanation, the tutor will have to wait for a feedback given by the student. The student will be the one that decides if the answer and explanation is helpful or unhelpful. The feedback will be given by the student based on the completeness, clarity, and relevance to the question that they asked. If the answers and explanations given to the students are helpful, the tutors will be able to be rewarded and these rewards are able to be withdrawn from Course Hero.

If you are one of the Course Hero tutors, you will have to own a PayPal account to be able to withdraw your earnings. For those who do not have one and are wondering how to make it, below is step by step that you will have to follow:

  1. The first thing that you have to do is to go to the official website of PayPal at
  2. When you are on the homepage, move your cursor to the top right of the page to find the Sign Up button and click it upon finding it.
  3. By pressing the button, you will be presented with a total of two options. The first one is Personal and the second one is Business. Since you need to create an account for Course Hero, the best option that you can choose is Business.
  4. By choosing the Business account, you will be taken to a page where you can sign up for a PayPal Business account. On this page, you will need to enter your legal first name, your legal last name, your email address and the password. Talking about the email address, keep in mind that this one will be used to log in.
  5. Once you are done entering everything, it is time for you to click the Agree and Create Account button. Before clicking the button, make sure you have read PayPal’s User Agreement, Privacy Statement, and E-Sign Disclosure. By clicking the button, it also means that you consent to get all communications electronically.
  6. Just like that you have made a PayPal business account and you will be directed to your dashboard.

PayPal is known as one of the best online payment systems that is preferred by many. There are two options of PayPal accounts to choose from. The first one is personal account. This one is best for those who love shopping and exchanging money with friends and family members. As for the second one, which is business account, it is the one to transfer money for professional services, especially if one is setting up an account for more than one people from a single company.

If you are here because you want to make a PayPal account for Course Hero after completing your work as a tutor, then the second option, which is PayPal business account is the best one for you to select. The method to make a PayPal business account has been explained above.

In order to withdraw the earnings from the Course Hero, it is a must for the tutors like you to provide a valid email address that is associated with a PayPal account. Aside from that, those who are a resident of the United States or Canada have to provide their tax information. After providing these two, a button to withdraw their earnings will be able to see. Feel free to edit their PayPal email at any time on their Account Settings page. However, for the security purposes, there is a 3-day waiting period before you are able to withdraw your earnings after making a change to your PayPal email. It should be noted that the waiting period does not apply to the first time they provide their PayPal email.

When providing the email address, it is important to make sure to double check that that the email that you provided on the Tutor Earnings page is the same one that is liked to your PayPal account. In case the email does not match due to your fault, you cannot ask Course Hero to take the responsibility.

If there is something wrong with your PayPal account, you are encouraged to contact PayPal support. There are several ways to contact them. The first one is through social media. If you want to try it, you can send a direct message to the official Twitter account of PayPal at @AskPayPal. If you have a Facebook account, you can also send a message through your account. The next thing that you can do is to go to and click Message us to be able to chat with a representative. For those who want to talk directly to the representative, instead on clicking Message us, the one that should be clicked is Call us button. Make sure to log in first to be able to do so.

Take note that Course Hero is not able to return payments that are sent through PayPal back to your Course Hero account. If a payment is refused or if it is returned to Course Hero for a certain reason, the best thing that you have to do is to reach out the representative of Course Hero via the Intercom widget on the tutor dashboard. In addition, you can also send an email to After contacting them, the issue will be investigated by the Course Hero team.

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