Brainly gives a peer to peer learning platform for the students, parents, and the teachers to ask and answer homework questions. Of course, this will help the student learn during the COVID-19 pandemic. Apparently, the platform has some elements of gamification in the form of motivational points and ranks. It encourages the users to engage in the online community by answering other users’ questions.
Now, we are going to help you apply this learning to your life especially after experiencing the COVID-19 pandemic. Actually, there are some ways to keep children learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. The first one is to plan a routine together. In this way, you need to try to establish a routine which factors in age-appropriate education programs that can be followed online, on the television or through the internet. Also, you need to consider play time and time for learning. Try to use everyday activities as learning opportunities for your children. Do not forget to come up with these plans together where possible.
Although establishing a routine and structure is critically important for the children, in these times you may notice your children need several level of flexibility. Please switch up your activities. If your child is seeming restless and agitated once you are trying to follow an online learning program with them, flip to a more active option. You do not forget that planning and doing house chores together safely is amazing for development of fine and gross motor functions. Try to keep staying as attuned to their needs as possible. Aside from that, you also need to take your time. In this way, you have to start with shorter learning sessions and make them progressively longer. If the goal is to have a 35 or 40-minute session, please start with 10 minutes and build up from there. Within a session, you will be able to combine online or screen time with offline activities or exercises.
As the parent, you need to open conversations for your children. You have to encourage your children to ask any questions and express their feelings with you. Please remember that your child may have different reactions to stress, so you have to be patient and understanding. You will be able to start by inviting your child to talk about the problem. Then, you are able to find out how much they already know and follow their lead. In this way, you are also able to discuss good hygiene practices. Use moments to reinforce the importance of things like regular and thorough hand washing and ensure that you are in a safe environment. Do not forget to always allow your child to talk freely. Drawing, stories and other activities may help to open a discussion with your children.
During learning in this pandemic, try not to minimize or avoid their concerns. Please be sure to acknowledge their feelings and assure them that it is natural to feel scared regarding these things. Demonstrate that you are listening by giving them your full attention, and ensure they understand that they are able to talk to you and their teachers whenever they like. Give a warning for them about fake news and encourage them. Besides, you also need to always remind yourselves to use a trusted learning platform such as Brainly.
Digital platforms like Brainly give an opportunity for the children to keep learning, take part in play and keep in touch with their friends. However, increased access online takes heightened risks for the children’s safety, protection and privacy. Please discuss the internet with your children so that they know how it works, what they need to be aware of, and what appropriate behavior looks like on the platforms they use. Aside from that, you have to decide rules together about how, when and where the internet is able to be used. Set up the parental controls on their devices to mitigate online risks, especially for younger children. Do not forget to identify appropriate online tools for recreation together. For your information, organizations like Common Sense Media provide advice for age appropriate apps, the games and other online entertainment. In case of cyber bullying or an incident of inappropriate content online, be known with school and other local reporting mechanisms. Keeping numbers of support helplines and hotlines handy. Do not forget that there is no need for the children or young people to share images of themselves or other personal information to access digital learning.
Make sure that you stay in touch with your children’s education facility. Find out how to stay in touch with your children’s teacher or school to stay informed, ask the questions and get more guidance. The Parent groups or community groups are also able to be a nice way to support each other with your home schooling. Therefore, you need to join with the groups.
Well, there are ways to help the student or your children learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Actually, there are still many other ways to apply this learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. We think that the Brainly platform will really help the students, parents, and the teachers to ask and answer homework questions.
There is no permanent in our life. Business, income, investment, they may go down in only a moment. However, the most important thing for us being human is our relationship with other people. In spite of all the issues, human relation must be at the highest priority. Our family, friends, brothers and sisters etc. All of them should be cherished and not your money. They are the one who want to stay for us and will not leave us. Of course, none of us is ready to face COVID-19 pandemic, however we have the option to embrace this trouble, just move forward and do something about it. Our normal life in which we are going to spend our time anywhere is no longer available for us. There are many considerations in going outside.