For those who are looking for the answer key of Geometry book by Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, it is your lucky day as you come to the right page that will provide you such information. Everything here is the answer key for the Chapter 1 Assessment only. If you are looking for the answer keys of the likes or practices and so on, you are encouraged to go to
Here is the answer keys of Chapter 1 Assessment for you:
Form 1:
- D
- A
- B
- C
- D
- A
- A
- C
- A
- B
- B
- A
- D
- D
- B
- C
- A
- D
- D
- B
Form 2A:
- B
- D
- C
- A
- B
- C
- C
- C
- A
- B
- C
- A
- C
- C
- B
- D
- B
- A
- B
- A
Form 2B:
- B
- D
- D
- A
- C
- B
- A
- D
- C
- B
- A
- B
- D
- C
- D
- A
- B
- C
- C
- C
Form 2C:
- DE
- A, B, C
- AB
- D, E, C
- 3 cm
- 5 mm
- 3 cm
- 27 cm
- 3 in.
- √58
- (3/2, -5/2)
- (-1, -3)
- 15 + √5
- X = 8, y = 7
- 64°, acute
- 6
- 5
- 11
- 108
- 68
- 6
- Hexagon, convex, regular
- 174
- 35
- 21
Form 2D:
- TU
- T, U, V
- RS
- X, Y, Z
- 1½ in.
- ¼ in.
- 5,7 cm
- 17 cm
- 7
- √65
- 3½,0
- (1, -1)
- 10 + √90 + √250 or 10 + 8√10≈35.3 units
- 2
- 135°, obtuse
- 6
- 6
- 7
- 122
- 31
- 9
- Pentagon, convex, regular
- 185
- 51
- 68
Form 3:
- Planes ABCD, BFCE, FBA, CDE, and plane P or ADEF
- DC or BC
- AE
- 1¼ in.
- 1/8 in.
- 12.3 cm and 19.3 cm
- 6
- 8
- √20 or 2√5 ≈ 4,5
(-2, -½) - (-4, -1.5)
- Y = 2, y = -4
- 3
- 15 ,5 > x > 8
- 27
- 36
- 8
- 5
- Quadrilateral, concave, irregular
- 9 + √5 + 3√10 ≈ 20.7
- 39
Open-Ended Assessment:
Scoring Rubric:
- Score: 4
General Description: Superior: A correct solution that
is supported by well-developed, accurate
Specific Criteria: Open this link and scroll down to find out the specific criteria: - Score: 3
General Description: Satisfactory (A generally correct solution, but may contain minor flaws in reasoning or computation)
Specific Criteria: Open this link and scroll down to find out the specific criteria: - Score: 2
General Description: Nearly Satisfactory (A partially correct interpretation and/or solution to the problem)
Specific Criteria: Open this link and scroll down to find out the specific criteria: - Score: 1
General Description: Nearly Unsatisfactory (A correct solution with no supporting evidence or explanation)
Specific Criteria: Open this link and scroll down to find out the specific criteria: - Score: 0
General Description: Unsatisfactory (An incorrect solution indicating no mathematical understanding of the concept or task, or no solution is given)
Specific Criteria: Open this link and scroll down to find out the specific criteria:
Vocabulary Test/Review:
- Perpendicular
- Complementary
- Angle
- Midpoint
- Vertical angles
- Angle bisector
- Supplementary
- Adjacent angles
- Acute angle
- Congruent
- Sample answer: Since the measuring tool is divided into ½ inch increments, the measurement is precise to within ¼ inch.
- Sample answer: Point M is between points P and Q only if P, Q, and M are collinear and PM + MQ = PQ.
Quiz 1:
- RS, or RU or SU
- Point S
- Points R, S, U or points T, S, V
- 1¼ in.
- 1/8 inch
- 8,9 cm
- 3
- 33 in.
- 4
- C
Quiz 2:
- (4, 7)
- (3, -2)
- 14
- 40
- B
Quiz 3:
- T
- Obtuse
- U or V
- 23
- Sample answer: TSU and USV, TSU and WSP or
- TSP and USW
- 19
- 12
- 25
- B
Quiz 4:
- Sample answer:
- 14 m
- 86 units
- The perimeter is doubled
- 4
Mid-Chapter Test:
Part I:
- B
- C
- B
- C
- D
Part II:
- √37
- (½, -1)
- (0, 3)
- 3
- 74 units
Cumulative Review:
- A, C, and E or B, D, and F
- C
- 3 cm
- 10 mm
- 26 units
- B (-7, 1)
- Vertex: N; sides: NJ and NK; 90°; right
- Vertex: N; sides: NK and NH; 100°; obtuse
- AFB and FCD or EFG and FCD or CFD or CDG
- AFE and BFD
- AFB or EFG
- 7
- Quadrilateral; concave; irregular
- 10 + √ 50 ≈1 units
- 18 cm
Standardized Test Practice:
- 20 units
- 5 units
- 21 units
If you want to know the details and complete information about the answer keys of the Chapter 1 Assessment, it is better for you to go to By opening the link, you will also be able to find some other things, including the teacher’s guide to using the Chapter 1 Resource Masters which include vocabulary builders and some lessons.