Gardiner Scholarship Login

The Family Empowerment Scholarship or formerly known as Gardiner Scholarship seems to help parents for their children’s education plans with certain special needs. The Gardiner scholarship is different from other state scholarships. Why?

The FES or the Gardiner scholarship actually allows parents to personalize their children’s education with unique abilities. The unique abilities here can be obtained by directing money towards a combination of programs and also approved providers. They include schools, specialists, therapists, curriculum, technology and even a college savings account.

Are you one of the students who want the Gardiner scholarship? But, you do not know how to log into the Gardiner scholarship. No worries! This post will show you a guide of how to log into Gardiner scholarship. Let’s find out the way in our post below!

How to Log into the Gardiner Scholarship?

Link to Log into the ‘Gardiner Scholarship’ This link is to log into your account for the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship and Family Empowerment Scholarship for private school options.

If you want to log into the Gardiner scholarship, you just simply click the link. By accessing the link, a login window will appear that requires you to enter DOE School Code and password. To continue, you need to click the ‘Login’ button.

What if you forgot your password? If you accidentally forget your password to log into the Gardiner scholarship, you need to recover your password through this link. Here, you need to enter your school code and the primary contact of your school will be sent the password. Then, click the ‘Get Password’ button.

The Gardiner scholarship or the Family Empowerment Scholarship also provides a number of links to login with different criteria. To ease you accessing the portal login that is proper with your aim, here’s a list of login link for each criteria:

  1. Scholarship for Private School

This is the scholarship for private school or for transportation help to a public school. There are two portal login for scholarship for private school, here are they:

  • New Families: Link to Login/ Apply Now HERE
  • Renewal Facilities: Link to Login/ Apply Now HERE

To apply if you are a new family, you may need to create your account first by entering  your first name, your email, your user ID and password. While, if you are a renewal family, you may only need to enter your User ID or Email Address.

  1. Scholarships for students with unique abilities

You can log into your Empowerment Scholarship (Gardiner Scholarship) account. There will be two options, here are they:

  • Renewal Students: Link to Login/ Apply HERE 
  • New Students: Link to Apply HERE

For renewal students, they may apply for a FES or Gardiner scholarship for the 2021 – 2022 school. In this case, you are renewal students if you received Gardiner Scholarship funding for the 2020 – 2021 school year. Well, you need to log into your existing account with the same email address and password that you used previously.

Then, if you are a new student who does not receive Gardiner scholarship funding for the 2020 – 2021 school year, you need to apply first.

  1. Scholarship for victims of bullying

The scholarship for victims of bullying is called the Hope Scholarship program. It gives public school students in Florida relief from bullying and violence. It seems to provide the parents the chances to transport their children to another K-2 public school or also attend an eligible as well as participating K-12 private school.

The link to Apply the Hope Scholarship program HERE

  1. Scholarships for struggling readers

The Reading scholarship is intended for public schools that have trouble reading. To be eligible for this scholarship, make sure that you’re currently enrolled in a Florida public school in 3rd, 4th or 5th grade for the 2021 – 2022 school year. You also must have scored a performance level of 1 or 2 on the English Language Arts (ELA) test in the 2020-2021 school year.

If you are classified as English Language Learners and also enrolled in a program, you will receive priority. Then, you may be prompted to provide the documents while completing the application, but it’s not required to complete the application.

Link to Login/ Apply for Reading Scholarship program HERE

  1. Family Empowerment Scholarship School & provider login

Link to Login into FES & provide login HERE

You can log into your FES account for the special needs scholarship. To log into the FES scholarship, you will need to enter your User ID and password.

What if you forgot your password? Well, if you forget your password, you can recover your password through the Password Recovery Page here. Then, you need to enter your email address and click the ‘Get Password’ to recover your password or ‘Return to Login’ option if you want to return to the Login page.

Okay, those are some scholarship programs under the Family Empowerment Scholarship or Gardiner scholarship.

Gardiner Scholarship’s Eligibility

Thanks to the new legislation, it actually allows more families than ever to be eligible for the FES scholarship of the Gardiner scholarship. However, there are some requirements that the students should meet for Gardiner scholarship. So, here are they:

  1. The students who come from the higher income families approximately $100,000 for a family of 4.
  2. The siblings of FES students (Gardiner scholarship students)
  3. Dependent children of an active duty member of the U.S. Armed Forces.
  4. Students who have some following diagnoses including language impairment, speech impairment, orthopedic impairment or other health impairment, emotional or behavior disability or also specific learning disability such as dyscalculia, dyslexia or development aphasia.

It’s important to note, the funding is limited. The applications are also processed based on following priority:

The renewal students actually have funding priority until April 30, 2021. Now, after the priority deadline for renewal students have passed that depends on the available funding, well the applications will be processed in this order:

  1. Students who were on the Gardiner scholarship waitlist in the 2020-2021,
  2. New and renewal students in the order that they are determined eligible.

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