FRCC D2L is the thing that is used to call the learning management system that is used by the college named Front Range Community College. If it is your first time hearing about D2L, it is the short for Desire2Learn. According to its official website, every course at this college has a D2L course shell. Since the way the D2L works will vary from course to course, it is needed for you to access and review the resources that your course has been provided by your instructors.

Getting Familiar with D2L My Home Page

After logging into FRCC D2L, you will be in My Home Page. Here, you will be able to see a few things, including Navigation Groupings, Announcements, Select a Course icon, Message Alerts icon, Subscription Alerts icon, Update Alerts icon, User Account, Office 365 widget and My Course widget. You can click the Navigation Groupings if you want to access resources related to FRCC Resources, which includes Intro to Online Learning, Online Student Union, college support service, and Tech Support, which includes system check and 24×7 help desk. Visit the link here if you want to know about the rest.


Getting Familiar with D2L Course Home Pages

  • FRCC Logo: By clicking this one, you will be brought to your D2L My Home Page.
  • Course Title: By clicking this one from anywhere in the course, you will brough to back to the D2L Course Home Page.
  • Select a Course, Notification icons, User Account: You are able to see the information about all the items in the Getting Familiar with the D2L My Home Page tutorial.
  • Course Navigation: This one is where all your course tools and materials are able to be accessed from and it is organized in grouping based on function of the tools.

Course Navigation is divided into five: Course Materials, Activities, Progress, FRCC Resources, and Tech Support. In Course Materials, there are Content, Calendar, Classlist and Locker. In Activities, you will be able to see Assignments, Discussions, Groups, Quizzes and Surveys. The Progress is where you will be able to see Grades and Class Progress. FRCC Resources is the one that makes it possible for you to access Intro to Online Learning, Online Student Union and college support services. The last one, Tech Support, is the one for those who want to access the system check, which is a help desk that is available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

  • Updates: This one will show the updates in the course such as posts to discussion and feedback on assignments and quizzes.
  • Announcements: When your course instructor shares important information, everything will be posted here. Every time you log in to the D2L, do not forget to check this section.
  • Student Rights, Responsibilities and Resources: In this one, you will be able to see the information about being a student at FRCC. Please spare your time to review each semester.

Way to Log into FRCC D2L

  1. In order to log into FRCC D2L, the first thing that should be done is to go to the official website of Front range Community College at
  2. Then, access your eWOLF account located in the top right corner of the page.
  3. You will be brought to a page where you will need to enter your S number as well as the password. Please enter these two pieces of information. For those who log in for the first time, your default password is your 6 digit date of birth. For instance, if your birthday is April 18, 1992, you should enter 041892.
  4. After entering the S number and the password, the next thing that you have to do is to click on the Course Access Icon.
  5. By clicking on that icon, you will be shown with a window with two links. The first one at the top will take you to your D2L home page for all FRCC classes. For anyone who is enrolled in a CCCOnline class, the link that should be clicked is the bottom one, the one that will take you to the CCCOnline D2L home page. For your information, each CCCOnline class has a section number that starts with a “c”. For instance, ENG 121-c11 or MAT050-c21. Keep in mind that any class that does not have a “c” in the section number is an FRCC class.
  6. If you want to find all the FRCC classes, you can just check out the right hand column of your D2L home page.

Way to Access D2L Internal Messaging

There is an Internal Message system owned by D2L with the function to allow you to send messages back and fort between yourself, your instructors, and the other students in your classes. Do take a note that there is no way to send messages to email addresses outside the D2L system using the D2L internal messaging. Besides, it is also impossible to send email messages from an outside account in to the D2L system.

When someone like your instructor or your friend sends you a D2L Internal Message, you will be able to see an orange dot on the envelope icon located at the top of your D2L home page. Here is step by step to access the new messages sent by the others:

  1. First of all, click the envelope icon that is found at the top right of your d2L My Home screen.
  2. By doing so, the additional information will be displayed and you will be able to see the new and recent Internal Messaging notifications. Accessing the internal messages can be done by clicking on the Internal Messaging link. Another way that you can do it is to click any of the internal messages displayed.
  3. Actually, the looks and the functions of the D2L Internal Messaging tool are similar to the other common messaging or email tools that you use daily. The messages are able to be accessed by clicking on the subject text.

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