Eureka Math Lesson 37 Homework 4.3 Answer Key

If you have done the Eureka Math Lesson 37 Homework 4.3 and want to check if you did a good job, this page will show the answer key of the Lesson 37 Homework 4.3. However, if you have not done your homework, you are able to solve this Homework. Try to answer all the questions first, next you are able to check your answer here.

The Answer Key for Eureka Math Lesson 37 Homework 4.3

For the first question, you are going to ask for solving 26 × 34 by using 4 partial products and 2 partial products. Please remember to think in terms of units when you solve. Then, you have to write an expression to discover the area of each smaller rectangle in the area model.

Click this link to see the first question: file:///C:/Users/Dani/Downloads/math-g4-m3-topic-h-lesson-37%20(1).pdf

The answer for the first question:

34 x 26 = 884

For the second question, you are going to ask for a solution by using 4 partial products and 2 partial products. Please remember to think in terms of units as you solve. Then, you have to write an expression to discover the area of each smaller rectangle in the area model.

Click this link to see the second question: file:///C:/Users/Dani/Downloads/math-g4-m3-topic-h-lesson-37%20(1).pdf

The answer for the second question:

41 x 82 = 3362

For the third question, you are going to ask for solving 52 × 26 by using 2 partial products and an area model. Please match each partial product to its area on the model.

Click this link to see the third question: file:///C:/Users/Dani/Downloads/math-g4-m3-topic-h-lesson-37%20(1).pdf

The answer for the third question:

52 x 26 = 1352

For the fourth question, you are going to ask for solving the following using 2 partial products. Please visualize the area model to help you.

Click this link to see the fourth question: file:///C:/Users/Dani/Downloads/math-g4-m3-topic-h-lesson-37%20(1).pdf

The answer for the fourth question:

68 x 23 = 1564

49 x 33 = 1617

16 x 25 = 400

54 x 71 = 3834

To see the explanation of all answers, you are able to watch a video entitled Eureka Math Homework Time Grade 4 Module 3 Lesson 37 on YouTube. Just click this link;

About Eureka Math

In addition, here we are going to explain about Eureka Math. It is a math curriculum. There are many schools and the teachers in the world have implemented Eureka Math within the last several years. It is recognized for its research-based, rigorous approach to teaching math conceptually.

This curriculum will assist the students to develop an understanding of mathematics. Here, the teachers tend to like it or hate it. According to research, Eureka is one of the best math curriculums out there.

Overview of Eureka Curriculum

Now, let’s discuss the components of the Eureka curriculum so you will know exactly what’s included in the curriculum and how you are able to use it well.

The curriculum of Eureka is broken down into some different modules that each cover a different math topic for your grade level. It is crucial to note that the progression of the topics covered is research-based and builds upon one another. Thus, Eureka Math will work best when the modules are completed in order.

Each module will come with a teacher manual, a student workbook, and also student fluency practice. If you are utilizing the physical workbooks, these will each be discovered in separate books which may include some modules in one. If you are using the online PDF version, those are each discovered in separate files for each module.

Teacher Edition

The Teacher Edition is what you as the teacher will use to teach your lessons.

Here is what you are able to find in the Teacher Edition for each module:

  • A module overview at the beginning of each module
    This is going to guide you through the progression of concepts covered in the module, and how they tie in to prior knowledge or future modules. Also, the module overview includes pacing notes (including which lessons that can be omitted if timing is an issue), the focus and foundational standards addressed, crucial vocabulary, some suggested tools, and any crucial notes on delivery of instruction. It is highly suggested to read the overview before beginning each module.
  • A summary at the beginning of each topic
    Each module is divided into some different topics. You will be able to find a summary at the beginning of the topic. Those summaries are short and provide a quick preview of what will be covered in the next lessons. Apparently, they are not as extensive as the module overviews.
  • Scripted lessons.
    Some lessons are included in each topic. Those lessons are completely scripted and usually include six main components: fluency practice, concept development, problem set, application problem, debrief, and exit ticket. While each component is scripted, the lessons are specially designed to be customized to meet the needs of your class. Also, each component will include a suggested amount of time to spend on each component.
  • The student assessments and grading rubrics.
    For most modules, your teacher manual will include a mid-module test and end-of-module test. Those tests are graded with a rubric.

Student Workbooks and Fluency

Here is an overview of the student resources included with each module:

  • Sprints
    Sprints are part of the fluency practice section. Not every lesson has a sprint. Sprints will be able to help to further deepen a conceptual understanding of the concepts.
  • Problem sets
    Each module will include a problem set with each lesson for independent practice. This is usually done as part of the concept development.
  • Exit Tickets
    Also, each module includes exit tickets to be completed at the end of each lesson. The problems are similar to those on the problem set, but each exit ticket usually just has 1-3 questions on it. It is usually used as an assessment to gauge the student’s understanding of the lesson.
  • Student Templates
    Sometimes, a student template is included with a lesson for the students to use the concept development.

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