Eureka Math Lesson 21 Homework 5.2 Answer Key

After doing the Eureka Math, such as Eureka Math Lesson 21 Homework 5.2, you might need an answer key to check out how many questions that you can right or wrong. If you are looking for such a thing, you can find everything below:

  1. Divide. Then, check using multiplication. The first one is done for you.

a. 129 : 21 = 6 R3
Divide. Then, check using multiplication. The first one is done for you. 129 21 = 6 R3
21 x 6 = 126
126 + 3 = 129

b. 158 : 37 = 4 R10
158 divided by 37 = 4 R10
37 x 4 = 148
148 + 10 = 158

c. 261 : 49 = 5 R16
261 divided by 49 = 5 R16
49 x 5 = 245
245 + 16 = 261

d. 574 : 82 = 7 R0
574 divided by 82 = 7 R0
82 x 7 = 574

e. 464 : 58 = 8
464 divided by 58 = 8
58 x 8 = 464

f. 640 : 9 = 70 R10
640 divided by 9 = 70 R10
70 x 9 = 630
630 + 10 = 640

  1. It takes Juwan exactly 35 minutes by car to get to his grandmother’s. The nearest parking area is a 4-minute walk from her apartment. One week he visited more often. He realized that he spent 5 hours and 12 minutes traveling to her apartment and then back home. How many round trips did he make to visit his grandmother?

60 x 5 = 300
300 + 12 = 312
Eureka Math Lesson 21 Homework 5.2 Answer Key no 0 2
8 trips -> 4 round trips

  1. How many eighty-fours are in 672?

672 : 84 = 8
How many eighty-fours are in 672

So, how many questions do you get right? Are you satisfied with the result? Before or after working on Eureka Math Lesson 21 Homework, you might also do the Eureka Math Lesson 21 Problem Set. You can check the correct answer of the problem set below:

  1. Divide. Then, check using multiplication. The first one is done for you.

a. 258 : 47
258 divided 47
47 x 5 = 235
235 + 23 = 258

b. 148 : 67
148 divided 67
2 x 67 = 134
134 + 14 = 148

c. 591 : 73
591 divided 73
73 x 8 = 584
584 + 7 = 591

d. 759 : 94
759 divided 94
94 x 8 = 752
752 + 7 = 759

e. 653 : 74
653 divided 74
Check: 74 x 8 = 592
592 + 61 = 653

f. 257 : 36
257 divided 36
36 x 7 = 252
252 + 5 = 257

  1. Generate and solve at least one more division problem with the same quotient and remainder as the one below. Explain your thought process.

Generate and solve at least one more division problem with the same quotient and remainder as the one below. Explain your thought process.
12 x 8 = 96
96 + 11 = 107
In order to have a remainder of 11, the divisor has to be larger than 11. I picked 12. Then in multiplied 12 by the quotient (8) and add 11 to that product to get my dividend.

  1. Assume that Mrs. Giang’s car can travel 14 miles on each gallon of gas. If she travels to visit her niece who lives 133 miles away, how many gallons of gas will Mrs. Giang need to make the round trip?

133 + 133 = 266 miles round trip
133 + 133 = 266 miles round trip
It can be concluded that Mrs. Giang needs 19 gallons of gas.

  1. Louis brings 79 pencils to school. After he gives each of his 15 classmates an equal number of pencils, he will give any leftover pencils to his teacher.

a. How many pencils will Louis’s teacher receive?
79 : 15 = 5 R4
79 divided 15 = 5 R4
The teacher of Louis will receive 4 pencils.

b. If Louis decides instead to take an equal share of the pencils along with his classmates, will his teacher receive more pencils or fewer pencils? Show your thinking.
79 : 16 = 4 R15
79 divided 16 = 4 R15
Louis’s teacher will receive 11 pencils more than if he does not get an equal share.

In addition to the answer key of Eureka Math Lesson 21 Homework 5.2 and the answer key of Eureka Math Lesson 21 Problem Set 5.2, you might also want to know the answer key of the previous lesson. Below is the answer key of the Lesson 20 Homework 5.2 for you to check out:

  1. Divide. Then, check with multiplication. The first one is done for you.

a. 72 : 31
72 divided 31
31 x 2 = 62
62 + 10 = 72

b. 89 : 21
89 divided 21
21 x 4 = 84
84 + 5 = 89

c. 94 : 33
94 divided 33
33 x 2 = 66
66 + 28 = 94

d. 67 : 19
  67 divided 19
19 x 3 = 57
57 + 10 = 67

e. 79 : 25
79 divided 25
25 x 3 = 75
75 + 4 = 79

f. 83 : 21
83 divided 21
21 x 3 = 63
63 + 20 = 83

  1. A 91 square foot bathroom has a length of 13 feet. What is the width of the bathroom?

A = 91 sqft
91 : 13 sqft = 7
The width is 7 feet.

  1. While preparing for a morning conference, Principal Corsetti is laying out 8 dozen bagels on square plates. Each plate can hold 14 bagels.

a. How many plates of bagels will Mr. Corsetti have?
12 x 8 = 96 bagels
96 : 14 = 6 R12
Principle Corsetti will have 7 plates.

b. How many more bagels would be needed to fill the final plate with bagels?
Since the final plate has 12 bagels, the Principal Corsetti will need two more bagels.

If you want to find out the answer key of the other homework of the same Grade 5 Module 5, feel free to open this following link here.

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