In this page, we are going to talk about what EIU D2L is, and also some information related to EIU D2L. If you want to know about that information, make sure you read the following text until the end.

What is EIU D2L?

EIU D2L is a learning management system used by Eastern Illinois University. Currently, it is powered and hosted by Brightspace by D2L (Desire2Learn). EIU D2L is used to deliver the university’s online courses, also to support the face-to-face and blended classes classroom instruction.

  • EIU D2L is really user friendly. If you navigate WebPages, complete online forms, and download files from the internet, you will be able to use EIU D2L.
  • EIU D2L supports most modern web browsers. Remember that older browsers are not recommended. For this case, we suggest you to use Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.
  • EIU D2L uses popup windows for certain features. Please make sure to disable the browser’s popup blockers or add EIU D2L as an exception.

How to log in to EIU D2L?

So, how to log in to EIU D2L? Of course, it is very easy to log in to EIU D2L. You only need do these easy steps below:

  • At the first step, you have to go to eiu.edu/d2l/ or select “d2l” at the top of most EIU webpages.
  • After that, you have to choose “Login to D2L Brightspace.”
  • The next step that you have to do is to enter your EIUnetID.
  • Now, you are able to to enter your password.

Enter your EIUnetID and password, then, select login to D2L Brightspace.

  • Lastly, click Sign In button.

For note: Your EIUnetID and password are the same username and password you use for Panthermail and PAWS. If you get any issues logging in to D2L with your EIUnetID and password, you are able to contact User Services at 217-581-4357 or support@eiu.edu.

How to log out of EIU D2L?

After you log in to EIU D2L and finish all task you want do in EIU D2L, then you do not forget to log out of EIU D2L. Remember that it is very important to log out of EIU D2L especially if you are using a public computer.

To log out of EIU D2L Brightspace, here are steps to do:

  • On the minibar, you have to click on your username.

On the minibar, click on your username

  • Then, simply you are able to choose “Log Out.”
  • Make sure that you log out of EIU D2L successfully.

After you log out of EIU D2L Brightspace successfully, now you are able to calm that there are no one will be able to access your account.

How to find your courses on EIU D2L?

There are many things you can do on EIU D2L Brightspace. One of them is finding your courses. Now, we are going to share how to find your courses on EIU D2L Brightspace.

Here are some steps to find your courses on EIU D2L:

  • The first thing that you have to do is to log in to EIU D2L Brightspace.
  • After logging in to EIU D2L Brightspace, you are going to see the “My Courses” widget. It is displayed on the home page.
  • The “My Courses” widget is going to display the current courses for most users.
  • The courses are able to be displayed for a specific semester by chooisng the desired semester at the top of the “My Courses” widget.
  • After you find the course, you will be able to choose the course title to access the course.

select the course title to access the course.

  • Also, as a user, you are able to pin courses to appear at the top of the My Courses widget.

Users can pin courses to appear at the top of the My Courses widget

  • The “Course Selector” is another method to easily search, find, and pin courses. For your information, the “Course Selector” icon is available in the top navbar to the left of the notification icons. Please choose the icon to view the course list and access the search box.

Course Selector icon

access the search box.

How to edit your user Profile and Picture?

From your username on the minibar, you are able to make changes to your user profile, account settings, notifications, and log out. Now, you may want to edit your user profile and picture.

Here are some steps to edit your user profile and picture:

  • Firstly, on the minibar, you have to click on your username.

On the minibar, click on your username1

  • After that, you have to choose “Profile” to change settings for your profile picture, contact information, personal information, education information, work information, and social networks.
  • The next step that you have to do is to choose the Change Picture and choose My Computer.

Select the Change Picture

  • Now, you will be able to upload your image and choose “Add.”
  • Please make any other desired changes to your profile.
  • The last step is to choose “Save and Close.”

Navigating EIU D2L Brightspace

Navigating EIU D2L Brightspace

There are many common interface elements that will help you navigate the EIU D2L Brightspace Learning Environment. In the text below, we are going to share those common interface elements. Here are they:

  • Minibar

The minibar is always visible. It will help you navigate the D2L Brightspace Learning Environment.

  • My Home

My Home will returns you to the EIU homepage in D2L Brightspace.

  • Course Selector

You are able to use the course selector to search and access your courses. For easy access, you will be able to pin your courses to the top of the list.

  • Messages

This will notify you about unread mail and instant messages from the instructors and other learners.

  • Updates

This will notify you about new and updated announcements, due dates and end dates, and grades.

  • Subscriptions

This will notify you about new blog posts, subscribed discussion forums, topics, and threads.

  • Username

This will allow you to make changes to your user profile, account settings, notifications, and log out.

  • Navbar

This will provide links to course-specific tools. For example: Discussions, Assignments, and Quizzes.

  • Course Homepage

Course Homepage will provide quick access to important information related to the course.

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