EES Army Evaluation System

EES Army Evaluation System is the name of the system or tool that is very useful to create evaluation reports. It is also able to be used to check the evaluation processing status for every army officer (Army OERs) and non-commissioned officer (NCOERs). The main focus of it is to assess the duty performance and potential of soldiers. It works by evaluating the performance of the soldiers when they assign tasks while following the rules applied in the army. The soldiers will also be judged about their ability at present and potential higher ranks.

Evaluation Entry System integrates a lot of features such as APD FORMS lookup, AKO MyForms submission, profile calculators, IWRS, Doctrine references, the form wizard, and many more. For your information, the valid forms for the evaluation report are DA Form 67-10 series for OERs and DA Form 2166-9 series for NCOERs.

There are several advantages of EES Army Evaluation System, including:

  • It is an improved wizard for rating chain guidelines.
  • There is EES Rating Chain Tool that allows a lot of people such as commanders, commandants, and the other leaders to make and launch the rating chain publications to organizations and units.
  • There is a multi pane screen that can be used by the users to view the form and data input at the same time.
  • It is a built-in tool that can be used to view and to manage the profiles of Raters and Senior Raters.
  • It references the Army Regulation (AR) 623-2 and the Department of the Army Pamphlet (DA PAM) 623-3.
  • There is no need for the users to access multiple times.
  • It integrates a few evaluation tools into a single system.
  • When combined with the Senior Rater Evaluation Timeliness report (one of the Senior Rater Profile reports), the Evaluation Entry System is able to be used to help senior raters to fulfill their responsibilities.

As a part of the DoD or Department of Defense evaluation tools, the thing known as EES or Evaluation Entry System has a few pre-access installations and credentials. What are those? Here is everything that is needed:

  • If you want to download and get information about the Evaluation Entry System or EED and about the method to use it, you will have to install several readers to your device.
  • Do not forget to also install the DoD certificate and get the CAC reader installed on your computer.
  • It is better for you to install Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1, or Windows 10 to your computer.
  • ActivClient (for Windows 8, Windows 8.1, or Windows 10) or (for Windows 10) also has to be installed. For those who already have it built in your computer, then you can skip it.
  • You will have to adjust the setting frequently while you are using Internet Explorer.
  • Installing the Adobe Reader is important due to the fact that the documents are mostly in the form of PDF.
  • There are some documents or videos about how to use the Evaluation Entry System or EES that are able to be found in the backlink in the official website of HRC at
  • You are encouraged to read the documents and videos carefully beforehand.

If you want to access EES Army Evaluation System, you can follow every step included below:

  1. The first thing that you have to do is to open your browser and go to
  2. Then, access the EES Army Evaluation System.
  3. You will have to make sure that you have a valid Department of Defense CAC or DoD CAC Card and CAC reader.
  4. In the next step, choose your Digital Certificate and click OK.
  5. After that, choose your correct and applicable CAC card certificate.
  6. By following the step, you will then be taken to the Terms of Use page. taken to the Terms of Use page
  7. On the Terms of Use page, please choose I agree to the terms of the User Agreement and then do not forget to also click Accept Terms.        access EES Army Evaluation System

When the process is done, you can navigate to a lot of different functions of the Evaluation Entry System.  On the Main Menu, there are a total of two options to choose from: Home to return to home and Logout if you want to log out from the system. The second one is Profiles. In this section, you will be able to see both your profiles and the profiles of the others that you are a delegate for. The third one is the Training Resources for Army OER (Officer Evaluation Report) and NCOER (NonCommissioned Officer Evaluation Report): New OER Training and New NCOER Training. The fourth one is OER options. The fifth one is NCOER options. As for the last one, it is tools.

In fact, it is not always easy to access the Evaluation Entry System or EES. Sometimes, the issues occur. One of the examples is the failure to access via direct links. If you are in this kind of situation, you are suggested to immediately log in to AKO via your CAC. Then, you can try accessing the link to EES again by clicking the second tab on the page. Keep in mind that the most important thing to successfully fill out the EES Army Evaluation System is to not be lazy to read the documents and videos that are recommended. There is a lot of important information in the PDF documents so you will have to read everything if you want to successfully join the evaluation system.

If you are still having a hard time even after reading all the recommended documents and watching all the recommended videos, you can try to seek help from someone that you think knows more about it compared to you. Do not feel shy and do not hesitate to find the one that can help you with this kind of thing. However, you must be careful about it as it involves your private information. At the beginning, you might seek help from your loved one.

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