DCPS (Duval County Public Schools) provides educational excellence in every school, in every classroom, for every student, every day. DCPS as one of Florida’s seven major metropolitan school districts, continuous quality improvement.
It also has made extraordinary progress in the achievement of students with a ‘whole child’ educational philosophy and relentless commitment to instruction excellence. It is intentionally designed to prepare students for 21st, century careers and college. DCPS website can be accessed at dcps.duvalschools.org.
On this site, you are able to find a lot of information about DCPS including about Performance Matters. If you are looking for performance matters information, you are able to find it in the Accountability & Assessment page. There, you are able to find information about performance matters on the student dashboard.
On the Performance matter Student Dashboard information, it is explained that you as a student can click the Performance Matters icon on that page to log into your Performance Matters dashboard. Then, you will be able to see two options including Login to Online Testing and Login to Student Portal. You have to use the same Username and Password as you use to log onto the computer.
In the Data and Assessment page, you will also get information about performance matters. Performance matters servers as the data portal of the district regarding both State and District assessments. Performance Matters permits district personnel to be able to make assessments, track assessment scores and also analyze assessment data to be able to help drive instruction. There are other programs which are under the Performance Matters umbrella and those are Scoreboard, Baseball Card, Comparative Results, MyReports and many more.
If you access the Accountability & Assessment page in the DAT Professional Development section, you are also able to see a link of Performance Matters. If you access it, you will be able to answer some questions such as in the list below.
- What training did you attend today?
The options of the answer are 360 Degree View of Progress Monitoring, Test Creation, Creating Interactive Items in Performance Matters, PLC University, and The Power of Performance Matters.
- How clear was the information that our trainer provided to you?
The options of the answer are extremely clear, very clear, somewhat clear and not so clear.
- How Knowledgeable did our trainer seem to you?
The options of the answer are extremely knowledgeable, very knowledgeable, moderately knowledgeable, and slightly knowledgeable.
- In your opinion, how user-friendly is this program?
The options of the answer are very user-friendly, moderately user-friendly, slightly user-friendly, not at all user-friendly.
- In case you are a classroom teacher, what grade level and subject area do you teach?
The options of answer are K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12, ELA, Math, Science, Visual Arts, Performing Arts, World Languages, Social Studies, CTE, and Health/ PE.
Well, that’s the information that we are able to give to you about DCPS Blended Learning Performance Matters. If you want to know more about it, you are able to access the DCPS site or you are able to contact the DCPS support.