D2L PDX Login

D2L PDX refers to an online learning management system login page for Portland State University. Why does it use PDX? You may already know that Portland Oregon has numerous different nicknames, one of the popular ones is PDX. That’s why Portland State University uses PDX on their official site.

As well as the way of how to log into D2L at Portland State University where the site to access also uses ‘PDX’ on their URL. Are you a PSU student who is looking for the URL to log into the D2L? If so, use the URL below if you want to log into the PSU’s learning management system. Here you go!

Logging Into D2L at Portland State University Site

In order to log into D2L for Portland State University, here’s the URL that you can access https://d2l.pdx.edu/. Once you access the URL, you will be taken into the D2L PDX login page. You will then see the two login buttons, the first is for the PSU students, faculty and staff and the other one is for the guest.

D2L PDX Login

If you are a student of PSU, it requires you to enter your Odin Account. As you know that Odin Account is your PSU computer account that you have received when accepted as a PSU student. All admitted students, faculty and staff should use the Odin Account to access most online PSU services including D2L, Google Workspace, Wi-Fi, Banweb, computer labs and more.

Odin Account password will expire every 180 days. You will then receive emails prompting you to reset it when your password expires. In this way, you have to use the Odin Account Manager (OAM) to change or reset your Odin Account Password. To access the Odin Account Manager, visit the link here.

Odin Account Manager is not only for password recovery, but also it can be used to manage some PSU computer accounts such as Odin accounts, shared email accounts, affiliate accounts and privileged accounts. Aside from that, you can also use OAM to turn on and request accounts, reset your password, edit your PSU directory information and configure Duo Two-Factor Authentication.

The point is, you can log into the D2L PDX for Portland State University by entering your Odin Account; username or email and password.

What Can You Find at D2L PDX?

Well, the only one way to access the D2L at Portland State University is through the URL that we’ve shown above. It means that the URL is a gate to open the Desire2Learn(D2L), Portland State University’s online learning management system. Once you successfully log into the D2L PDX, of course you will find what you’re looking for online learning at Portland State University.

Sure, to access the D2L PDX for PSU, make sure your computer meets the minimum specifications. Once you access the D2L PDX, you will find a bunch of menus which will lead you in finding what section you’re looking for. Thankfully, this post will show you the navigations to ease you finding what you need. Here are they:

D2L Homepage

This is the first page that you’ll see once logging into D2L. At D2L homepage, you will find a list of all the courses you’re registered for. However, not all PSU courses are available online or on D2L. So, to make sure whether  your course uses D2L or not, please contact your instructor.

At homepage, you will find a bunch of menus as follow:

D2L Menu Bar

This menu is located at the top of your screen when you’re logged into D2L. It will allow you to access your notifications, courses and personal settings from any screen.

  • You can choose your PSU courses by clicking on the ‘select a course’ icon that allow you to access a course from any page.
  • If you want to find the notifications, you can choose the three drop-down menus which are available to the left of your name. It includes Message Alert (displaying recent emails), Subscription Alerts (displaying notifications for any forum or annoucement0 and Update Alerts (displaying an update a new event)
  • Personal settings menu will allow you to access your Profile, Notifications, and Account Settings information. Here, you will find Profile, Notifications and Account Settings.


You will find the global Announcement widget on the left side of the D2L Homepage. To see the important system updates, make sure to check this widget.

My Courses

To find all the courses you’re registered for, you can find the ‘My Courses’ menu on the right side of the D2L Homepage.

D2L Course Homepage

The Course Homepage can be reached by choosing the name of your course from the course list on the D2L Homepage. Here, you can use the Course Navigation Bar located beneath the D2L menu bar and the PSU banner. You can use the tool by selecting Activities, People, Grades and Help.

For Course Widget, you will find Announcements, Activities and Content, Calendar, Library Resources and Disability Resource Center.

D2L Content

You can use this section to access the course material, to monitor your completion progress on topics contained within each course module and to complete required activities. Select the ‘Content’ option from the navigation bar to access the Content tool.

D2L Discussions

This section is a collaboration area to post, read and also reply to messages on different topics. You can also share thoughts about the course material, share files, ask questions or work with your peers on assignments and homework.

D2L Assignments

This Assignment tool allows you to submit assignments in the Learning Environment and eliminate the need to mail, fax or email your work to instructions. You can simply upload your Submission to the appropriate assignments folder and submit.

D2L Quizzes

D2L at PSU also allows you to take quizzes and view your quiz result online. To access the quiz tool, you can choose the ‘Activities’ drop-down menu on the course navigation bar and then choose the ‘Quizzes’.

D2L Grades

To see your grade for individual assignments and tests, you definitely can use the Grades tool on D2L. However, not all instructors use the Grades. Instead, you can check Banweb for your official final grade once final grades have been posted.

D2L Groups

This tool is used to create group work areas for the students. As a PSU student, you probably attend a course which utilizes the group tool.

D2L Email

To communicate with your instructors and fellow students in online class, D2L at PSU has its won mail system which is completely separate from your PSU Gmail account.

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