D2L PCC Login

Realizing that the education system has to look at the world in new ways, the Portland Community College eventually uses the D2L, as an online learning management system. In this case, the D2L gives an equally comprehensive online learning solution to support their approach to improve accessibility.

Through the D2L, both the students and faculty are able to access the online course, assignments, discussions, course documents and more. The D2L seems to transform the way the world learns where everyone can have access to the best possible learning opportunities.

Of course, to access the D2L, you require to login first with the username and password that you have registered in your academic institutions. Well, if you are a PCC student, you can take a bunch of steps to login that we explain below!

How to Login into D2L PCC?

If you want to access the D2L Brightspace of PCC, you should login first by entering your username and password. At least, there are two ways to access the D2L Brightspace PCC, here are they:

Way 1: Via the Login Portal

You can go to the Login portal that you can access here. After that, you will be taken into the PCC login page. In this step, you should enter your username and password. Then, click on the Login button.

D2L PCC Login

If you use this way to access the D2L Brightspace PCC, it will require your MyPCC credentials to login. Then, if you reset your MyPCC password, there may be a delay of up to 24 hours before you can use your new password on the direct login page.

Of course, after you’re done working with the D2L Brightspace at PCC, you should log out to ensure that your PCC login session is terminated. You can click on your Name at the top-right corner of your account. Now, you have to view a page which tells you that you have been logged out and you should then close your browser.

Way 2: Via MyPCC

Aside from the first way, you can also try to log into D2L Brightspace through your MyPCC account. After accessing the D2L Brightspace via MyPCC, you can click on the Laptop icon located near the upper-right hand corner of your MyPCC account.

Afterwards, find the Quick Links box on the Home tab and then click on the D2L Brightspace Login link. You can access MyPCC here.

Note: Today, on May 28, 2021, the MyPCC is not available from 7 P.M to 10 P.M. Some MyPCC services will not be available until 11:30 PM. Meanwhile, the PCC email D2L Brightspace will be available.

Login Issues

You may have an issue where you cannot log into D2L PCC. Well, if you have this kind of login issue, you can try to clear your browser cache and history. Sometimes, some browsers are obstinate and reloading the page does not work. So you have to remove the page copies your browser is saving. However, it’s named clearing your cache.

Aside from clearing your cache and history, you can also close your browser completely and try to re-open the browser and try to access the D2L Brightspace through login portal or via MyPCC.

If you confront any issues even though you have tried the ways above, you can try to use a different browser and check if  you can login to access the D2L Brightspace or not.

If you still have the login issue or your account is deactivated, you can try to find out the troubleshooting of your issue through Student Help Desk at https://www.pcc.edu/help-desk/ to get any instructions or send email to shd@pcc.edu or 971-722-8222.

Here’s the Guide to Use the D2L PCC!

If you have just been registered at  PCC, you may not understand how to use D2L PCC Brightspace. Well, finding the guide to use the D2L is a must for you. After knowing and understanding the guide of using the D2L at PCC, you can then work with the D2L PCC easily.

Thankfully, this post will show you multiple guides that you will need when working with D2L. Here you go!

  1. D2L Brightspace Navigation

Once you log into D2L PCC, you will see the D2L Brightspace Homepage. It consists of 3 areas including MiniBar, NavBar and Homepage.

Mini Bar stretches across the top are of the D2L Homepage. Mini Bar includes My Home, Course Selector, Message Alert, Subscription Alerts, Update Alerts, Your Personal Menu and Admin Tools.

NavBar is customized  and controlled by the Online Learning department. NavBar includes My Media, Quick Eval, Help, and Instructor Resources.

Homepage shows Announcements, My Courses, Access Google Apps and Faculty.

  1. Set up your D2L notification

Setting up the notification in the D2L Brightspace is really needed to allow you to get the important information related to your online. Within your D2L Brightspace account, you’re able to add or edit the types of notifications you can receive from the system including the text message and email options.

  1. Subscribe to a D2L class calendar

To see your D2L Brightspace class events, you should subscribe to a calendar feed for the individual or all your courses and view those events alongside your personal calendar. To subscribe to a D2L class calendar, let’s take some following ways:

  • You need to access your course first on D2L Brightspace.
  • Then, find the ‘Calendar widget’ on the right hand side of the page on the ‘Course Home’ section.
  • After that, click on the title of the widget (Calendar), followed by clicking the ‘Settings’ beneath the top navigation bar.
  • Make sure the ‘Enable Calendar Feeds’ is checked, then click on the Save button.
  • You should then click on ‘Subscribe’ beside the settings.
  • You can use the ‘Calendar Subscriptions’ drop down menu to choose a Specific course or choose ‘All Calendars and Tasks’.
  • Then, copy the full URL which is listed below the ‘Calendar Subscriptions’ drop down menu.
  • You can then open your PCC Google Calendar.
  • Then, click the Down arrow beside the Other Calendars.
  • Choose ‘Add by URL’ and paste in the URL you obtained from D2L Brightspace previously.
  • Last, click on the ‘Add Calendar’ option.

That’s it! You successfully subscribe to a D2L class calendar.

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