D2L Marquette Login

D2L, also known as Desire2Learn and D2L Brightspace, is Marquette University’s e-learning management system. It’s your hub for remote learning. By the way, how to login to D2L Marquette? Let us find out that information here.

How to login to D2L Marquette?

  • At the first step, you have to visit https://d2l.mu.edu/d2l/login.
  • After that, you are able to enter your Marquette username (not your email address).
  • The next step that you have to do is to enter your password.
  • Lastly, you only must click the Login button.

D2L Marquette Login

If you do not have access to a computer, you are able to login to D2L from your smartphone or tablet’s web browser at https://d2l.mu.edu/. After successful login, you have to note that your courses appear after the News items and under the heading “My Courses.” Also, you are able to click or tap the “waffle” icon to see the courses.

Reset your password

Sometimes you may need to reset your password. Need to know that Marquette University uses a registered phone number or secondary email address to reset forgotten or expired passwords. This information is for the users with a phone number or secondary email address set up for password recovery. If you have not set up one of those recovery methods, you are able to call the IT Services Help Desk at (414) 288-7799 to reset your password.

Step 1: Please go to https://reset.mu.edu/.

You are asked for your User ID. Enter your Marquette email address in the User ID field. Remember that your Marquette email address must contain marquette.edu. After you enter your Marquette email address, the top image is going to switch from Microsoft to the Marquette University logo. Now, you are able to enter the characters in the picture (or the words in the audio). And click or tap Next.

Please go to libk reset your password

Step 2: The “Why are you having trouble signing in?” page will appear. Please keep “I forgot my password” selected and then click or tap Next.

Please keep I forgot my password

Step 3: If you have an authentication email set up, you have to choose Email my alternate email and then click or tap Email.

select Email my alternate email

You are going to get an email message with a verification code to your authentication email. Now, you have to check your secondary email inbox and also note the multi digit code. Then, enter the code in the text field provided on the web page. Just click or tap Next. If authentication was successful, you are able to skip to Step 5.

If authentication was successful, skip to Step 5.

Step 4: If you have an authentication phone set up, you have to select either Text my mobile phone or Call my mobile phone.

For “Text my mobile phone,” please enter the authentication phone number and click or tap Text. You are going to receive a Microsoft verification text with a multi-digit code. Do not forget to enter that code in the text field provided on the web page. Click or tap Next.

For Text my mobile phone

For “Call my mobile phone,” please enter the authentication phone number and click or tap Call. You are going to receive an automated call. Just press the pound key (the # symbol) to continue.

For Call my mobile phone

Step 5: If your authentication was successful, you are going to be asked to select your new password.

Here are some things to note:

Your new password must have at least eight characters.

Your new password must include three of the below:

  • Uppercase characters
  • lowercase characters
  • Numbers 0 through 9
  • Non-alphabet characters

Your new password must not include all or part of:

  • Your username
  • Your first name
  • Your last name

Now, enter your new password. Then re-enter your new password. And click Finish.

Enter your new password then re-enter your new password. Click Finish.

Step 6: The web page signifies if the password reset was successful.

password reset was successful

You have to know that a successful password reset takes several minutes to finalize. If you did not successfully reset your password, you are able to review the password requirements above, then retry your password reset.

Step 7: If the reset was successful, you have to close the browser window. Then, login with your new password to Marquette University systems.

If you have any questions, you are able to contact the IT Services Help Desk at (414) 288-7799.

Trouble uploading or submitting your file to D2L Marquette?

  • You have to ensure the filename contains only numbers, letters, hyphens and underscores. Only use a single period in the filename, just before the file extension (For example: docx or pdf).
  • You do not use special characters in the filename such as extra periods, slashes, ampersands, colons, question marks, quotation marks, pound signs or hash marks and asterisks.
  • Be-The-Difference.docx is going to work as a filename for upload to D2L Marquette. For note: Ring.Out/Ahoya&MU#Rah*Rah.pdf will not be able to work.

Make team meetings via D2L Marquette

The students are able to make Teams meetings for group work or study sessions right from the D2L course site.

Some notes:

  • Team meetings made via D2L Marquette do not place an event on your calendar or classmate calendars.
  • You are able to keep re-using the one Teams meeting for the semester.
  • Team meetings are open to anyone with the “Join Microsoft Meeting” link.

To set up the teams meeting Widget on your D2L Course Site:

  • Firstly, login to D2L.
  • After that, choose a D2L course site. You are able to click or tap the waffle icon to view your course sites.
  • On the D2L course site’s home page, you have to look for the Teams Meeting Widget in the right column. If you do not see the Teams Meeting Widget, please contact your instructor about adding the widget to the D2L course site.
  • From the Teams Meeting Widget, you are able to scroll down within the widget to reveal the Sign in button. Then, click or tap the Sign in button.
  • If you have not recently logged in to Microsoft Office 365, you may be asked to sign in.
  • A Microsoft permissions requested window will appear. You only need to click the Accept button.

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