D2L Kutztown University Review

In this page, we are going to talk about what D2L Kutztown University is, and other information related to D2L Kutztown University. If you want to know that information, you have to read this entire article. Make sure you will not miss any information.

D2L Kutztown University Overview

D2L, Kutztown University’s learning management system, is utilized to deliver the university’s online courses, also to support the face-to-face and blended classes classroom instruction.

  • D2L is really user friendly. If you can navigate WebPages, complete online forms, and download files from the internet, then you will be able to use D2L Kutztown University.
  • Also, D2L supports most modern web browsers. Remember that older browsers are never recommended. Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome are recommended browsers.
  • D2L uses popup windows for certain features. Make sure to disable your browser’s popup blockers or add D2L as an exception.
  • Aside from that, D2L is supported by the Office of Distance Education, that is located in the Academic Forum 205.

If you have any questions about D2L or experience a problem, you are able to contact the D2L Help Desk, Monday to Friday 8am – 4:30pm, at d2ladmin@kutztown.edu or 610-683-1511. You are able to contact your course instructor for any questions related to course activation and content, including assignments, deadlines, readings, etc.

Each course instructor controls the content which is placed in a D2L course shell. Your professor may not be using D2L. If you do not view your course listed in D2L, or if there is no content in your course, you have to check with your instructor to see if they are using D2L. For accounts related to the questions and concerns including password resets, please contact the IT Help Center at 610-683-1511.

D2L Kutztown University Overview

D2L KU Homepages

There are two homepages in D2L: My Home and Course Home. Well, let us learn each homepage.

My Home

My Home is the main landing page which you are going to see after logging into D2L. At the top of the page, you are going to find the Mini Bar. This bar gives system navigation, including easy access to My Home, quick course selection, and notification and setting menus. When you are on the My Home page, the menu navigation gives access to your D2L calendar, Locker, and also D2L Help articles.

my home

My Home has some widgets:

  • Pinned Courses widget

The pinned courses widget allows you to pin your most accessed courses right to your D2L My Homepage.

Pinned Courses widget

  • Announcements widget

The system information and announcements given by the D2L administrators. This section is going to contain system-related announcements.

Announcements widget

  • Information widget

The information widget gives contact information for the KU D2L Help Desk, and password resets, and help resources for the Respondus LockDown Browser. For note: Only the KU Help Desk will be able to reset passwords.

Information widget

Course Home

Course Home is the landing page for each course. While inside a course, this page is able to be accessed at any time by clicking on the course name at the top of the page.

The course homepage contains four widgets (not all courses will use every widget):

  • Announcements widget

This widget will display important course information and course announcements posted by your instructor.

Announcements widget

  • Calendar widget

This widget will display upcoming events for a course. Clicking on the calendar can take you to the full course calendar.

Calendar widget

  • Updates widget

This widget will show course updates such as new discussion postings or available quizzes. Clicking on any of the links in this widget will be able to take you directly to the item.

Updates widget

  • Library widget

This library widget will offer you to search the library catalog right from the course homepage.

Library widget

Once inside a course, the course navigation menu will serve as navigation throughout the course. In this bar, you are going to discover links to the different areas of the course, clustered by category.

Accessing and Logging into D2L KU

A link to D2L is able to be found on any Kutztown University webpage by clicking the “K YOU” button and choosing D2L from the list.

  • On the D2L login screen, you have to select “Kutztown Users.”
  • After that, you have to enter your full email address and password. For password resets, you are able to contact the IT Help Center.
  • After logging into D2L, you are going to be taken to “My Home.” For more information on accessing your course, you are able to see the Accessing your Courses article.

Making a D2L Profile

To add an image to your profile:

  • In the upper right of the D2L page, you are going to find your name with an image placeholder on the left and a dropdown arrow on the right. Please click on the drop-down arrow to reveal a list of menu items. Then, you have to choose “Profile” from the list of menu items.
  • On the next page, you are able to add information to your profile. You will be able to stick to only adding a profile image, however feel free for you to add additional information as you want. Keep in mind, any information you add to this page is accessible by everyone in the system.
  • You are going to see a generic placeholder image. Please click “Change Picture” below the placeholder.
  • A popup window is going to ask you to choose a profile picture. Simply, select “My Computer.” Then, drag-and-drop the image into the window from your desktop, or click “Upload” to browse. After your picture is selected, just click “Add.”

For notes: Landscape-oriented images are going to be resized and cropped to fit the size of the window and the portrait orientation. Now, your image will appear next to your profile information and in the Class list. It is expected that all profile images are suitable for an academic setting. The Office of Distance Education reserves the right to delete any image which is considered inappropriate.

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