For those who want to know what D2L APSU is, you are able to read this entire article. Here we are going to reveal that information and also some information related to D2L APSU. Make sure you do not miss any information here.
What is D2L APSU?
D2L APSU is a learning management system used by Austin Peay State University. It is powered and hosted by Brightspace by D2L (Desire2Learn). D2L APSU is used to deliver the university’s online courses. Also, it supports face-to-face and blended classes classroom instruction.
- D2L APSU is really user friendly. With this, you are able to navigate WebPages, complete online forms, and download files from the internet.
- D2L APSU supports most modern web browsers including Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. Thus, older browsers are not recommended.
- D2L APSU uses popup windows for certain features. You have to ensure to disable the browser’s popup blockers or add D2L APSU as an exception.
- D2L APSU is supported by the Office of Distance Education. Distance Education provides and manages D2L for the APSU community.
So, APSU uses D2L Brightspace, often referred to as D2L, as the Learning Management System for their online classroom. Need to know that D2L APSU is designed to be clean, streamlined, and mobile-friendly leading to an easy experience for the students and faculty. If you need assistance, you are able to contact Distance Education Support at, 931-221-6625, or visit us in McReynolds 216. They are available Monday-Friday, 8:00am-4:30pm.
Accessing D2L APSU for Faculty and Students
All students and faculty are able to access D2L APSU through AP OneStop by choosing the D2L icon. You are going to be taken to the D2L home screen without needing to log in directly. If AP OneStop is having technical difficulties, then you are able to log in to D2L directly by using your AP OneStop credentials. This is referred to as single sign-on. These credentials are maintained by GOVSTECH. If you have difficulty logging into D2L APSU, simply you are able to contact GOVSTECH at 931-221-4357 or
How to login to D2L APSU?
You have to login to D2L APSU to access your courses. For your information, new student accounts are made 55 days before the semester.
To log in to D2L APSU, you have two ways:
- Login to D2L APSU through AP OneStop.
- Login to D2L APSU directly by using your AP OneStop credentials
To login to D2L APSU through AP OneStop:
- At the first step, you have to visit this link;
- After that, you have to click the Login button to start login.
- Now, you are at the login page of login. Please enter your username.
- After that, you have to enter your password.
- The last step, you only need to click at the Sign in button.
For note: You have to logout after you have finished using AP OneStop, mainly if you are in a computer lab or public area. Any unauthorized use of the computer system and any attempt to obtain unauthorized access thereto can constitute a violation of the Computer Crimes Act of the State of Tennessee as well as university policy.
To login to D2L APSU directly by using your AP OneStop credentials:
- At the first step, you have to visit this link;
- After that, you have to enter your username.
- Then, you have to enter your password.
- The last step, click the Login button.
How to log out of D2L APSU?
After you log in to D2L APSU and finish all activities you want to do on D2L APSU, then you have to log out of D2L APSU. Keep in mind that it is really important to log out of D2L APSU especially if you are using a public computer.
To log out of D2L APSU, here are steps to do:
- On the minibar, you are able to click on your username.
- Then, you have to select the Log Out button.
- Please ensure that you log out of D2L APSU successfully.
After you log out of D2L APSU successfully, you will be sure that no one can access your account.
D2L Resources for Students
They want to ensure that you receive all the resources and support you need. In this section, you are going to find student resources specific to D2L.
- Distance Education made a new D2L Student Task Guide that provides information about the commonly used tasks in D2L APSU and videos on how to do each task.
- Brightspace Help is a repository of short, direct step guides and videos.
D2L Resources for Faculty
How to Copy a Course in D2L APSU?
You have to be listed as an Instructor on both the course you want to copy to and from to complete your own course copy. If you have permission from another instructor to copy their course content, you are able to use this D2L Course Copy request form.
Here are some steps to copy a course in D2L APSU:
- At the first step, you have to log into D2L APSU.
- After that, you are able to access the course that you want to copy the content into.
- Then, you have to choose the Edit Course in the upper right corner.
- Please choose Import/Export/Copy Components. You are able to scroll down to see this option.
- Now, you will be able to copy Components from another Org Unit. Please click on Search for Offering. Be sure Include protected resources is checked.
- Search for the course that includes the content you want to copy.
- Choose the course that you want to copy and then click Add Selected.
- Please click Copy All Components.
- The copy process is going to start. When the copy process finishes, it will show Copy Completed.
- Lastly, you only need to click View Content to review or modify the copied content.