CSULB Enrollment Services Transcripts, Contact & Address

California State University Long Beach (CSULB) seems to provide one department that focuses on enrollment called the Enrollment Service Department. This Department consists of the office of Admissions, Financial Aid and also Student Records.

In other words, the Enrollment Service Department is providing an easy-access for the students, so they can get any important information that supports their enrollment and study. So, how does the Enrollment Service Department at CSULB work? Find out everything about it in our post below!

CSULB Enrollment Services Department

There are some sections included as members of the Enrollment Service Department; Student Records, Financial Aid and also the Office of Admission. Certainly, each section will be explained in each point below!

  1. Student Records

The Student Records Office, as a member of the Enrollment Service unit, seems to provide qualified services to the students, academic, faculty, administrative departments, alumni and the public.

This unit focuses on processing and maintaining records of student’s registration transactions. Aside from that, the Student Records unit also develops and implements policies and procedures to ensure the security, integrity and preservation of each student’s official academic record.

Moreover, the Enrollment Service Department also releases academic record information in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Here are some information available in the Student Records unit:

  • Schedule of Classes

On the Student Records unit, the students will be able to view their schedule of classes. To view the regular session course schedule, you can choose the appropriate term. Through the button located at the top of each page, you can also see the offerings by College, by Academic Subject or also by General Education Category.

Well, the lists on the Student Records unit will be updated regularly to reflect changes. If you want to see your  schedule of classes, you can visit the Schedule of Classes index here.

  • Registration Dates and Deadlines

Through the Student Records unit, you can also find the registration dates and deadlines for each semester. In this case, the registration timeline includes the items such as when self service registration ends for each semester or when the new schedule of classes will be released.

  • Tuition and Fees

The last information that you can get from the Student Records unit is about tuition and fees. Talking about tuition and fees, you may already visit the section of tuition and fees. Well, you can find the information that the tuition and fees listed in the students accounts or published schedules probably should be increased when public funding is inadequate.

In other words, the CSU must reverse the right to increase any listed fee, even after the fees are initially charged or fee payments are created. All listed fees will be subject to change without notification, until the date when the instruction for a particular semester or quarter has started.

Moreover, all fees of CSULB should be regarded as estimates that are subject to change once approved by the Board of Trustees, the Presidents or also the Chancellor. In this case, the changes in the mandatory system-wide fees are made in accordance with the requirements of the Working Families Student Fee Transparency and Accountability Act.

The information about the tuition and fees at CSULB consists of some types, they are Part-Time Fees (0-6 Units), Full-Time Fees (7 or more Units) and Other Fees.

  1. Financial Aid

On the Enrollment Service Department, you can also find information about financial aid. As we know that CSULB is serving all students to their educational goals through the financial aid program. In this case, the financial aid at CSULB will be awarded to the students who satisfy all deadlines and eligibility requirements. It means that not all students will be eligible to get the CSULB’s financial aid.

CSULB provides a variety of financial aid options for the students to help them in pursuing their academic goals. Certainly, there are four categories of CSULB financial aid that you may find at CSULB, including Grant, Loan, Scholarship and Waiver.

  1. Office of Admissions

On the Enrollment Service Department, you can also find the Office of Admission section. In this section, you will find the information about the admission eligibility, application process and also eligibility index that you may need if you are an applicant.

Aside from that, you will also find the information about the transfer admission eligibility, transfer application process, transfer major specific requirements, associate degree for transfers (ADT) and also supplemental application.

The information about the graduate admission eligibility, program application process will also be found in the Enrollment Service Department. In this case, the students that hold a Bachelor’s degree and want to continue their education for personal enrichment or to fulfill professional needs by pursuing a masters of doctorate degree.

In the Enrollment Service Department, you can also find teaching credential programs, other credential programs, certificate programs and second bachelor’s degrees as well as the international admission requirements.

Learn More about Transcripts

Transcript should be sent from the college or university from which you’ve  earned your bachelor’s degree. It means that you need to submit your official transcript to the university by the application deadline (or earlier).

If you are still in progress with your bachelor’s degree, you can send an official transcript showing classes that you’ve earned up to this point. In the case of submitting the official transcript, CSULB gives you two options either directly or electronically.

  • By Email

If you are a student who attends at the domestic colleges and universities, you will be able to submit your official transcripts to the Enrollment Service. You can send your official transcript directly from a U.S. college or university to ES-IDPTrans@csulb.edu.

  • By Mail

If you want to submit your official transcript by mail, you can submit it directly from the university, as long as the transcripts are in an envelope sealed by the issuing institution. You can send your official transcript to the address below!

Enrollment Services/Admissions

California State University, Long Beach

1250 Bellflower Blvd.

Long Beach, CA 90840

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