CSULB Bookstore Textbooks

If you are a student of California State University Long Beach, you are able to buy the things that you need for your study at CSULB Bookstore. And now, I have some information about CSULB Bookstore Textbooks.

Buying and Renting Textbooks in CSULB Bookstore

You are able to buy, rent or compare textbooks in the CSULB Bookstore. To do that, you have to access BeachBookCompare.com. After that, you have to choose your classes, choose your textbooks, compare prices with the online marketplace, add to cart whether from the Bookstore or the marketplace and then you must check out.

Loading Textbooks From MyCSULB

Do you want to pre-load your textbooks? If so, it can be done on BeachBookCompare.com and there you have to click on the My Textbook link from your MyCSULB Student Center portal.

CSULB Bookstore Textbooks

Textbook Options

The University Bookstore provides you with options which are adjusted to the needs, learning style and budget of your study.

  • Textbook Rentals
    You are able to find thousands of textbook titles at the University Bookstore and they are available as rentals. If you rent textbooks, it can lower your college expenses by saving up to 80% off the new book price. You can get a copy right off the shelf or search the website to see whether your books are available as rentals. After you rent the books, you are able to read them and if you have finished, you must return them.
  • New and Used Textbooks
    It seems that students and faculty still like using traditional textbooks. If you prefer printed material, there are multiple formats of both new and used textbooks which are offered by the bookstore. Getting used books is always the main priority and those are bought back from students during finals. Then, they search nation-wide for used copies of a title. New books are only ordered if they are needed and they will be in the least expensive format.
  • Alternate Formats
    For a new text, textbooks printed in a loose-leaf or 3-hole-punch format are now the cheapest format. With loose-leaf texts, you are permitted to carry only a portion of the book at a time and re-use your 3-ring binders. There are also custom books, but these are printed just for your instructor. These books are always more affordable and bundles or packages are able to be much less expensive than buying the books separately. You are able to check to your instructor  whether they are offering a loose leaf packet or bundle for your upcoming course.
  • E-Books or Digital Textbooks
    As you know, digital textbooks or e-books are similar versions of  a textbook. However, they are able to be accessed as a download or on the internet. You are able to find thousands of titles in this paperless format at almost half the price of traditional textbooks. Let’s say that a textbook is available in a digital format. If so, it will be in the list as an alternative on the University Bookstore website automatically. Usually, you are able to access digital content for 180 days.
  • Online Price Comparison
    In The University Bookstore, you can get instant, online price comparisons with BeachBookCompare. It is done to help students to make the most informed course material choices. When a class and textbook is chosen, there will be all available formats and prices which are listed and those include new, used, rental, digital and more. You are able to take your pick and order online for easy delivery or in-store pick-up. If you want to see price comparisons, you are also able to check it on computer kiosks near the textbook aisles in the store. The Forty-Niner Shops University Bookstore has a commitment to supply CSULB students with affordable options for course materials.

Selling Your Unwanted Books in CSULB Bookstore

Do you know that you are able to sell your unwanted books in the CSULB Bookstore? The bookstore can pay up to 50% no matter where your book was bought even if it was bought online. There are two methods for selling your unwanted books in the CSULB Bookstore. The first one, you can do that in-person and the second method is selling online.

If you choose to sell your books in-person, you are able to do that at the Customer Service counter that you can find inside the Bookstore during store hours. You need to bring your student ID and also wear your face mask. In addition, you have to apply social distancing guidelines.

However, if you are not able to make it to campus, you are able to do that online. If you want to sell your book online, you have to access 49erShops.ValoreBooks.com. Then, you have to search by ISBN and get instant quotes for selling online only. After that, you need to print the free UPS label to ship your books. At last, you are able to get your cash via PayPal or check.

It is important for you to know that you are not allowed to sell back your rental books. It is because any rented books should be returned to the store or website where you rented them from originally. Let’s say that you do not remember if you rented books from the CSULB Bookstore. If so, you are able to send them an email at FNS-Rentals@csulb.edu and then they will check it for you. If you need more information about returning books that you rented from the CSULB Bookstore, you are able to visit RentalReturns.ShopTheBeach.com.

Day 1 Digital Access Program

In the CSULB bookstore, there is Day 1 Digital Access (D1DA). It is a CSULB program where the required course material is available digitally through BeachBoard at a discounted price. You will get free access to the course materials on the first day of classes and have until the first add/ drop deadline without W to OPT OUT. After the opt-out deadline, if you choose to stay opted in, you will be charged to your CSULB account permitting more time to pay for the material.

If you want to find out whether your class is enrolled in the D1DA program, you are able to visit your BeachBoard class page or you are able to check with your instructor.

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