When you become a student of a university or a college, usually you will be required to make an email address in the official website of the university or college where you study. It is done so that you are able to make a student account in the website of the university or college that you attend.
You may want to know about student email of Cape Peninsula University of Technology. Well, here we are going to give you some information about that. When you access the official website of Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT), you are able to find Student Email menu in the top right corner of the page. Click on that and you will be brought to a Student Email page. In that page, there will be a link that can bring you to a login email page. Click on the first link which says that you must click on that to login to your MyCPUT mailbox. By clicking that you will be brought to a microsoft online page where you are able to login. What do you have to do there? You need to enter your email address there and then click on Continue button. What do we do if we cannot access our account? Just click the link under email field which says “Can’t access your account?”. By clicking that, you will be required to enter your ID and then enter the characters in the picture or words in the audio and then click on Next. This is done to retrieve your account so that you will be able to login to your email again.
How about Staff Email? This menu also can be found in the top right corner of the website next to Student Email menu. By clicking that, you will be brought to a page of Staff Email page containing a link to access your staff email account. To access your staff email account, you can click on Microsoft Exchange/Outlook link that is available there. After clicking that, you will be brought to the webmail of CPUT where you can log in by entering your Username and password. Do not forget to press Log In after that. Alternatively, you are also able to access your email via Mimecast by clicking on another link that is available there. Click on that link and then you will be brought to a login page of Mime Cast. You may not know how to login to Mimecast. To be able to login to Mimecast, you have to enter your email address and ADS or Outlook password. It is very easy to do. If you need more information on Mimecast, you are able to see it by clicking on a link which is available there. Well, do you know what is Mimecast Personal Portal? It is a webmail portal that permits you to search your personal Archive, manage your Permit/ Block lists and also continue to send and receive email in the event of a mail server outage or for situations when you are not able to access your email.